Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sharpies are Permanent Markers

This is the SECOND dress Hannah has ruined this week with a permanent sharpie marker... She is tall enough to reach in the top drawers in our kitchen and Daddy has been negligent in putting child locks on them (even after we have gotten scissors, pens, candle lighters, etc. out of that drawer in the last week). So, again this evening, as I was sitting on the couch feeding Hudson, Hannah got into the junk drawer and took out a black sharpie. Before I could get it from her, this is what happened. And again, the same thing happened yesterday with a blue sharpie on a sweet monogrammed sundress!

Sweet Baby Hudson

Hudson weighs 8 lbs 2 oz - he is a great eater!

Friday, August 21, 2009

More Hudson

I survived my first week home alone with two kids! It really wasn't bad either. I had some help a couple of days from our regular babysitters and the other days went great. For the most part, Hudson is sleeping about 4 hours at a time most nights. This is wonderful for Mommy. Then, we sleep in until at least 11 and sometimes noon so we are getting plenty of sleep. My sitters came over and got Hannah up and dressed and fed and the other days, she just slept in until 11 or 11:30. Thank you Hannah for being such a great sleeper. Daddy has also taken Hannah on walks every night (tonight we joined him) and that has also given me an opportunity to write thank you notes and play on the computer a bit. We have been blessed by such wonderful friends who have brought dinners to us and we are really enjoying all of our meals and being able to introduce our special friends to Hudson. Because I won't take a newborn out for six weeks, we are getting a little cabin fever! We have taken a couple trips out (both kids stay in the car) and that helps get us a change of scenery. Hannah is still adjusting so well to Hudson. She really just doesn't care. Occasionally she will point out that there is a baby here but for the most part, she is too busy to acknowledge it. It doesn't seem to bother her when I nurse him and the only time I really have to watch is when he is in the swing because she likes to swing him! Hard! Other than that, we are just settling in as a family of four with lots of nursing, burping, feeding, and double diaper changing duty!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Summer Mummers

All the girls!

My crazy husband!

Stuart, Jeremy, and Todd really kept a constant stack of popcorn!

The floor was covered!

What a greasy fun mess we made!

The week before Hudson came we went to Summer Mummers with a group of our fun friends! We started out with a nice dinner at Luigi's and then it was off for a fun night of popcorn throwing! It has been a long time since I have been to Summer Mummers and we had a BLAST! We sat in the back 2 rows and bought and threw so much popcorn that we even set a record that night for the most popcorn ever purchased! Apparently we were too talkative too because we kept getting in trouble! But we had so much fun and it was so much fun to get out with just the adults for night! I stole the pictures from Darby's blog too because I forgot to bring my camera!

Hannah's little friends

Brody, Hannah, Braden, Baryn, Owen

I stole this picture off Darby's blog! A couple of weeks ago I helped her host a Just Ducky clothing show with our other friend Janai. Here are all of our little ones modeling their Just Ducky apparel!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hannah and Hudson

I guess Hannah thought Hudson needed his face cleaned...
Poor guy... He is going to have to be tough with this big sister around!

Friday, August 14, 2009

New Postings!

I was finally able to spend some time updating my blog this evening. I know I still need to change my header but that may not come until after Hudson has his newborn pictures taken next month. In the mean time, feast your eyes on these juicy posts! You can click on them or just scroll down. Enjoy!

Baby Hudson - Birth and the following days

Home Sweet Home

Meet your baby brother

Do you think they look alike?

Do you think they look alike?



Hannah and Hudson definitely look different from each other. Hannah was born with a full head of dark dark hair. Hudson has a little bit of hair, but it is much lighter. Hannah had a rounder face and softer girly features where Hudson looks like a boy. Both have their Mommy's chin!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Meet your baby brother

Sunday night Stuart brought Hannah up to the hospital to meet her little brother for the first time. She had seen him in the nursery the night before but it was difficult to explain to a 19 month that her brother was among all of those babies! Once he got to our room she could see him better. When she first came in she was just excited to see me. Then, she would point to the bassinet and say "baby". We let her hold him but she lost interest quickly and was far more interested in moving my bed up and down, the balloon, cookies, the big dog that Granddaddy brought for Hudson, the gifts our friends had brought for her, and the IV pole and Pulse Ox machine! Needless to say, after several days of the same thing, she has no clue that this baby is the baby we referred to inside my belly and that this baby is taking up permanent residency in her house!

Now that he is home she hasn't seem to notice much that there is a new occupant here. He stays in our room most of the time and she will go in and say "baby" and when he is in my arms she will poke him and say "baby". She seems to be adjusting well. We have to watch her closely because she tries to offer him treats (wheaties that we give to our dogs!), fruit snacks, and toys. But she really could care less and seems to not even notice he is here most of the time. Today he was in the swing in the living room and she kept trying to swing him and we had to keep telling her that baby was "night night" and to let him sleep.

To help her adjust we bought her her own baby to feed. She has enjoyed "feeding" and putting to bed her baby. But again, there is no correlation.

We are so blessed to have two babies in our home! Hannah, only 19 months is still such a baby but such a big girl! She is talking so much and follows commands so great! She seems HUGE compared to him and feels like she weighs a ton! I have enjoyed being able to spend time with her while Hudson is sleeping. With Stuart being home too it has also helped. He has taken her to run errands, fed her, and entertained her when I couldn't or so I could sleep. Today, Friday, he took her to the Children's Museum. We are settling in to a new normal with two kids!