While playing Marco Polo with Mimi... "Market" "Pillow"
Telling Daddy... "Your Mommy bought me this purple bucket because purple is my favorite" in reference to Mimi buying Hannah a bucket.
When referring to someones husband... "Who is her Daddy?"
On Abraham Lincoln and George Washington... "George Washington is on the quarter, Abe Lincoln is on the penny" Me: that's really good Hannah why are they on money? Hannah: because they built log cabins. Me: What else did they do? Hannah: President Me: Yes, do you know who our President is today? Hannah: Yes. (pause) Daddy!
Someone asked Hannah what she wanted to be when she grew up: "A Princess"
Hannah and Stuart are walking up some stairs and Stuart says, Hannah let me carry you. Hannah: No I need to walk. Stuart: But your my baby I want to carry you. Hannah: Daddy I will still be your baby but I need to walk.
Hannah - "I am snorking" (pretending to snorkle in the pool"
Sarah was asking Hannah if she knew all of our names. She knows our and frequently if you ask her who her brother is she will say "Huddy" I always ask her "Huddy what?" looking for Yeager. She says "Huddy Buddy". So when asking her what Mimi and Pops names are she said, Mimi is Lynn and Pops is Dentist! (Dennis)