Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Moving Forward

Many changes lie ahead for our family as we prepare to move into a new home in January and then welcome baby #5 in February. I anticipate my blog posts to be sparse for the next few months, if I have the chance to post at all!

We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas together at home on Saturday... what fun to see Kooper just as giddy and excited as the little ones to wake up on Christmas morning. Now that our rest and relaxation time is over, it's time to start packing and moving and unpacking and settling. It will be so nice to have Kooper's help with the lifting that I am unable to do right now. ;)

I thought I'd leave a few pics of Caleb's 2nd birthday (of which I didn't have time to post earlier), to tide the grandmas over for a while, until that unforeseen moment when I have time to upload pictures and sit at a plugged-in computer again.

Caleb is so big! He is almost as big as Madeline and absolutely LOVES cars, trucks (he calls them "brmm-brmms"), and balls. He can easily ride scooters, bikes, skateboards, you-name-it. He is a daddy's boy and insists on going for a car ride or a walk with his dad every single evening. What an adorable little [big] boy. We can't imagine our family without him and his large, loving blue eyes & bright blond hair toddling around everywhere.

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Madeline's Cooking Show

Miss Madeline is quite the little baker! We made mint chocolate cookies one afternoon and she rolled out 64 cookie balls all at once without taking a break. She talked and sang all the while, and loved every minute of it. Here is a cute clip of her expertise (you may have to turn up the volume for full effect).