Sunday, January 31, 2010

Virgin Gorda - Little Dix Bay

This last week we spent at Little Dix Bay on the island of Virgin Gorda in the British Virgin Islands. Here are some highlights of our amazing vacation!!!
We left early Saturday morning! It was cold here in Midland but very warm when we landed in Tortola. We flew to Tortola and took a water taxi to Virgin Gorda.

We were able to enjoy a sunset almost evening from different places on the island.

On the water taxi headed to the island.

Hannah immediately jumped in the pool and spent the majority of her days there.

One of my favorite parts about our amazing villa... the out door rain shower! Why shower inside when you can shower outside with a shower head the size of a dinner plate, where you can view the ocean and feel the breeze while taking a nice warm shower.

We took a couple of boat trips, a sunset cocktail cruise and a boat trip to another part of the island to snorkel and picnic.

We had several meals in the pavilion overlooking the water, enjoyed some meals off the island, an Asian buffet, and a chef that came to our villa and cooked while we ate outside overlooking the water. We ate lots and lots of fresh fruit!

Little Dix put baby robes in our rooms, full size cribs (gender specific bedding), and lady primrose (little primrose) bath products for us and the kids.

Hannah entertained her brother by pushing him around the villa.

We took an island tour and hit the hot scenic spots on the island.

Hudson enjoyed his first time swimming. We all enjoyed our private pool at our villa.

The beach was just a few feet away from our villa. Hannah loved the beach as much as the pool.

Our view and our private pool.

We had a golf cart to use all week to get around the property.

Hudson liked the beach too... He and Doggy napped while the rest of us played.

Mommy snorkeled.

Mimi loved on the kids.

The adults hiked to the top of a peak (several times). The view was amazing from the top!

Beautiful waters...

Thanks Mimi and Pops for taking us with you!

Sunsets of the BVI

Friday, January 8, 2010

Did you hear?

Did you hear??? We have a new cousin!!! Ava Claire was born Thursday at 7:39 a.m.

We think she is precious!!!


HAPPY 2010

Happy 2010! We started ended 2009 and started the new decade with a bang!
New Year's Eve, The Brown's brought us by a cute box full of sparkling cider, hats, blowers, poppers etc. to ring in the New Year. And ring in the New Year we did! We got a babysitter and Stuart and I met Laura and Jeremy at Cancun Grill for a festive 5 coarse meal! After dinner we headed out to Green Tree for drinks. They had a live band and we rang in 2010 with good friends and champagne! Friday we headed to Mimi and Pop's house for a traditional New Year's lunch with black eye peas and cabbage. Pop's cooked a turkey, corn beef, potato salad, and salad too. Saturday night we headed to Roger's for football and food and did it again Saturday night at the Gray's for the Tech game! Stuart and I also got a couple of sitters and saw 3 movies in four days! We hadn't been to the movie since before Hannah was born so we are making up for lost time. We saw It's Complicated (hilarious!!!), The Blind Side, and Did You Hear About the Morgan's. All good movies and we enjoyed the time out together.