Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Growing Boy

Caleb continues to grow... and grow... and grow. He is quite a strong little man and frequently injures his mama by accident. His completely adorable personality and happy disposition make up for the injuries though.

He learned how to go down slides all by himself and seems to love balls more than anything else. His favorite toy is a red spiky ball that he received from Grandma Lewis for Christmas.

I'm consistently amazed at Caleb's ability to bring laughter and smiles to us all. We are so glad that Caleb is part of our family.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Audrey!

Last week we celebrated the 6th birthday of this special little lady...

We enjoyed a family celebration and a fun rock climbing date (Audrey's choice).

What a light Audrey is to our family. She is compassionate, calm, cheerful, athletic, helpful, graceful, intelligent, nurturing, cuddly, and oh so beautiful. We love you Audrey and we are so excited that you're finally 6 years old!