Friday, July 30, 2010

New Look

I may be a pretty consistent blogger, but I am completely technically and computer illiterate. I try though. Last week something happened to my blog and it has literally taken me a week of research and asking for help to get it somewhat looking good again. Not as good as it once was, but new and different. If you knew how long it took me to figure out how to layer pictures in the header you would be amazed. I got a new template and in order for me to see it, I have to maximize my view of the screen. That's okay though because at least it is there. You can now see all my post and pictures again too. My last template lasted over two and half years! Lets see how long I can get away with this one!

I am worn out from re-doing my blog design that I cannot muster up the energy to post any pics right now... I promise to get on that very soon!

Does anyone else realize that we have just a little over a week before we celebrate a big boy's first birthday?!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Hannah and Lillian have been taking swim lessons all summer. Hannah is actually really enjoying them and I have really noticed an improvement. She is actually liking the water this year and asks every day to go swimming. She likes her teacher "Miss Leaf" and minds very well. After taking "Mom and Tot" classes last year I learned that Hannah will not learn or participate if I am around. This year, she swims and I sit up in the observation deck where she cannot see me! We were apprehensive at the beginning of summer and wouldn't even ride on Leaf's back when it was Lillian's turn, but now she is kicking, using her arms, swimming underwater to the side, and jumping in to Miss Leaf.
This has been such a positive experience and I am enjoying watching Hannah improve and enjoy something. I plan on continuing these lessons indefinitely. It is very important that both of my children know how to swim.

Birthday Parties

Hannah loves going to birthday parties. She totally gets it... Cake, Presents, Party Favors!
We had fun at Aubrey's 2nd Birthday last week!

Boy, Oh Boy

He loves to open and shut doors and cabinets

Maybe he just wanted some chips

Or he thought we needed to clean out the pantry...

A Post Dedicated to "Doggy"

Dear Doggy,
You left Nieman Marcus sometime in July of 2008. Hannah and I went to visit Hannah's Great Grandmother shortly after my mom died and Bubbe moved to Dallas. Your Great Grandmother wanted to buy you something after we dined at my favorite restaurant, Nieman Marcus' Mariposa Cafe. You were shiny, new, smelled good, and had a music box inside. When we twisted the plastic handle, you would play some sort of lullaby.
I remember Hannah hugging you all the way home to Midland and then you stayed put in her crib for several months. Over time we realized that Hannah rubbed your tail and needed you to go to sleep. You started traveling with us. One day, the handle of your music box fell off and you never played music again. The smart Mommy I am, had Hannah's Great Grandma buy her a couple of "back up" doggys. We now have 3 or 4 of you. One of them "Other Doggy" as it is referred to by Hannah, still sleeps with you and Hannah but rarely leaves the crib. Hannah likes "Other Doggy" but she loves you. Even after both of you have had a bath, she can still tell the difference. Unfortunately "Other Doggy" no longer has a music box either. There are two other "Doggys" in our house. One in Hannah's closet and another in Hudson's. Although we have told Hannah (who is learning to share) the only thing she doesn't have to share is you, we have one for Hudson if he ever needs you.
Doggy, you have done a lot of things with us. You have traveled to California twice, gone to the zoo and Disneyland. You have been across the ocean to Virgin Gorda and even to Las Vegas. You have been on several airplanes and through the security belt in airports. You were even in a wedding! You ride around in Hannah's car seat with me after we drop off Hannah at school. You have even gone to school in Hannah's backpack. You are an easy traveler and you are always on your best behavior. Sometimes you have to stay in my purse or bag if we accidentally bring you inside somewhere you are not really invited. You love to swing, watch Hannah eat, watch Elmo, and ride in wagons, cars, or strollers. You have been known to show up very frequently on our blog... in nearly every post.
We have almost lost you a couple of times. One time Hannah's Daddy took her for a walk in the stroller and you fell out somewhere in the ally. Daddy had to go out in the dark and back track his steps to find you. You have been know to fall out of the car and stroller every now and then but I try to be very observant and make sure to keep and eye on you. Another time, you got left out in the rain. You had a bath in the washing machine and all was okay. We really do our best to take care of you. We try to keep from getting food on you or accidental fall off of a hotel balcony or stairwell.
All of Hannah's babysitters know you and know how much you mean to us. Betty even gives you a bath once in a while when you start looking dirty and smelling funny.
Our family and close friends know and love you too. You make Hannah happy.
Happy 2nd Birthday Doggy! We Love You!
Love, Hannah's Mommy

Sunday, July 11, 2010

11 Months Old

Can you believe this guy is 11 (plus) months old already? In exactly 4 weeks from today, he will be a 1 year old! Crazy, I know. Little man is still little but seems to be gaining weight by the second. He has 2 new teeth (or top incisors!) bringing us to a total of 4 teeth. We teethe like a champ. Hudson is still sleeping anywhere from 12-13 hours a night. On weekends he has been known to sleep in until 10:30. He does prefer an earlier bedtime than his sister ever has. He also naps 2 to 3 times a day. He pulls up on anything and everything and is starting to try and get to a standing position on his own. He is into everything and its driving Mommy crazy! He loves to eat. He is exceptionally well behaved when eating out. Much better than his 2 1/2 year old sister these days. He loves to eat and eats anything you give him or he finds, this includes the pretzel m&m he just found on the floor under my computer desk... choking hazard, ummmm? He loves to feed himself and has advanced to eating all solid table foods. He got his first taste of Luigi's this week with burger pizza, spaghetti, and bread sticks. He can out eat anyone in our family with breakfast foods. He still nurses around 4 to 5 times a day but takes a sippy cup or drinks through a straw other times. We started introducing whole milk which he drinks as fast as apple juice. I am still in disbelief that I am about to have a 1 year old and a 2 year old!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Fourth of July 2010

We had a wonderful Fourth of July weekend in Dallas. Despite the rain, we were able to enjoy good food, family, and great fireworks!

While at The Gaylord Texan, Hannah kicked her flip flop off and it fell way down into the river! Daddy had to go get it!

Alice in Wonderland exhibit at The Gaylord

Baby White

While in San Antonio a couple of weeks ago I hosted a shower for Lisa and Kent. As you may remember from a few posts ago, Lisa is one of my college roommates, and one of two of them who are expecting girls this summer! (Allison and James welcomed baby Avery on July 4th!)
It has been so much fun seeing these girls pregnant. It seems like just yesterday we were all sitting around discussing the houses we were invited to for Rush, and now we are deciding on baby names!
Baby White, who has yet to be named, should arrive in August and we cannot wait to add another little girl to the Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2032!
Auntie Katy loved Hannah and Hudson

Hannah helped Lisa and Kent open up their gifts

Lisa (Baby White), Jennifer, Robin, Hannah (We missed Allison who couldn't join us because baby Avery was coming!)

Katy, Robin, Lisa