
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Spring endings

One fun part of April and May is the end of soccer seasons and also tumbling season for Lucy.  Yay!  It's nice to be done but the kids all had a good time.  Isaac did start having asthma half way through the season so that was a bit of a bummer and it made him a little nervous to play but he didn't love soccer and is ready to be done with it.  Esther loves soccer and wants to shoot for another year next year.  She has played many times with her good friend Abby.   It was fun to see these girls have a great season.  Lucy LOVED her Tuesday night tumbling and it was fun to come watch her tumbling review and see all that she has learned.  She is really getting good at her front and back handsprings and she would like to continue in tumbling but John and I are trying to encourage her to try something new.  

One quick story..  Isaac lost his tooth the other day at school and he got a tooth necklace to go with his tooth and wore that around for a few days.  Then one night he was crying hard and I asked what was wrong and through sobs he told me he was so sad because he really wanted a dollar from the tooth fairy but he also really wanted to keep his tooth.  (Have I mentioned he is a bit of a hoarder? He would keep every gum wrapper if I let him).  Anyway...  once he explained his tears I was tired and maybe a little cranky and told him that was kind of a silly thing to cry about and to go to his room if he wanted to keep crying about something like that because there were other kids starving in the world.  He went off and finally calmed down and I pretty much forgot about it.  In the morning I was making breakfast and Isaac came down all excited and told me the tooth fairy had come and she even left a note!  I knew a certain tooth fairy had completely forgotten about the tooth drama so I asked to see the note.  Sweet little Lucy had gotten together with Esther and used her money to give him a dollar and also write a note to him telling him of course he could keep the tooth.  I was impressed with her thoughtfulness to her brother but also wishing he would have learned that he can't have everything wants but let it go for this one time.  :)  Kids are fun and funny. Nuff said.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Beach Vacay with the Hess Family

We had the most amazing trip to Oceanside, California.  My dad rented this beautiful big house RIGHT on the beach and it was just SO BEAUTIFUL!  If I had all the money in the world I would definitely be living on the beachfront.  We had such a great time mostly just hanging out at the beach house.  It was healing and relaxing and fun to be together.  
This was the view from our balcony.  We had the top floor of the house with two bedrooms and two bathrooms.  My kids were in heaven.  

After church on Sunday we went to the Mormon battalion museum. They had a really fun presentation and the kids got to pan for gold.  
This was our souvenir picture from the museum.  Some of us went for the old fashioned serious look and some of us didn't.  

Then we went to explore the tide pools and we didn't see much sea life but it was breathtaking.

Isaac loved playing and snuggling with Adelaide.

Almost every day we would walk to the that was around a half a mile away.  I'm not sure what is going on with my pants,:)  We saw dolphins pretty much every day!

The water was cold but we donned our wetsuits and hit the waves. 

Wes mostly played in the sand.  They had tons of fun getting dirty.  

Dad and Ann ready to boogie board.

John and I and a few of my siblings went to the zoo one day.  The girls stayed home with Papa and Nannie--it was so hot and so much walking we kind of wished we had stayed home too but the boys seemed to like it okay.  

The kids loved collecting shells and rocks and pretending they had stores set up and bartered and traded with each other for the rocks or shells they wanted.  We all loved beach combing.  Our favorites were these white smooth rocks that we collected a whole bunch of.  

Could this kid be any cuter?  Right after this he ate his entire adult sized burger in five minutes.  

The sunset perks of a beachfront property.  Aaaaah.....

The boys attempted some surfing without too much success.  But it was a valiant effort.

My dad with his glasses doubled up.  Love this guy.  

Auntie Lauren and Wes hanging out on the beach with Lige zonked in the background.

So sad to leave this patio and this view.  We could have stayed for weeks or months or years.  

Friday, April 01, 2016

Wes troubles

Wes has always been our busiest little guy.  He climbs, gets into all things he shouldn't, opens all unlocked cabinets and doors, etc...  He just has a knack for finding trouble.  For a long time he has been able to open the fridge and will even drag chairs over so he can reach high in the fridge for a yogurt.  The other day he brought a bowl of rice and spoon upstairs from the fridge and thought he would have some "oatmeal."   I went and found him the real oatmeal and he ate the whole bowl straight cold.  Wes is at least very good at apologizing.  When he gets in trouble he quickly says "Sorry Mom."  For example, every time he decides to write on himself or the table he will retort, "Sorry Mom... just on paper??"  Yes Wes.  Just on paper!  Not on skin, tables, or walls.  One of the worst bits of trouble that Wes has found is dragging a chair to the medicine cabinet (which is usually locked), finding the childrens ibuprofen and drinking a large medicine cup of it (at least 2.5 tablespoons!!)  I was so worried and mad and of course had to call poison control for the second time in his life.  Fortunately, he was in no danger and survived the incident.  The poison control guy told me to avoid giving him any ibuprofen for pain or fever in the next 24 hours.  Right..  I will definitely steer clear from additional ibuprofen.  Then after it all happened and things calmed down Esther said..  "Mom, did you know you swore twice during that?"  Yes, Esther.  I am sorry... sometimes during extreme duress a small dammit or two might come out.  That girl has a very strong moral compass.  I'm glad she is a really good kid with a good heart.  But some day she will probably understand how a swear might some out when you think your child has poisoned themselves and it's mostly your fault for not watching them like a hawk all the time.  Sigh..  Anyway..  Wes keeps us on our toes and keeps us laughing.  He is hilarious.  He knows when I'm mad and he asks me in a funny growly mad voice, "So mad???  So mad???"  I sure love that kid and I'm so glad he is still alive.  :) 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Kiddos

I really love Easter.  Not just because they kids wear cute new Sunday clothes.  It is such a hopeful holiday as we reflect on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the hope that brings us in our lives.  I always think a lot about my mom, brother and Iris.  They all experienced bodies that broke down or had huge flaws and some day their spirit will be reunited with their body and they will be perfect.  They will never be so sick or broken again.  I can't wait to see them that way.   In Primary I told the kids about my brother Sam and how he LOVED basketball and he was always training and practicing and trying to be better.  I would go for runs with him occasionally (and unwillingly) and I was so much slower he would run in front of me, backwards, encouraging me to keep running.  After his mission he got cancer and it started breaking down his very fit body.  He couldn't breathe very well, he lost his hair, his legs just gave out on him sometimes.  And eventually the cancer took his life.  But someday I know he will be playing basketball again and running circles around me.  I am so thankful for Jesus.  I will love him FOREVER for giving me this eternal hope and also these amazing kids and my best friend John.  I have a very good life. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


As a mom there are some things that drive me CRAZY and this is one of them.  Isaac is generally in a rush to do the everyday things like putting on his shoes and without fail he goes most days with his shoes looking like this.  With the "chad" shoved all the way down inside his shoe and just looking at it makes me uncomfortable.  Of course, Isaac says he likes them that way! 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Easter eggs!

This year for our Easter Egg dyeing we decided to try a Martha Stewart method that seemed fairly basic along with some regular dyed eggs.  It actually turned out really well to our surprise.  We ended up with lovely speckled eggs.  Wesley could even do old Martha's method.  We had enough eggs for egg salad sandwiches all week.  My favorite. 

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Orlando Va-cay!

Thanks to John's Delta points and Marriott points we had the chance to go to Orlando again.  We picked it again because we had such a great time last time, wanted to go somewhere warm but not too far away, and we also really loved the hotel (mostly the pools).  The kids love going on the airplane and wanted to pack their bags a week before we were even going.  In Thompson fashion, two days before we were going I got a stomach bug and temporarily freaked out but the next day felt much better and was even able to help get the house clean before we left.  My dad and Ann were so sweet to come with us even though I am sure it was far from their ideal vacation.  They were great to have along and my kids really loved spending time with them too.  

Esther and Lulu on the airplane!

Swimming the first night even though it is only 67 degrees and getting dark.  Just the kids swam, of course.  

On the monorail for our first day at Magic Kingdom, poncho'd up!


Isaac excited for his favorite ride.  

He was a terrible but determined driver.  I loved watching his face while he drove and bumped into track keeping us on, repeatedly.  

The girls on their favorite teacups!  It was a perfect day--we did every ride we wanted and hardly waited at all.  We started off at the Snow White Mine Train and Esther cried because she didn't want to ride it but then after Lucy went on it and said it was fine she rode it, but still didn't like it.  Why do we take our kids to Disneyworld?  Oh right, for the teacups.  :)

The People Mover is always a favorite with my kids, except Wes didn't like the dark parts of any of the rides.

The token Castle picture at DisneyWorld.

This was from Day 2 at Epcot.  A very very rainy day.  

Esther was happy Test Track was closed all day so we didn't pressure her to go on it.  I think Epcot is her favorite park because there are no scary rides.  The rest of us feel we could have skipped that park, especially with Test Track AND Soarin' closed.  

Hats were worn every day because the extreme humidity does not make for the prettiest hair.  On the other hand our skin felt great and we were not nearly as thirsty as when we are in Utah.  

The token Epcot ball picture with our lovely ponchos.  

Lucy with lots of funky going on at Hollywood Studios.
Thanks to one of Clint's friends (Dan's old roommate) we were able to get a fast pass for Toy Story Mania and for free ice cream.  This ride is one of our favorites even though John beat us all by a lot.  Clint was so sweet to hook us up with fast passes at Magic Kingdom too but it was so uncrowded we hardly had to use them.  

Wes loved wearing his new sunglasses from Nannie.  

We went to the Waffle House on Saturday morning and it never disappoints.  Yum.  

We were going to go to the Kennedy Space Center on Saturday as well until we saw the admission price and the long line just to buy the tickets and to get in to the center.  Pass!!

We all LOVED the beach.  The weather was perfect and even John and I got in the water because it was so warm.  Esther and I were trying to body surf and saw a manatee five feet away.  We didn't know it was a manatee until Ann asked the lifeguard.  We got out as soon as we saw it because of course we worried it was a shark!
 Lucy was the star sea shell collector.  She went on a long walk with me and Papa and Nannie to find the best on the beach.

Isaac was the sand man!  He couldn't get enough it.  

Cute beach girls.  So happy to be here and not in Utah where it was SNOWING.  

Building a sand mound with Dad.

We forgot to bring Wesley's swim suit and he got so wet we had to put Lucy's swim shirt on him on the way home.  He looked so dorky I had to take a picture.  

We visited the Orlando Temple on Sunday.  It was gorgeous.  I talked to the kids about how different it feels to be on the temple grounds compared to the feeling of DisneyWorld.  Peace.  Aaaaaah.  

I sure have cute kids.  

Lucy asked me to take this shot of her.  She is adorable.  

Our whole gang.  One of the only pics of all of us.  Not the best pic but there we are.  :)

We ate at Yellow Dog Eats after going to the temple.  It was recommended by Dan and it did not disappoint.  It was run by this hippie guy who was interesting but we had a good time.  

After that we walked around the city of Celebration, a Stepford Wives type town.  

Then we got a Dole Whip at the Polynesia Resort to finish off our day.  Esther had been dreaming of getting a Dole Whip. 

John and I got to have a day at Universal with out the kids.  We originally thought we would take them but realized how few rides they would actually enjoy there and decided it was best to have them skip.  Esther still wanted us to pick up a Hermoine wand in Harry Potter World.  

John and I in Hogsmeade.  We enjoyed a couple butter beers, rode all the rides including 2 times on the dueling dragons coaster, and ate some delicious British fare for lunch.  

We rented a 15 passenger van for our crew and Isaac liked to sit in the back on his very own row.  

We went to Magic Kingdom for the second time the next week.  It was much more crowded but we still enjoyed half a day there and went home to swim.  

Isaac ready for his favorite ride, Dumbo!

Wes looking adorable on the People Mover.

Swimmers!  Wes is not like any of my other kids.  He just wanted to float around in the deep on his own.  Then he started jumping off the ladder into the deep and then swimming back to the ladder over and over.  He couldn't get enough of the water.  

Dad and Ann went to Universal the day we went back to Magic Kingdom and they brought us home  a donut from Larders (from the Simpsons area.  The donut was as big as Isaac's head. 
The day we were scheduled to fly out we went to Animal Kingdom in the morning.  I think all of us were a little tired but we still enjoyed our last day of warm weather and the animals.  Isaac said he wanted to just go wait at the airport but I think he still liked it too.  

Wes couldn't get enough of Nannie.  He was always wanting her to hold him and not me or John.  

The petting zoo was a big hit with the kids.  Especially the brushing of the goats.  

Lucy and Isaac brushing another goat.  Esther wouldn't touch the animals.  She might be exactly like me.  

Wes and Esther on the Safari ride.  A favorite for all of us.  

Isaac and Papa on Safari.  

Just one of many cool animals we got to see up close. 

Heading to the airport.  I almost teared up.  How was it over so fast!!  (The girls were really excited to come on this trip and finally use their new matching luggage they bought with their Christmas money)

Mark Eaton ended up being on our flight and my dad tried to strike up a conversation when we got back to Salt Lake and were waiting for our luggage.  It was VERY COLD outside when we got home.  Hard to adjust but always good to be back home in our own beds and our own spaces.