Friday, August 24, 2012

ready for kindergarten

Joshua is so unpredictable.

For the last year he has participated in preschool with friends in the neighborhood.  Each Mom would take one week a month and host the kids at their house.  We would play, practice writing, counting, colors, letters, and anything to get ready for kindergarten.

Joshua loves to write the alphabet letters and is really good at it.  He is a pro with scissors, coloring and gluing.  He loves to look at books, but doesn't read yet.  And his absolute favorite activity is worksheets.  Any preschool worksheet we can print out for him is like gold.  A packet of 10 printouts stapled together becomes a prized possession earning "keep it under my bed" status.

Joshua has had his Spiderman backpack for two years anticipating the day he can go to school.

He is EXCITED for Kindergarten this year.

There is something else you need to know about Joshua.
He has a bad habit he needs to break.
Every day we BEG Joshua:


Yes, you read right.  We want him to pick his nose.  He won't.  He lets  it get all dry and hard.
I used to clean out his nose when I helped him take a bath.  Now he can take a bath by himself, so I stopped  cleaning out his nose regularly.  He doesn't care!

I tell him, "Joshua, please get a tissue and pick your nose."  He responds indifferently, "I'll pick it tomorrow."

(sigh)  I can't do it for him forever.

So, despite the refusal to keep his own nose clean, he is starting Kindergarten next week.  This week he met with his new teacher for Kindergarten assessments to see what he knows.  Mrs. Williams met Joshua and showed him around the room.  She sat me on one side of the room filling out forms, and took Joshua to the other side of the room to test him.

The first thing that happened was that Joshua started picking his nose.

"Joshua, you need to use a tissue," Mrs. Williams reminded Joshua.  He happily pulled one out of the box, wadded it up, patted the end of his nose, and set the "used" tissue on the table. Of course, this prompted a lesson in hygiene from Mrs. Williams.  "Joshua, remember to open your tissue before you blow your nose, and then throw it away afterwards.  We need to keep germs out of our classroom."

Mrs. Williams was so patient with Joshua.  She asked him what sounds letters make, and he didn't want to tell her.  She asked him to repeat sentences, and he picked his nose some more.   He loved hopping on one foot and skipping, but that didn't last long.  It was time to move on to the next group of questions.  He didn't want to look at her because the whole time he was focused on that stubborn booger stuck up his nose.  It was so out of character for him.

I like Mrs. Williams.  She will be great for Joshua.  I tried not to argue with her evaluation.  She says Joshua has a language delay.  We need to work on sounds and repeating phrases at home.  Joshua can't keep focused on a given task, and he needs to work on what to do with a tissue.  I learned that food coloring in processed foods affects kids attention span, and I need to avoid food coloring in the meals and snacks I prepare. Nice.

Thanks Joshua.  Based on your actions today, she is right.   Soon, she will see the real you...The smart you. The kid who LOVES homework.  (Give him some worksheets.) Mrs. Williams will soon witness your talent to become so completely focused on a project of your own choice you can't "hear" anything else.  Next time she sees you, she will think you have rocks up your nose, but you won't even care.  You will shock her with your "vast" knowledge of the alphabet, counting, and simple addition.  But first you have to want to share.

And watch out, Mrs. Willliams!  I conveniently forgot to tell you Joshua is a compulsive liar an actor!

Friday, September 30, 2011

September 2011

September was boring.  Just ask my kids.
I didn't take any pictures, but I took a nap every day.
The baby is doing great, and as long as I take that daily nap I won't have as many contractions.
Pre-term labor is normal for me, and I usually end up on bed rest anyway.

I always have really strange dreams while pregnant.  Here is one of the silliest:

I dreamed Miriam told me she needed to lay an egg in her bathroom and it would take 19 hours.  I told her to do it in my bathroom so her siblings could still use that bathroom.  Some time later, we were in her classroom at school (except it was HUGE with about 60 students.)  It was the first day of school, and Miriam's egg (about 12" in diameter) was sitting on the teacher's desk in the front of the classroom in a huge container of warm water.  Cracks began to appear on the shell, and the next thing we knew, it exploded open.  A purple/blue chicken came out.  This chicken had a human face, long blond curly hair to its waist, a big butt, and immediately expanded to about 7 feet tall.  The "chicken" had a bubbly obnixious personality and had to be escorted from the room.  Miriam sank in her chair during the whole event and looked like she might die if anyone revealed she lay the egg.  Evidently, all young girls were starting to lay eggs, and the "chicken people" population was rapidly growing.

Seeing Miriam's expression the morning after as I told her about my dream was priceless.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 2011

Emily is 11 years old!  With advanced age, comes attitude, and the need to ruin every picture I try to take of her.  Most pictures turn out like this one below.

At least after she ruins a few shots, she lets me have a smile at the end.  Emily got the first birthday "cake" of the year.  Morning sickness has eased up for me, and  Emily was able to enjoy her favorite ice cream cake.

Why is she smiling?  Emily got the one present she has been asking for!  She wanted a picture of EVERY SINGLE TEMPLE.  Her aunt Michele printed them for her, along with stickers containing all of the names.

All Emily had to do was cut them up, and match stickers to temples - all 130 or so of them.  SHE LOVED IT!

How about our annual day in the mountains?
Yes we made time to climb rocks...

Roast Hot dogs - Emily is proudly displaying the stick she whittled herself.


And of course, playing by the river! ...

...which always includes a bit of "erosion" thanks to handfuls of rocks the kids chuck into the water.

They even get in the river.

Miriam tries to give her mother (that's me -5 months pregnant) a wet hug...

and wins.

by the way, we found out that baby number 6 is a little girl!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Emily's lists

Emily loves to organize (everything) and make lists.  She is the girl responsible for this comment I posted on facebook:
Michael came upstairs this morning (rolling his eyes) to tell me, "the kids took everything out of their room, piled it in the family room, and sorted it by color!"

I smile every time I find one of these lists she has made.  It is proof that she does listen to me once in a while!

 What I really loved was the 5 page list of how to be happy.  She hung it on her bedroom wall right over her bed.  When  she is in a bad mood, I have to try really hard not to ask her to go read her list to herself.

Here it is:

How to be Happy Page 1 (by Emily Griffith)
Always chose to have a good day.
Do your chores without being angry.
Never ever be upset ever.
Always chose the right no matter what.
Always clean your stuff after playing.
Be kind to everyone.
Never be mad ever.
Always be cheerful.
Never want anyone to get in trouble.
Say everyone's pictures are beautiful.
Never say you are ugly ever.
Say sorry whenever you hurt someone.
Never tell anyone their doing something wrong.
Always say what when someone calls you.

How to be Happy Page 2 (by Emily Griffith)
Never complain.
Always say Thank you.
Never be cranky.
Never fight.
Learn to love everyone.
Don't laugh at people when they get hurt.
Don't take anybody's things ever.
Don't ever hurt anyone.
Help others when they need help.
Never yell at anyone ever never.
Play with others
Listen to your mother.
Don't hurt someone if they hurt you.
Do your jobs without being asked.

How to be Happy - Page 3 (by Emily Griffith)
Always tell the truth.
Never lie.
Don't ever say rude comments.
Always be cheerful.
Always listen to your mother.
Answer people.
Clean up after yourself always.
Never be mad.
Always say thank you and please.
Help people if they get hurt.
Don't do things that are not right.
Clean up without being asked.
Play with your brothers and sisters.
Don't be offended.

How to be Happy - Page 4 (by Emily Griffith)
Don't disappoint others
Be honest
Do what your father tells you.
Don't hurt yourself.
Don't hurt others.
Listen to the scriptures.
Do not pick your scabs.
Don't try to be the most important.
Don't laugh at people when they make mistakes.
Help others when they are sick.
Do not steal other people's things ever.
Do not throw toys at people.
Don't hurt  people for no good reason.

How to be Happy - Page 5  (by Emily Griffith)
Forgive people
Don't tease other people
Have fun

It's a great list even if there are some repeats.  "Listen to your mother" comes up twice, and "don't hurt people" is there more than three times.  My favorites are those that refer to choosing your own mood.  That is so hard to learn!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

July 2011

It is summer vacation and the kids are bored.  (Mom, all you do is sleep all day!)
The girls wanted to make stuffed toys.  We found patterns and fabric.  Look how they turned out.

Emily's dog was made out of a scrap of fake fur.  Miriam's cat is from an old bath towel.  The girls stuffed them with leftover pieces of batting from quilt projects, and found eyes and noses at the craft store.

When you have what seems like 100 pieces of chalk, it is easy to run out of room quickly.

Adam is so proud of his design!

Thanks to rain, we had to postpone lighting 4th of July fireworks for two days.

For my kids, the best part of fireworks is sparklers,

and the best part of sparklers,

is watching my 3-year old wave her sparkler frantically while saying, "Mom!  I freak out!"  Oh the phrases they learn from older sisters!

These three sure love each other!

This month our family was introduced to a new insult.  Joshua has coined the phrase, "you're a pancake."  He uses it to insult people who offend him.  It's a lot better than "idiot," or "stupid-head."  (use of those phrases earns you a piece of paper and a pencil with which you are required to write as many nice things about the person you called "idiot" as you are years old.)  We have to try really hard not to laugh when Joshua calls us pancakes because it only offends him more, and results in him chanting, "you're a pancake,  you're a pancake, you're a pancake."

and I can't forget to include this gem!  One Sunday I was making breakfast when two bad guys ran through the kitchen dressed in eye patches and carrying swords.

they were being chased by their little sister swinging a plastic frying pan...
Her favorite movie is Tangled, but a close second is Star Wars.  Olivia can sing the Darth Vader theme - in a high soprano register - while she dances around the house.

Joshua has been practicing.  He found a blue ball that someone ripped in half.  Inside, he put his sister's huge dress-up ring.  Around the house he goes, asking every female the same question, "Can you marry me?"
(Olivia has been practicing too - she says yes!)

It's Michael's birthday!  Yes, one candle equals thirty-eight because thirty-eight candles in a small raspberry cheesecake is too destructive.  Yes, this is the best smile I can get.

And the pie theme for birthdays continues because this pregnant mom is so very tired and queasy all the time.  Good thing the family prefers pie.  By the way, here I am 4 months pregnant.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 2011

Emily had her first piano recital.  Here she is with her teacher, also named Emily

Listen to my Emily play:
She wants you to know the music on the piano isn't hers.  She memorized her piece.

Take a bow!  Have some confidence!

Adam got a slip-n-slide for his birthday.  For some reason, the kids couldn't properly enjoy it without their Dad's help.