Saturday, April 26, 2008

Roll Over, Roll Over

Who's that pretty baby looking back at me?

Look at those legs!

Hannah rolled over this week! Tuesday I put her down in her crib with this new mirror/toy I had gotten for her for some tummy time. I walked away and came back in and she was screaming! but, she was on her back!!! We have now rolled over several times since then. It still startles her a little bit and she can't figure out how to get back on her tummy. Hannah is still sleeping in her cradle in our room at night but she moves from end to the other and ends up head first in the corner. I think it is about time to move her to her crib in her room. I have really enjoyed her sleeping in our room where I can wake up and see her. I think I enjoy it so much because she is so good and such a great sleeper. If she still woke up during the night, she would of probably been relocated a while back. Stuart won't let me move her crib into our room, so it looks like she is going to have to be a big girl and move to her own room (or maybe its me who needs to be the big girl here). Maybe she can stay until she can sit up on her own or until baby Aubrey gets here and we loan our cradle to our friends Austen and Sara.... whichever comes first.

We had a pretty nice week. All of my shows have returned with Monday and Thursday nights being my favorites. I watch a lot of TV. I did TIVO all of these so don't think I spent 4 hours a night watching TV. So, this week I watched Desperate Housewives, The Bachelor, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, The Hills, The Paper, Greek, American Idol (both days... I am rooting for David Cook but I also like Brooke White) America's Next Top Model, Real World Hollywood, Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, and Days of Our Lives about 4 days. There you go, I am a Prime Time junky!
While I wasn't watching TV... I went to this new baby store in Midland called Le Bebe, its in the shopping center with Garlic Press, RSVP, and Ann McCann's, its a super cute store and Hannah got some new sandals. Friday night, Hannah stayed with Grandmommy and Stuart and I went to a wedding shower for our friend Lauren who is getting married to Matt in June. It was great to see her and her family and we had a nice time getting to dress up and go out. Saturday, I did some well checks at the clinic and Stuart went to Kerville for our friends' Luke and Betsy's wedding. I have known both of them since second and third grade. I am not ready to leave Hannah overnight yet, so we stayed here for a "girls night."

Friday, April 18, 2008

I heart my thumb

I really don't have too much to blog about this week. We didn't do much. Hannah has been a joy sleeping until 12:00 everyday and sucking that thumb. She has also become very interested in rings (colorful plastic rings) and hanging things. She is grabbing the rings with both hands and taking them to her mouth. We are constantly amazed at her growth and development.


Mommy graduated today!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Not a lot to blog about

Trying out our highchair for the first time

I won't be taking food for the next few months but I still like sitting up in my own chair while mom and dad eat

Dancing with Daddy at Brittany and Bubba's Wedding (Can you believe we will dance with Daddy at our own wedding one of these days!)
Looking pretty for my first wedding

Sucking my

Not too much going on here this week in the Yeager house. Stuart and I have both been a little sick with colds. I worked at the clinic on Monday and Wednesday but spent Tuesday and today resting. Tomorrow I need to get some errands done. But, it has been very nice to lay around the house and not have any school to do. However, this big test is starting to loom over my head and I got a big box of review stuff in the mail yesterday. Stuart has been very productive around our house this week. He has finished some older projects and started and finished some new ones.
Last weekend we took Hannah with us to our friend Brittany's wedding. There were several other babies and young children there. We also got to see her little friend Jackson (Our friend Brandon and Kimberly's little one). She acted very good at the wedding and looked very cute! She even got to dance with her Daddy at the reception.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hannah's Room

A few things to "Blog" about...

Hannah 3 months old

Here are a couple of new pictures. One is just of Hannah now 3 months old and the other is Hannah and Mommy working on school. This has been what we have done for the past few months.

Here's whats going on in the Yeager home...
1). DONE. I am DONE with graduate school! 3 long years of Grad school, plus 2 years of nursing school, and 4 years at A&M. I am finally done with school. I turned in my last assignments/clinical papers today. I don't technically graduate until the 18th, but it doesn't matter. To me, I am DONE. (I also still have a huge certification exam I have to take, but lets not rain on my parade right now!) For the time being, I will continue to work 2 days at the clinic for additional experience. Then, I will transition into a part-time position as a PNP after I become certified and get my prescription privileges.
2). Daisy. Every time I come home with Hannah or my mom brings her home, Daisy thinks we are bringing home a brand new baby! She gets so excited! She practically propels herself into the carseat licking Hannah everywhere. Thankfully Hannah doesn't seem to mind. It is really funny though.
3)Hannah. Hannah is hilarious! As I am typing, she is lying in my lap just talking and cooing! I love it. She laughs at us all of the time. And loves to smile! Her best times are in the morning right when she wakes up. She is so happy and interacts so well with us. I just love watching her personality come out. Baby Einstein movies are a new form of entertainment for her. She can almost sit in her swing and watch an entire one before getting restless.
4) Sleep. People are always asking me how Hannah is sleeping. Just in case I haven't bragged to you, Hannah sleeps an average of 12 hours a night. I have the best baby ever! I like to think that I have trained her to do this. Generally, we put her down about 10:30 and she will sleep until about 10:00. I am still having to get up and pump around 8:00 or so, but I go back to sleep and wake up about 10:00 and feed her. On days that I work, she gets woken up at 7:15 and I take her to my mom's house where I feed her and then go to work. After I feed her, she will go right back to sleep and usually sleeps until noon when Grandmommy wakes her up to eat.
5)Thumb sucker. We have found our thumb. In the past week we have gone from trying to stick our whole fist in our mouth to isolating our thumb and sucking. I would of preferred she take a pacifier instead but I guess it wasn't my choice. Fortunately and Unfortunately she really only does this when she is hungry. I was hoping she would take a pacifier as a comfort measure which she has not. She will take it for a few minutes but is definitely not attached. If she is going to suck her thumb, I hope she will use it to comfort herself. She also has not chosen a dominant thumb. She switches from her right and left often. Now, as I am typing, she has that thumb in her mouth! I will have to take a picture of that when she is not sitting on my lap.

And now for the news of the week... The snow cone stand is up now by Ski Skeller! Pink Lemonade is my favorite and I am trading my September through April treat (diet vanilla cokes with cream from Sonic) for a daily Pink Lemonade snow cone. (Okay, maybe not daily, and I am probably not giving up on Sonic... But I am truly excited about snow cone season!)