Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oh the things they say...

While playing Marco Polo with Mimi... "Market" "Pillow"
Telling Daddy... "Your Mommy bought me this purple bucket because purple is my favorite" in reference to Mimi buying Hannah a bucket.
When referring to someones husband... "Who is her Daddy?"
On Abraham Lincoln and George Washington... "George Washington is on the quarter, Abe Lincoln is on the penny" Me: that's really good Hannah why are they on money? Hannah: because they built log cabins. Me: What else did they do? Hannah: President Me: Yes, do you know who our President is today? Hannah: Yes. (pause) Daddy!
Someone asked Hannah what she wanted to be when she grew up: "A Princess"

Hannah and Stuart are walking up some stairs and Stuart says, Hannah let me carry you. Hannah: No I need to walk. Stuart: But your my baby I want to carry you. Hannah: Daddy I will still be your baby but I need to walk.

Hannah - "I am snorking" (pretending to snorkle in the pool"

Sarah was asking Hannah if she knew all of our names. She knows our and frequently if you ask her who her brother is she will say "Huddy" I always ask her "Huddy what?" looking for Yeager. She says "Huddy Buddy". So when asking her what Mimi and Pops names are she said, Mimi is Lynn and Pops is Dentist! (Dennis)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Huddy Buddy

Sick Kids

Warning! These are yucky pictures! But I keep this blog as "baby books" for my kids and like to have records of their lives, in sickness and health.

Sunday morning Stuart called me while I was out of town and told me Hudson's lips were swollen and he had "dots" on his face. We thought it was a food allergy and I Stuart give Hud some Benedryl. When I got home I realized this was not a food allergy and he was sprouting spots by the minute. He had broken out from head to toe in various types of bumps. I brought him to the office first thing Monday morning. Our doctor treated him as viral infection and told me if it wasn't better by Wednesday to return and we would have to draw blood. Hudson was itching but other than that he did not feel bad or have a fever.
Hannah woke up in the middle of the night Monday night with a headache and fever. Afraid she had strep I brought her in first thing on Tuesday morning. I rarely take the kids the doctor so twice in one week was a lot for us! Her throat looked like strep but he swabbed her and it was negative. He treated her with same antiviral as Hud was getting. Hannah was pretty miserable yesterday, she ran fever and complained of her head, throat, and legs hurting. Huddy hadn't really gotten better but we continued to apply two creams and give medicine 3 times a day. We missed our Valentine parties and laid low all day.
Hannah woke up feeling great and has been fever free and her normal self all day. Her throat still looks pretty bad but you wouldn't be able to tell. Hudson is looking much better by the end of tonight. His rash is scabbing over and clearing up. We are hopefully on the mend from this yucky virus that took over our house!


The first week of February I headed to Napa Valley to celebrate my Freshman roomie Robin's Bachelorette weekend! We had a really great time touring, tasting, shopping, and eating.
I flew to Houston Thursday and boarded the same plane as the rest of the group. We arrived in San Fransisco late, rented two cars, and headed towards Napa. We stopped at In and Out Burger before making it to the house. I was disappointed. We had rented a house in Napa for the weekend and it was great, two story with a great pool and hot tub.
Friday morning we left the house at 10:00 for a private shuttle tour of Napa.
Our first stop was Hess.

Then we hit up Artesa

And had some sparkling wine at Domain Carneros
We picked up some sandwiches at a local deli/store and had a picnic at Hagafen and tasted there too.
Our final stop of the day was Silver Oak.
Our house!

We rested for a bit and got dressed and went to the Market for dinner.

The next morning we toured Beringer. We had heard that they have a great tour and they did not disappoint. We toured the caves and the mansion and had a food pairing. Their Reserve Cabernet did not disappoint either.

We headed into town and shopped for a bit. We all know we have sweet spot for cute totes! We loaded up and then headed over to Gotts for burgers and shakes. The weather was fantastic!
After lunch we headed to Napa Wine Company and then on to Jessup Cellars. My favorite! They don't retail their wines in stores :( We did a food pairing and tasting at Jessup before heading back to the house.
Packing up the wine for the trip home.
We dressed up and had a Lingerie and Bachelorette Party before heading out for cocktails.
We scored big on an outdoor table for sunset cocktails at Auberge Du Soleil.
After cocktails we headed to Brix for a nice dinner.
We woke up early Sunday, picked up, packed up and headed back to San Fran. I was lucky to get on an hour earlier flight that would get me back to Midland four hours earlier!
We had a blast and can't wait to celebrate Robin and Scott in March!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be My Valentine

Happy Valentines Day! Monday was Hannah's preschool Valentine Party. I am fortunate to have a job and a boss that allows me to be able to be at all of my kids activities. Hannah received tons of treats and Valentines from all of her little friends!
Today, Tuesday we had to miss out on school parties and other Valentine celebrations. I am reserving another post to blog about the illness that has taken over our home.

We don't just celebrate Valentines Day in this house... It is also MIMI'S BIRTHDAY!!! Happy Birthday Mimi!

Another Visit to the Dentist and some updates!

We made our second emergency trip to the dentist last week as Hannah chipped her tooth. She was pulling herself up on our bar to get something down and came down right onto her tooth! It was the front middle tooth right next to the one we had recently had to have a crown put on! The next day I ran into our Dentist's wife at the hair salon and she had her husband call me. He brought us right in and "fixed" the tooth. This one is damaged and will probably turn purple like the other one but we will watch and see. We are again thankful for our wonderful dentist!

I am finally home after spending 3 weekends in a row out of town and away from my family. Daddy has done a really fantastic job of getting the kids where they need to be, fixing hair, and basically playing Mom and Dad for 3 four day weekends in a row! The first weekend I attended a Junior League conference for Presidents and President Elects. The second weekend I toured the wine country with some of my favorite girls in Napa to celebrate Robin getting married! I will post more on this when I download the pictures. I got back late Sunday night, worked on Monday and turned 31 on Wednesday and turned around left town again to attend another training conference for Junior League. I have really enjoyed the conferences and Napa but I am tired. I have a very busy next two weeks and then I am going to get some R and R!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Oh January, where did you go???

Is it just me or did January fly by? And it flew by without any pictures. Sorry.

Here is a quick run down...
School picked back up and Hannah went on three field trips. Mom was not invited to any of them! She went to the Fire Station (again), to the museum, and to Texas Road House. Hudson's speech therapist left and we are sad. We were making such progress and Hud had a great connection with her. We hopeful to continue our progress with our new therapist. Hannah started Montessori contracts this semester and is completing up to 6 jobs a day!

Hannah had a crown put on her tooth. We believe that she got kicked in the mouth over Christmas break. Her front tooth had started turning purple. We have the best pediatric dentist ever and he did a fabulous job putting a crown on her tooth. She was sedated and we had a wonderful, painless, fearless experience.

The beginning of January I was asked to be President Elect of Junior League. This 2.5 year commitment began the day I said yes. I am honored to be asked and looking forward to the next 32 months. This commitment isn't just mine... Stuart and I are in this together. I will be traveling a good seven or more times over the next two years and Stuart managed to get through his first weekend alone with the kids as I attended my first Junior League conference last weekend.

Granddad had a big birthday! My Grandmother turned 88!

Both kids got registered for school for next year. Hud will attend another year of CDO and Hannah is registered for K4! Wow! Really?!

We have a busy and exciting next two weeks... Until then, I will work on getting some pictures of my favorite kiddos!