This was our first year decorating a real size tree. Sure, it may be while we are living at our parents' house :) but it is a farewell to years past and the phase of life with our mini tree (2007 and 2009).
Houst is always up for a family project and Christmas tree decorating was no exception. He was happy to help daddy through every step of the project. It was so beautiful, even before it was done, that we had to take family pictures. Michael decided to re-enact the top right picture with his mommy and daddy. He looks like a lollipop kid. We were very excited to do it on December 1 so we were able to enjoy it all month long. Good times!
The week after the cruise we stayed at the Johnsons. Usually we only come to town for a few days and are busy busy busy, so it was kind of nice to come and just BE together. We enjoyed a LOT of food, relaxing together and going to South Coast Plaza. On Thanksgiving, we woke up and headed for the Turkey Bowl. It made Thanksgiving complete even though Michael did get a little banged up. We each had assignments for the feast. Michael signed up for sweet potatoes... oh my word... BEST SWEET POTATOES EVER! I think he might have to make them every year because they were so yummy! Thanks Char and Bill for letting us come play with you all week. It was a wonderful vacation.
Last year, the Gates side started a new tradition of gift giving for Christmas. Instead of presents under the tree (paying for shipping across the country and taking a stab at a store bought gift that they may or may not like), we started doing gifts of service. Names were secretly assigned to each of us and we needed to think of that person and do a service in honor of them.
This year the Hocks decided to join the fun and start their own Christmas of Service. Michael and I really enjoy the tradition as it helps us focus on the true meaning of Christmas as well as makes us really think about the person we are assigned to. We know it is a LOT harder than just buying gifts, but on Christmas morning when we get to read all the posts, it is totally worth it!
If you have time, check out our services this year:
The day after Disneyland (November 23) we headed to Angels stadium for a tour. Michael and I have done a few of these and really enjoy hearing the stories of different legends, no matter how passionate we are about the team, and seeing the different locker rooms, wall of fames, press rooms, etc. One of the old timers leading the tour was sporting his Championship ring so I asked to take a picture of it. I think he was pretty proud and happy to show it off. We went at a perfect time. There were a number of times that they mentioned the infamous 2002 World Series. I'm pretty sure Michael would have shed a tear if he wasn't still on the high of the current World Series Champions.
We were happy to have the Conleys join us despite their non-love of the game. We hope they enjoyed it as much as we did. Houston was pretty stoked to see Mickey again after we left "Mickey's house" the day before. After the tour was over we got side tracked by the life size diamond in front of the stadium. Houston and Brooklyn had been so good during the tour that we decided to run the bases with them for a mock inning. I was proud of Tiff, the catcher, for even getting in on the action (bottom right)! We thought it was a pretty great little activity for under $10. Thanks for coming with us Conleys.
After the cruise, we were very excited to see our little man. We were pretty good throughout the week not to just sit and pine over him the whole time. However any time we would see a young toddler or happen to flip through our camera and see pictures of him from before the cruise, we would get a little verklempt. We were extremely excited to see him as he was to see us. I think he missed us less than we missed him. When we got to Tiff's house, he was like, "hey guys, let me show you my new pad" like he was off at college or something! Tiff and Ryan did so great at loving him and taking him in as their own for the week. Thanks so much guys! The next day we headed out to the Happiest Place on Earth. Again, shout out to Tiff for tapping into her Facebook friends to hook us up with tickets. Houston and I went back in May, but it was so much better with Michael and with Houston being just 6 months older to enjoy it a bit more instead of him getting excited by the sewer drains. It was also a big plus to be there in November so we could enjoy the Christmas decorations. It had been a while since I had seen those. It really is amazing the power this place has. There is something truly magical that just makes me giddy and excited. We headed straight for Mickey's house. The line was like 1 hour plus and I paused like, "are we sure" but Michael would NOT have it! He made it very clear that we were there to watch Houston see Mickey and McQueen, even if that is all we do! Houst and Brooklyn didn't seem to mind too much. They just liked being together. We also played a little Connect Four on Tiff's smarty phone. Other highlights of the day included Toy Story Mania (my personal favorite) and Houston's other favorite, the carousel. How great are those pictures of my excited little boy? Well, that leads me to possibly my favorite thing which was Michael- I love it when he lets his inner boy out. Going with Tiff and Ry, the Disney experts, they know where every camera is. Michael doesn't. So all of the ride cams captured true little Michael boy glee and I love it! I was kind of bummed when he finally got the hang of it and started acknowledging the cameras (middle bottom). We took the kids home and had dinner at Char's house. Then Michael, Tiff, and I headed back to use up our fast passes we had been collecting all day. I was a little bummed that I had not realized the restrictions of being pregnant, but I just sat and watched Fantasmic while Tiff and Michael did the "non-prego" rides. It was a VERY fun day! Thanks to Tiff for finding us tickets. Thanks Char and Bill for coming and providing your classic lunch. Thanks Cole and Bright for hookin' us up with handicapped access. It was an AWESOME day! A great transition from cruise life to relaxing in Orange County for Thanksgiving.
Chrstimas Eve we had a beautiful prime rib dinner followed by the tradition of being each others stocking elves. Eileen had us start this a few years ago and I think it is great (obviously... look at top middle picture in the collage below- I'm kind of a nerd). I don't know if it will work with little ones around so that is a bummer that it might be the last year to do it. We each get $20 and draw a name that also has a list of things that person wants in their stocking. We head to Target and we all have 20 minutes to be Santa's secret elves. Michael and I actually had each other this year. We came home to read and re-enact the Nativity. Houston re-enacted it using the nativity set, but we couldn't find one full set so we had to combine characters from 3 different sets :) It was fun to think of how many different times, places, and people I have shared that tradition with. Then to think that all those people that I love are doing the same thing at the same time at different places in the world- even Mom and Dad in the Congo! Christmas morning was wonderful! Houston got a new track suit and a roller McQueen bag from Grammy and Papa Hock and a tool workbench from Grammy and Papa Gates. The hit might have been his dollar stocking stuffer- the bath time basketball hoop. He loves it! Michael got the Ken Burns Baseball history DVD set and his Championship AFL ring (even though it won't come til March). I got new comfy cute sweats to fit my prego body. Both families did service this Christmas which made it even more special (Gates and Hock). It was a wonderful Christmas season. We are so grateful to have the knowledge of the Gospel and the reason for the special season.
This is for grammy and papa in Africa to see what they got Houston for Christmas.
Mom and dad- First here is a cute video to see Houst talk a tiny bit. There is a CHANCE he is referring to our current house-mates in this- but let us pretend he is talking about you huh?
This is a little treat for you from last night mom since I didn't think to bust out a camera like Char in Sacrament meeting this will have to be a taste of my gift from last year. Although, I sounded much better for my gifts since I actually practiced- the gift of fingers comes and goes I guess!
We really wanted to do a Christmas card this year but decided against it. We even had beautiful family pictures taken on Gonzaga campus back in October thinking they would be perfect for a Christmas Card. So for the purpose of documenting our 2010, here is our e-Christmas Card (Bargain... no postage or killing trees, right?).
Dear Family and Friends,
We hope this Christmas season finds you full of joy, love, and happiness. We have been so abundantly blessed in 2010. As many of you know, we moved to Spokane, Washington in August 2009 in order for Michael to attend graduate school. We were set against it at first, but Heavenly Father knew our plans better than we did. The day we moved in, we both had an overwhelming feeling of knowing we were in the right place for this phase of our lives. It felt almost magical. We were quickly called to serve in our ward. Michael worked with the 11 year old boys in scouts and Sunday school. I worked with the 16 and 17 year old girls in the Laurel class. We fell in love with our classes immediately. We enjoyed camp outs, dinners at our house, baptisms, and lessons of true love of service. Michael got called at the very end to be Elders Quorum President and it broke his scouts hearts. When he said, "well guys, I am moving in a few months anyways" they looked on the verge of tears. Michael was a ROCK star at Gonzaga. A two year MBA program, he attacked and finished in 15 months! I was so proud of him and how hard we worked. Often putting in 12+ hour days, we missed him a lot but were proud of his dedication. He worked for the Arena Football team, the Spokane Shock, in charge of on-the-field entertainment during the games. It was a wonderful franchise to work for and we were grateful to be a part of their Championship season. In February we decided that it was time for me to become a full-time stay-at-home mom. It was hard for me at first, but I soon found it to be the most rewarding and best job on earth. I kept busy getting in shape, having play groups, hanging out with friends, and playing with Houston. Houston went from baby to little boy in the last year. He loves anything that is round and hints of being a ball and always has. His favorite activities are shooting hoops and playing catch. He loves playing with other kids and accessorizing. We went walking almost everyday that the weather was higher than 20 degrees. We loved our beautiful walking path and our walking buddies. In July we found out the great news that we are expecting our 2nd in March 2011. I am excited to meet our new addition as well as see how Houston handles the change. He is WONDERFUL with babies! I just hope he stays that way when he finds out this baby lives with us!
We packed up our lives in Spokane the first week of November. I knew that our time in Spokane was unlike any we would ever have again. The memories I have there will be precious to me forever. It is where our little family learned to be our own little branch of a family tree. It is where my baby Houston became a little boy; learning to walk, talk, make friends, and make me laugh. It is where I began learning how to be a real mom and realized it was the BEST job a person could have. It is where Michael became an adult while still managing to make me giggle with his silliness. It is where we made friends that will last through the eternities. It is where we learned that truly forgetting yourselves and serving others, brings the greatest blessings. It is where we learned that home is where we are together, no matter how far we might be from our comfortable circumstances. We will miss our time in Spokane but look forward to our next phase of life... Employment! Our lives as students is officially (and FINALLY) over! We have no idea what it will be like without one of us being in school We moved back to San Ramon, CA with Michael's parents while we start the job hunt. Houston thinks he runs the house already! We are excited for what the future holds for our little family and look forward to seeing what exciting things we will have to report for 2011. Happy Holidays to all! We hope that you have a 2011 as perfect as our 2010 was!
Matt, Michael, and Mike played in the 3-on-3 tournament. When leaving our room to head to the tournament, Michael said, "I think we will do pretty well if dad doesn't roll on ankle or anything". Well, maybe he jinxed it because within the first 3 minutes, Mike was down with a sprained ankle (bottom right). He limped for the next few days poor thing. The boys still managed to place 4th with the stranger that took their spot. Matt and Michael took advantage of the climbing wall, including the cool assigned safety outfits (helmets and climbing shoes)... eating, book reading, eating, card playing, and eating. Meg tried to teach the old dog new trick... AGAIN... as many family members know- it isn't going to work. Michael was not made to work in Vegas. Friday night was formal night... always fun to have a dress up night! I enjoyed my favorite- prime rib and we also enjoyed the lobster tail. We joked a bit about it at the end of the cruise about the lone wolf Matt. Matt likes to be very independent and would sometimes just disappear and nobody would know where or when. We also laughed that the lone wolf was always the first at dinner. So even though he likes his space- when the wolf knows it is feeding time... the WOLF will be there! Even without Mrs. Wolf (top left). We LOVED our dinner table friends; Debbie, Dave and Ron. The first night when we saw we weren't at a table of 6, I thought, "oh, we can ask the maitre'd after our first meal to switch us". But after the first meal we were too in love with our new friends! So we loved our little table of 9! I miss our friends already. Our server and assistant waiter were excellent! I think cruises that don't have assigned dinner seatings would be so boring because dinner with our servers and friends was always a highlight of my days. We were also proud of Debbie, Dave, and Ron and their taking gold, silver, and bronze in the putt-putt contest- way to represent table 688 guys! We hope all is well in AZ!
Last note is about the ship for future reference in comparing Carnival to Royal Caribbean: It was gorgeous but so different then our last cruise on Carnival. There wasn't a main lobby but instead a mall-like promenade through the middle of the ship (top right). The eating spots were much nicer than Carnival, because their were no swim suits allowed in the eating areas and weren't any eating areas near the pools (whereas I felt like Carnival revolved around the pool and being in a swimsuit). I think I only wore a swim suit one day. The 24 hour pizza place in the Promenade was our favorite hang out... as well as 24 hour hot chocolate and quesadillas :) But I do think I liked the food on carnival better. We had a wonderful week! We can't wait til the next one- hopefully someday with Kev and his wife too! Tomorrow... reuniting with the Little Man!
Our last stop was Puerto Vallarta. Although this might be the most popular stop for many, a lot of the options sounded expensive. So Michael and I took a day to just walk around the town, do a little shopping, and pull a Kriss Gates. Yep... just as my mom does on every cruise, we went and found a cheap place for massages. VERY RELAXING! It was $30/hour. We were so relaxed after our massages we decided to just head back to the ship to read. It was perfect timing for us to read for a bit then enjoy the breathtaking sunset. There was a pirate ship that went right through the sunset and shot off its cannons. It was very enjoyable. After dinner we played some intense ping pong (Eileen and I were quite the pros beating the Nelsons and the Hock men!) and the show of the night. I think this show was the Coasters, which is the group that sang "Charlie Brown" and "Yakity yak"... 2 classics! They were quite old and some of them were not the originals, but it was entertaining Farewell Puerto Vallarta... next up... 2 days of relaxation on the ship.
In researching, we kind of got the impression that Mazatlan was going to be a bust. So we decided to go and see what we could make of it. It ended up being many of our favorite part of the trip.
We found a cheap van tour guide. We worked them down from $25/person to $85 for all 6 of us so I felt I accomplished something! Our driver stopped at a restaurant that had a beautiful view and a random huge iguana named Wanda. We took advantage of the photo op. We visited the cliff divers, the cathedral, and a house while we enjoyed listening to our tour guide Carlos tell us different facts (and possibly fairy tales) about the area. We asked our driver to take us Parasailing. I had seen a lot of people advertising it in Cabo and it is something I have always wanted to do. It was so much cheaper than doing it in the states. I asked if I could go in Cabo since I am pregnant and they made a call and I found out I could (maybe by Mexican standards only- but I felt ok about it). So I was really tempted and then gave in. It was actually very relaxing even though it looks a little nerve racking at the beginning. Instead of being reeled off the boat, we just left on and off the beach. It was really cool! I was a little bummed because I couldn't work down the price except $1! I felt a little defeated! In Cabo it was $30 and here it was $35. But it was fun so we just paid and enjoyed it!
We were surprised by how much we enjoyed Mazatlan. It was wonderful day!
After dinner we went to a lounge to enjoy the music. We must be getting old because it took us 4 days to stay up past 10 I think! A lot of the activities didn't start until 1030 or later. That was my least favorite thing about our ship. So we lasted till about 10 I think then headed to bed... Excited for Puerto Vallarta!
When I asked Michael what one activity was that he wanted to do on the cruise, he chose Kayaking. I had researched which port would be best I decided Cabo was the place. It gave us a chance to get up close to Land's End (top right), the rocks that jetted out at the end of the peninsula, as well as stop to snorkel at Lovers Beach (top left) which was water access only. Meg and Matt decided to come with us which made it even more fun. It was gorgeous! Kayaking was a lot of fun. We went all the way across the channel around our boat. Lovers Beach was really pretty with huge crashing waves on one side and snorkeling on the other. The snorkeling was not great. The snorkel boat broke down so our beach/snorkel time was kind of cut short and our time floating in the choppy water increased and we didn't get to see our stuff (including camera and towel) the whole time. Due to complications, we were able to get a $30 discount so that made it a little better. These were all taken with our water camera. We were all pretty pooped by the time we got back to the pier so we decided to head back to the boat. On our way I checked my texts to see how Houst was doing and see how Eileen was. Tiffany was a super hero and let us know that Mike and Eileen were there! She had helped them find flights and taken them to the airport way early. Tiff you ROCK!
So we decided to run back to the ship to find them. We had to take a boat back tot he ship. That mixed with the choppy long snorkeling made Meg a little sea sick... poor Meg! As for me, my hair tie got lost kayaking and then we couldn't get our stuff and so it got bigger and bigger. Michael started referring to me as Monica Gellar. Mike and Eileen were relaxing and reading on the ship. We were SO excited they were there! It was like we were complete! At dinner, we finally had a chance to celebrate Eileen's birthday. Even though she had staples in her tummy, she was ready to enjoy the cruise! Cabo was wonderful, now off to Mazatlan!
Monday was a day at sea. We took the chance to explore the gorgeous ship. We enjoyed getting to know our way around the ship and took advantage of the ice skating rink. We took naps and got ready for the first formal night. Before heading to our yummy formal dinner, we enjoyed the ice show performance which I thought was AWESOME! I thought it was going to be a cheesy 4 person cast but it was a full on ice show with like 12 people and cool moves. I totally forgot we were on a ship and how small the ice was that they were performing on.
Dinner was delightful. We all tried escargot which was surprisingly yummy thanks to the garlic butter dripped all over it. Megan enjoyed the duck. It was a wonderful first day and formal night but we did miss Mike and Eileen. We looked forward to the next morning and our day in Cabo San Lucas.
After unpacking a little on Friday, we headed down Saturday afternoon to Orange County. Houst loves to travel as long as he gets to carry his own roller bag (lower left). It was fun to have my "other family" on my turf. I asked Michael some of his favorite Irvine things and he did not disappoint. We headed straight from the airport to Rubio's where we met up with Tiff and Brooklyn, our fabulous chauffeur for the day, and Meg and Matt. We couldn't help but get excited by the sign showing how far Cabo and Puerto Vallarta were knowing that we would all be there in a few days. Then we headed for the swap meet (where we quickly saw the Johnsons and Dittbrenners). After picking up a few items, we headed to the hotel to check-in. Houston and Brooklyn played around and made themselves comfortable, especially in the bathroom. Then we headed to dinner at the Claim Jumper. Of course we all overate and so we headed home for a good night's rest... or so we hoped. We all rolled out feeling very full but Eileen in particular was having an extremely bad stomachache. We headed to the Conleys while the Nelsons and mom and dad headed to the hotel. We tried to get Houston adjusted to his new home for the week. He did great.
When we woke up, we called to see how Eileen was and to wish her a Happy Birthday. We found out that she and Mike were in the ER. The plan was to head straight from sacrament meeting to the cruise ship. But while in Sacrament meeting we found out that Eileen was having an emergency gall bladder removal so a little change of plans. We headed to the hospital to say our good lucks and happy birthdays... and then... the four of us... feeling guilty yet knowing the ship was leaving with or without us in a few hours... headed to Long Beach. We were a little somber knowing that Mike and Eileen wouldn't be there for our family vacation that we had been planning for a year. I was grateful that the ER was just minutes from Tiffany's apartment so I knew they would have someplace to stay and could be with Houston. We tried to touch base post-surgery to see how things went before hitting expensive international waters but she was still in surgery. So in honor of Eileen and a Happy 30th anniversary to Mike and Eileen... we set sail to party for the week. Stay tuned for the rest of the cruise soon!