Sunday, December 20, 2009
Pa-Rum-Pa-Pum-Pum! Merry Christmas!

Saturday, November 14, 2009
And Now the 7 "Things About Me"
2. I was an "athlete wannabe" when I was a child, and this syndrome has recently reared it's head again. I am now playing over 60 basketball, and participated in this event at the 2009 New Jersey Senior Olympics.
3. I started learning to play piano a year ago. Although my grown children flee to another room when I play, I'm enjoying myself immensely, and my grandchildren don't seem to mind hearing me play.
4. My two favorite places are the coast of Maine, and Hawaii.
5. I taught sunday school (or CCD to us Catholics) for 13 years.
6. I received an award at the very first art show that I participated in - and it was the Grumbacher Silver Medal.
7. I love to paint flowers - possibly because I can't seem to grow them without killing them.

I was recently "tagged" with the "Kreativ Blogger" award by Teresa Palomar Lois, http://www.lostinwonder.blogspot.com/. Thank you Teresa! The purpose of these blogger awards is introduce our favorite artist-bloggers to others. The rules for this one are to tell 7 things about yourself, and to pass the award on to 7 other artists. I have been tagged several times, and have pretty much run out of people to pass the award on to - with one exception, and that would be my sister Joan. So I'm going to cheat a little and just list some of my favorite artists and give you their websites in the hopes that they will become your favorites too.
1. Gerald Brommer - http://www.newmastersgallery.com/ArtistsB/brommer.htm
2. Jean Grastorf - http://www.jeangrastorf.com/
3. Susie Short - http://www.susieshort.com/
4. Ann Pember - http://www.annpember.com/
5. Nicholas Simmons - http://nicholassimmons.com/
6. Karen Knutson - http://karenknutson.com/
and last but not least - and the one I WILL pass this award on to:
7. Joan Tavolott - http://www.watercolorsbyjoan.blogspot.com/ - Joan recently returned from a trip to Paris. You will love her small Paris paintings!
Hangin' at the Y

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I received this bouquet for my birthday this past March. I thought it would make a great painting, so I painted it twice - once as a birthday card for my granddaughter, and just recently as a 5x7 for my SWAP partner (Sharing With Artist Partners). It went all the way to Ursula in Brazil. The mail was a little slow, so I was on pins and needles hoping that it hadn't gone astray. The SWAP is a secret, but now that my partner has received it I can post it here.
"Birthday Bouquet" 5x7
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Natalie's Sunflowers
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Plein air at Skylands
Pink and White Tree Peony
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Love and Peace
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sketchcrawl 22

Saturday morning was another rainy, miserable day to have a sketchcrawl. I love doing the sketchcrawls, but so far we have not had the greatest weather for outdoor sketching. So my sister Joan and I decided to do something that we had wanted to do for a while, that is, to sketch at one of the NYC museums. We drove into Manhattan to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and found an unoccupied bench in the Greek and Roman room. This is my sketch of a Marble Statue of a Muse. Did you know that they only allow pencil sketching in the museum?
I did several other sketches which you can see on the sketchcrawl forum (http://www.sketchcrawl.com/) and then we went to see the AWS show. What a great show! I wish I could have spent longer there, soaking up the great art and hoping that some of it would rub off on my own watercolors.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
A Bunch of Daffodils

As planned, we painted daffodils today. There were a few different kinds, which made it more interesting. They were in some sort of a square-ish glass container with beads hanging from it - I wasn't really crazy about it so I just did the flowers. This one was also a quick one, as my friend usually leaves early and she took her flowers with her again. Oh, both this one and the tulips from yesterday are quarter sheets.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Yellow Tulips

Sunday, April 05, 2009
A Cyber Award

My sister Joan http://www.watercolorsbyjoan.blogspot.com/ presented me with this cyber award (do you think she might be a little biased?). Here's what she said about me in her blog:
" Michelle Himes (my sister) who's wonderful watercolors inspired me to begin watercolor painting, She is a good art partner, plein air partner, and workshop partner whenever I want one, and a great sister too." Right back at you, Joan!
There are a few of these awards going around, and I've been "awarded" by a few of them before, and embarrassed to admit that I did not always respond to them. I've decided to respond to this one. The "rules" are to name seven things that I love (easy), and to name 7 other artists that I think deserve this award (a little harder). Not that I can't think of many artists that deserve an award for their passion for painting, but since Joan and I know a lot of the same people, it's difficult to come up with someone new.
Here are my choices for the "A Passion for Painting" award:
Cecilia Price - http://www.artmaker-cecilia-price2.blogspot.com/ Cia paints beautiful flowers, and has made some great instructional CD's for her students, and sells her work on eBay. I've known her through several art forums for many years.
Enrico Casarosa - http://www.sketchcrawl.blog/ - Enrico is the "inventor" of the Worldwide Sketchcrawl. I discovered this phenomena a while ago, and have participated in several of the crawls. Enrico and his sketchcrawl have inspired me to start drawing again.
Marilyn Fuerstenberg - http://www.marilynfuerstenberg.blogspot.com/ - You will love Marilyn's beautiful watercolors.
Jane James - http://www.janefranart.blogspot.com/ - Jane is equally proficient in watercolor and pastel, is very versatile and does wonderful realistic and abstract work, landscapes, figures, and animals.
Susie Short - http://www.susieshort.com/ - I "met" Susie when I stumbled into her Yahoo group for watercolors about 10 years ago. Susie is an awesome watercolorist, and teacher, and has helped me out with my paintings many times.
And the last is a group of friends that I have painted with for many years - http://www.lesbellesartistes.blogspot.com/ - I love these girls
And the 7 things I love:
3. Art, especially watercolor
4. the beach
5. summertime
6. Maine
7. ice cream
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Eric Wiegardt Workshop Day 3

Eric Wiegardt Workshop Day 1

Saturday, February 21, 2009
White Rose
Rings Around the Roses

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Another January Sketchcrawl