
But I digress ...

01 December 2008

In Which I Attempt to Start a Meme

Two things:

First, my boss' assistant left a candy "24-Days-to-Christmas" calendar on my desk today--and in fact every desk in the company. She left six in our department, which tell you how well anyone around here knows the Writing Dept, as we have only five employees. Not that I'm complaining. Free chocolate and sex should probably not be questioned ... especially if they are on offer simultaneously which was, alas, not the case here (my boss goes for slim blondes--all four of the assistants I've known him to have had--about one per year--have fit that physical profile to a ludicrous degree).

Oddly, I'm not very comfortable with "24-Days-to-Christmas" calendars. As a Catholic boy, I observed Advent in the slipshod fashion adopted by Catholic boys worldwide--I generally swore off sweets or something (for some reason "homework" was never on the list of options) for four weeks. Or for at least as long as I remembered.

But these calendars seem to take what is a meaningful tradition for a subset of humanity, and outright appropriate it for strictly commercial purposes. I have similar, though not-so-strong feelings about Christmas itself. I guess they're less strong because Christmas itself was essentially expropriated for Christian purposes.

Still--free choccies.

Secondly. I have, along with most of you, noticed that the word verification tool now occasionally throws up meaningful words or syllables, along with the nonsense stuff.

People now post the WV word, on occasions when it fits the topic at hand. For example, one one thread I got the word "buggy" when commenting on either a computer problem or an automotive issue.

So here's the idea: Rather than post when the word makes sense, take the word you're given and offer a definition for it. Best offer wins the coveted Metro No-Prize.

I'll start with this, from a reply I posted to another blog:

(adj) Of an expression used by someone else on a comment thread: To sum up masterfully in a single sentence the point you laboured half-an-hour and used three hundred words to make.

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17 April 2008

Inspired by the Music of Meyers

After reading the links in the post here, I am inspired:

Expelled (From Academia)
To the tune of "Hotel California"

In a dark movie theatre,
Air conditionin' on
All out of the liquorice
All the popcorn was gone

Up ahead on a big screen,
There was a flickering glow
My eyes were heavy but I sat up straight
I really had to know

Lecture hall wasn't empty
All the extras were hired
Ben Stein's nasal drone in the air
Geez he really sounds tired

Well, he talked about Darwin, and Dawkins and Pee Zed*
By the time he got finished,
I was bangin' my head

He said:
Welcome to Expelled (from Acadamia)
See the godzone truth
From the projection booth

Don't need no facts in Expelled (from Acadamia)
For its premise rests
On its truthiness

Ben Stein was explaining
Why prof Gene took a dive
What he took 90 minutes to say
He could have told us in five

And still teh crazy it burns all across the land
Doesn't bother the DI folks though
Sure they're feeling grand

Welcome to Expelled (from Acadamia)
Yeah it's got Ben Stein
And his monowhine

Yes we're oh-so-fair in Expelled (from Acadamia)
Why just look at who's
In our interviews

(slow tempo)
As the filmaker people
Spun distortions and lies
I felt a need for some Visine (TM)
For my itchy red eyes

I rose to go get some
But was stopped when they said
That the grand persecution
Was / all / the/ fault / of / PZ*

(tempo up)
Last thing I remember, I was
Tumbling to the floor
Ribs contracting in laughter
Couldn't take any more

Relax, said the doorman
And we'll bring you right round
I said:
I wouldn't mind watching that again
If they just could kill the sound

(* "Pee Zed". I'm Canadian. Hope you'll forgive the liberty.)

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18 February 2008

Well, I've Been Called Similar Names

I found this quiz languishing over at Raincoaster's, so I brought it home with me. I thought my result was sufficiently entertaining to be its own post.

You Are a Colon

You are very orderly and fact driven.

You aren't concerned much with theories or dreams... only what's true or untrue.

You are brilliant and incredibly learned. Anything you know is well researched.

You like to make lists and sort through things step by step. You aren't subject to whim or emotions.

Your friends see you as a constant source of knowledge and advice.

(But they are a little sick of you being right all of the time!)

You excel in: Leadership positions

You get along best with: The Semi-Colon

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15 January 2008

Something New

I don't glom onto memes as a rule. The new Metroformat might require more memes, I suppose. After all, I'm not yet so desperate that I'll stoop to endless quizzes, unlike some Raincoasters I could name.

However, while cruising my sadly-neglected blogroll today I discovered, over at Darren Barefoot's place, a meme I think is pretty cool:
Via Neatorama, you compose faux CD covers for imaginary bands using these three sources:

The first article title on the page is the name of your band.

The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.

The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

I tried it twice:

As Darren points out, there doesn't seem to be much respect for photo copyright in the last step. Rather than blow the synergy by deliberately searching out creative commons pics, I would prefer to give credit for the pictures above to the proper owners. And I promise them a share of any profits I might accrue from this blog entry:

Pic 1 came from the Flickr photostream of someone whose name, alas, I have no idea how to pronounce: مبرووك عليكم المطر.

Pic 2 is by eyecatcher.

My Wikipedia pages got me to the general disambiguation page for , and the second from the page on "System of systems".

My first quote was:
One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done.
--Marie Curie

The second:
Get away from the crowd when you can. Keep yourself to yourself, if only for a few hours daily.
--Arthur Brisbane

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16 July 2007

Five Reasons Why I Blog

Azahar tagged me with this one.

1) I've always blogged my life. Even before there were blogs I would hold long conversations and arguments inside my head. When the conversations got too loud I'd take them outside. Blogging gets me fewer looks than wandering down the street shouting at myself under my breath.

2) I have a real interest in other people, which makes them uncomfortable. I want to talk to you about the stuff that makes you twitch, that touches you where you live, work, eat, sleep, and play. I want to know about your heartbreak, your triumph, your hangups and kinks. I wanna know where you get on and how you get off, and how hard.

I'm really not trying to be rude. I just want to learn what you make of this shared experience we call "life". Naturally this causes boundary issues. And of course since trust and openness are reciprocal, I can only reply in kind.

Blogging doesn't have boundary issues. I can initiate a conversation about barbeque, Barbie, or buggering badgers if I so please and it's entirely up to the Avid Fan or passer-by to enter the discussion. No subject is entirely taboo.

Try walking into the street and giving a five-minute talk about something so close to your heart that you've only ever told one or two people.

3) My friendships tend to be few and deep. Here at home in meatspace I'm only just starting to make acquaintances with whom I have enough in common to be comfortable socially. But online, those who have stumbled onto Metroblog are either real-world friends who came here to examine the inside of my head, or strangers attracted to the conversation and, let's face it, bikini-clad cuties. If you're here for that, by the way, let me give you a link ... uh. I had it on my desk a minute ago ... maybe it rolled behind the radiator? Too bad, that.

4) This is where I can let that little part of myself "run naked in the rain", to quote Pratchett. In the safety of relative anonymity (I know, nothing on the web is entirely anonymous) I can spew forth the wildest, the daftest, the most poignant crap I have. Mum isn't going to be here ... least I don't think she is. I can growl about God, piddle on Paris, and laugh at legalisms. In my head I sometimes refer to this sort of thing as literary masturbation. Like theatre, blogging is also greatly about the insecurity as well.

5) And in the end, ladies and gentlemen and those of you as yet undecided, it's also about you.

I'm a writer and theatrician. My work must have an audience. And for so long as there are still two Avid Fans left in the world I will continue to write.

For myself as well, of course; but this is a conversation, and requires listeners and respondents too. You do me much honour with your presence and in return I try to waltz at least as well as the bear.

If I was going to tag anyone with this I'd tag Stilletto Girl, Mme Metro, Aerchie, Frontier Former Editor, and Amanda.

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14 June 2007

Post #704: The Envelope Filter Meme

Envelope Filter tagged me some time ago with the Five Eateries Meme. I tried to beg off under the excuse of being busy posting beautiful, pouting muppets to my blog, but that was apparently not good enough.

So here we go. Since my dining out tends to be all about the experience I had in doing so, the list below could contain a venture to the Golden Armpits or some stunning five-star palace. You have been warned:

1) Occupying a high place in my heart is a little joint called Le Boomerang. As the name suggests, it is in Paris, though not Paris Hilton. Had to get one mention in--it's gotta be good for some hits. Too bad they don't serve hot beaver in a creamy (static) sauce, perhaps?

But they do serve the gorgonzola fondue that threatened to annihilate my waistline when last I ate there.

It's all about cheese. Mme Metro had some sort of stir-fry of meat and cheese cooked on a hot stone, I had a bowl of hot stinky cheese with bread. And of course we shared a bottle of plonque especialment ordinaire.

As a bonus you get to eat the stone, if you can.

2) For my second choice there was the Ninja Diner. It's a small bistro in the Lower Hackensack Amtrak station, and in the finest tradition of fusion cusine it's a lot like Medieval Times with an Asian flavour.

Actually it's more like the film "Gladiator" with an Asian flavour. First, the Dish of the Day is paraded around the restaurant in chains. It might be a Giant Ninja Turtle, or Kraken sushi special, or Filet de Minotaur.

Whatever it is, in order to eat of its flesh you must fight it and prevail in the sandy-floored arena at the centre of the restaurant. Otherwise your fellow diners are permitted to feast on your still-warm vital organs.

I ate there twice in one day, and barely escaped alive on a third occasion. Handy hint: the vegetarian special is NOT the soft option. To this day I am searching for the carrot that took my left kidney. From Hell's heart I spit at thee, for hate's sake I stab at thee ...

Anyway, it's a damn good deal for $7.99 on Thursdays.

3) In Amsterdam. I was returning from the Cafe 3 Koenigen (Three Kings) cafe, a dreamy place with two ancient and Christmas-light-behung trees growing through its middle when I was suddenly taken all esurient, for no apparent reason.

Seating myself outside an Indian cafe whose name I recall as "Nasil" I proceded to inhale an appatizer, followed by their dish of the day--two kebabs, some sort of bread, rice, and rice pudding for dessert.

Then I went and watched a man juggling chainsaws with his partner, who performed on a flaming see-saw.

After I pulled myself from the pavement I boarded a tram, because it would eventually wind up pointing in the direction I was headed. Onboard I met the uptight cow from my hostel who was theoretically travelling but was unable to leave her sociology studies behind. Her companion was less pretty, but far more interesting. I tried to shake them by hopping off at the memorial to gay Holocaust victims, but they followed me thence all the way across town in the wrong direction.

The two of them followed me through the "Zone of Tolerance" as I ogled pretty, friendly ladies in black bikinis, with the Sociology Dragon saying things like "This is the sort of thing you like, is it?", "What's the attraction for you here?" and "Isn't it a little insulting to have someone just appeal to your basest instincts?"

I did my unlevel best to answer.

But as I was wandering home I spotted Haagen-Daz. At which point it all becomes a bit of a triple chocolate blur.

Sorry ... where was I again? Oh--But the restaurant was cool.

4) Perhaps the most interesting dining experience I ever had was at the amazing "Nuthin' But Soup" restaurant in Prague. This tiny corner of Canada, located in the former catacombs of the ancient Cathedral, was a very pleasant surprise among several more drab eateries and chain restaurants.

Being short on cash, I ordered the 99¢ (2.34 Zloty) All-You-Can-Handle Standup Soup Special. The customer stands in a fiberglass channel with a pint mug. He or she is given either a French-style baguette, a loaf of German Pumpernickel, or a bowl of crusty rolls.

When the buzzer sounds, the customer may begin pouring him-or-herself mugs full of soup from the spigots mounted at the end of the tub. Naturally, the choice of soup depends on how hungry you are.

A thin, pourable consommé will enable you to eat at least three mugsful, with bread, in the alotted five minutes. Hobos especially will find the chicken broth a tasty treat.

If you're not a hobo, try the peasant chowder. It may not be made with genuine peasants, but I defy you to tell the difference. Unfortunately its consistency allows only the most experienced diners to get more than half-a-bowlful of it into their gullets before time runs out.

Oh--reccomendation for new diners--a towel is vital. A waterproof poncho is also reccomended, as it will keep the orphans who swarm the streets from attempting to wring soup from your outer garments.

5) Of course, I must not shrink from celebrating Canadian cuisine. And for that, we turn to Jeffers' Fryzz. The Fry Wagon, as it is known, is parked at the corner of Main and Nanaimo Streets in the thriving Metropolis of Penticton, British Columbia.
They do not serve that classic Canadian dish of hot tasty beaver on a bed. In an unusual move, they have chosen to specialize in a dish prepared with fresh ingredients available only at great expense.

Naturally it is of their Poutine that I speak. The delectability of their French-style fried potatoes in gravy, topped with cheese curds, must be sampled to be believed.

When I am feeling unhappy, or I awaken to find once again that I am not in fact an amazingly handsome movie star, married to both Tia Carrere and Elizabeth Hurley and rich beyond the dreams of Midas, well, I head for my local Jeffers Fryzz wagon and attempt suicide by cholesterol.

Note: Jeffers has reportedly opened up a new franchise Fry Wagon. Look out your window now to see if it's in your area!

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