Yesterday I posted a helpful link to Mandy's Nocturnal Journal where she'll start a series of blog posts geared at helping authors, writers, aspirings (whoever you are and whatever you call yourself) reach their goals. In the spirit of that topic, I also found this link to AuthorMBA with and article today by Jaci Burton, entitled Taking Your Career Seriously.
Marketing with Mandy - A New Blog Series worth looking at
Mandy Roth on her Nocturnal Journal Blog has started a new series on Marketing geared toward aspiring and published authors. I think it's great, esp considering she has a degree in marketing. I highly recommend bookmarking her blog and checking back as new posts come up.
The first topic she has up is: Marketing with Mandy: Websites—Getting Started
Have a wonderful day everyone, and make sure you comment and post questions over there (or here and I'll pass them along) letting her know what marketing topics you'd like her to cover!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
As with children, you can’t really pick a favorite, but a couple new editions are two English Bulldogs, ‘Lord Winston’ and ‘Lady Annabelle’. At almost a year old and just over 60lbs each, these two troublemakers have to be the world’s biggest lapdogs. But you try looking into their adorable, wrinkled faces and telling them they need to get up once your legs go numb from lack of blood flow.
<----Lady Annabelle, English Bulldog
Naturally stubborn, they are a fearless—even in oncoming traffic. Ironically, they love water, but are so dense in body type as a breed, they sink straight to the bottom of a pool or lake. Anna’s more a rebellious leader, plotting and instigating escapes from the back yard with Winston working as her muscle.
Anna is PRECOCIOUS and we butt heads constantly, but as soon as she's in trouble, she's instantly trying to make it better. She's also sensitive and likes small spaces. She spends a lot of her time under tables, desks, blankets, chairs. When she was a baby, she'd lay under our low-to-the-ground coffee table and swat out at passing feet. She no longer fits, but that doesn't stop her from trying to get back under there.
***Make sure you check back next week for the next pet day!!!!***
I love Garden Gnomes. Some might call them tacky, but I really do love them, lol...
Gnome Liberation Front website has been shut down
Yep, it's a sad fact. But I'm really happy to hear that the fight is going underground. I wish you luck brave liberators! The sad plight of all gnomes rests in your able hands! More on the GLF
Luckily, others are also in on the fight to liberate the garden gnome! To find liberators in your area, go to Googleand type in the secret codewords in the search box. Secret codewords: Garden Gnome
Helpful link of the day:
" provides Garden Gnome Liberation information and calls to action. We advocate an end to oppressive gardening and freedom for garden gnomes everywhere."
Everyone's welcome to stop by and comment, don't be shy! I tend to keep it relaxed around here.
Want to hear me blog about a topic? Have an idea for a blog theme day? Want your blog on my blogroll? Want to contemplate the different shades of red toenail polish? Feel free to email!