Monday, May 26, 2008

Check out my new bikini!
Putting the sunscreen on my pale belly
Swimming with Mommy

Keeping cool in the pack and play
My Daddy drying me off
Happy Memorial Day! Today we spent the afternoon at Mimi and Pops' house swimming! This was Hannah's first time to go swimming. She seemed to enjoy it but Mommy was a little bit paranoid about her getting burned so she spent a lot of time hanging out in the shade inside the pack and play that Mimi set up for her. Daddy cooked burgers and Susie, Jason, and Austen and Sara came over to swim too. We had a lot of fun and look forward for spending more family days by the pool this summer!

Memorial Weekend with Susie and Jason

Playing with Aunt Susie
I love this new Elmo doll, especially when he sings!

Aunt Susie thinks it is cute when I suck my thumb

Hanging out with Aunt Susie and Jason

I Love my Great Grandma

My Best Friend Daisy gives the best kisses!

This weekend Susie and her boyfriend Jason came to visit us. We had a great weekend and all probably gained a couple of pounds. Jason has lived in New York all of his life, so we enjoy exposing him to traditional Texas foods including barbecue, Mexican food, and chicken fried steak! Stuart spent all day Sunday on our yard again cleaning out the flowerbeds that we will re-plant soon. He did a great job! I got a little bit of studying done but spent most of the weekend hanging out with Susie and Jason.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Fun Toys

We are constantly finding that Hannah is becoming more and more interested in some of her older toys like her Baby Einstein play gym, becoming bored of old toys like the Bumbo, and ready for new toys like her new excersaucer! Last night, Stuart, Hannah, and I went Toys R Us for a pack and play and left with an exersaucer, a pink umbrella stroller, water guns, foam swords (the last two for Stuart!), a pack-and-play, and a sheet for the pack-in-play. I think that is it. I have convinced Stuart that we need a pack-and-play so that Hannah can sleep in our room once the cradle is gone. *Not that Hannah is going to permanently live in our bedroom, but just in case, she wants (Mommy wants) to sleep in our room, I would rather her be in a pack-and-play than in our bed. Anyways, just clearing that up. Hannah will eventually have to let her friend Aubrey borrow her cradle when she arrives this July. Stuart actually had a really good time at Toys R Us and we are really looking forward to shopping for Hannah in the next few years. We were on our way to check out when Stuart found an entire isle of toy Home Depot tools! (An entire isle???) I thought I may have to leave him there until the store announced that they were closing in 5 minutes and I really wanted to get home to watch the American Idol finale that I Tivo'd. Stuart stayed up really late putting together our newest toy which is a huge hit!

Not too much else going on around here. Stuart and I have been walking the neighborhood with Hannah and the dogs during the evenings and this week I made a commitment (and followed through) to cook dinner and cut out Sonic drinks. I cooked 3 out of 4 nights so far and have not had a Sonic drink once. Not that I am giving up on Sonic forever, I just feel that 3 to 4 Route 44 Diet Cokes with Vanilla and Cream a day was getting a little excessive. Even though I have am still using my gift card I got for Mother's Day...

Thankfully, most of my TV show seasons are winding down and I can spend a little bit more time studying for my up-coming exam. Last weekend I got a lot of studying done but this weekend, Susie and Jason will be in town so we will probably spend time with them and I won't get much done. On another note, I have had this sinus crud again all week and now Hannah has it. Poor Hannah! She is so snotty! She didn't sleep well at all last night because of it and didn't nap much today. I did get her a decongestant called in so hopefully that will help her sleep better tonight.

And, for my final thought... Does anyone else watch (and love) the show Jon and Kate Plus 8? Oh, it is my favorite!!! It comes on like 4 or 5 times on Monday nights on TLC (Channel 33 here). If you haven't seen it before, I highly recommend you TIVO or DVR it this Monday for a lot of episodes. Even Stuart enjoys it. These lovely people have two sets of multiples twins and sextuplets! They are so cute and so funny! Always something funny happening there! You have to watch!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Who reads our blog???

Are you family? Are you a friend of Stuart (ie. a guy!)? Are you a friend of mine? Or do you not even know us? Answer our poll to the left! And feel free to leave a comment once in a while. Is anyone reading our blog?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! I am so excited and grateful to be a mommy to Hannah on my first Mother's Day.
Stuart and I have had a really nice weekend, so far. Friday night, Grandmommy babysat and we went to The Garlic Press with 5 other friends and had a really wonderful evening. We have not done that but one time since Hannah was born. We really need to do that more often. It was great to hang out with our friends! Saturday we went to lunch with Pops at Dos and then because Austen and Sara were already in the store, I got Stuart to go into Le Bebe with me while they shopped for baby Aubrey there. Then we went to Baby Biz and helped Austen and Sara pick up their baby furniture and Stuart and I checked out "big girl" car seats. Stuart and I also ran several errands together with Hannah behaving really well. Finally, Stuart picked up Chili's for dinner and we took a long walk with the dogs and Hannah in her jogging stroller. Stuart stayed up late cleaning out the garage. Today, we had lunch with my parents and grandmother at the Country Club for Mother's Day and hopefully we will have dinner with Mimi and Pops tonight!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Working with Pops

Today Hannah got to visit Pops at work while Mommy ran a baby-free (quick) errand. Carrie was so nice to take some pictures of her "working" with Pops and send them to me.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hannah's 4 month Well Check

Today was Hannah's 4 month well check. Hannah remains in the 95th percentile for height and weight and weighs 16 lbs today and is 25 inches long. In four months we have grown 5 inches and doubled our birth weight. She was very unhappy at her check-up and cried from the second Dr. Nabulsi put her on the table until we left. I think she was just tired, we aren't usually up at 9:30 am. After her 2 month shots we had a rough time. So far we are doing pretty well. As I type this, she is sitting in her bouncing smiling and squealing at me (speaking of, its time for a dose of Tylenol). We had a really good check up and Hannah got 5 shots and her oral vaccine.
Not too much else to blog about... Hannah is making a new face (see above picture) where she tucks her bottom lip in. I have been desperately trying to snag time here and there to study for my certification exam but I find it extremely difficult to study and entertain all at the same time. Last Saturday Hannah and I walked in the March of Dimes walk at the college. Our friends, The Kruegers, are the March of Dimes Ambassador Family this year, their daughter Hannah was born prematurely last June. It was kind of chilly outside but Hannah didn't seem to mind.