Spiritual post now - sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but it's what I've been working on lately.
Ok, so about a month ago we had a lesson on Alma the younger. Our teacher said that she and her husband were discussing her lesson. She was talking about how Alma was the prophet and was praying that Alma the younger would become humbled and converted. And her husband said, yes that he was praying for his son to have a mighty change of heart, but that also Alma the younger was preordained to become a prophet himself. This was just a complete side note to her lesson. But, you can't believe how one word can have such an impact. Preordination.
We've all been sent here preordained to do something while on this earth. I don't know about you, but ... ok, here is a glimpse into my inner psyche ... skip to 🐞 if you're not interested. As I was saying, I don't know about you, but I often wonder how I got here. I am a mother of two. I live in the burbs. I drive an SUV, do carpool, cook, clean & constantly try to find what I am good at. Please don't get me wrong, I really enjoy my life. But, growing up I always knew I was different from most girls my age. I felt like my path was going to be more exciting - or just more unique. I felt like I was meant for something more in this life. But, now I'm here and it feels so average. I don't feel like I am doing anything more special. In fact, I'm not as clean as her. I'm not as involved with my kids as her. I'm not as professional as her. I'm not as good at being a good mother or wife as her. If anything, I feel less than average on most accounts. 🐞
So, here is my project, as of late. I am trying to find out ... what am I preordained for?
Where to begin? My patriarchal blessing. I'm awfully private and so I don't think I want to air a lot of what was given to me. However, I will say that part of me was disappointed in the apparent advise I was given. Pray, read your scriptures, ... pretty much everything we've been taught our entire lives. But, then I read it again & I got a bit of an aha moment. I was instructed that as I read & study the scriptures prayerfully and faithfully "they will guide your life". Not exactly the answer to my question. Not exactly. But, almost?
I have to think that the Lord in his infinite knowledge knew I would ask this question. And he knew he wasn't going to ruin the surprise for me. 😂 But, he was willing to give me the breadcrumbs to follow. Good thing is - I love me some bread!