Posts tonen met het label count your blessings. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label count your blessings. Alle posts tonen

zondag 22 mei 2016

spring blessings

Ik kan oprecht blij worden van de extra vrije dagen en lange weekenden in de lente. Dagen die dubbel lijken te tellen, waarop je even niets moet en het leven even vertraagd wordt.
Afgelopen maandag vierden we de laatste bonusdag van dit voorjaar bij het Honigcomplex in Nijmegen. We bezochten Waalhalla in een coole nieuwe industriĆ«le locatie naast stadsbrug De Oversteek, lunchten bij De Meesterproef, werden verrast door de beachsportlocatie Beachfabriek in een ruime fabriekshal en fotografeerden de vele streetart. Leuk om te zien wat er is veranderd sinds ons vorige bezoek een jaar geleden.

I love springtime and its extra days of around the weekends. Days to explore nice places-to-be with the kids like the Honigcomplex in Nijmegen last weekend. A industrial complex with nice restaurants, creative companies, a beachsport site and a cool skatepark nearby. 
A must-visit if you happen to be in the neighbourhood!

woensdag 27 mei 2015

from where I stand

Niet toevallig een aantal foto's op Instagram met als hashtag #fromwhereIstand. Nadenkend over waar ik sta, waar ik vandaan kom, wat ik met me mee draag, wie me vergezeld en vooral waar ik graag naar toe wil. 
En niet toevallig weer aan het bloggen in het Nederlands, waarin ik beter kan verwoorden wat ik graag wil delen. 
Zoals leuke, lieve dingen in de afgelopen week:
- Floor die kampioen werd met zijn F-team en na de kampioenswedstrijd naar me toe rende, me omhelsde en zei: ik moet bijna huilen; ik had toen al wat tranen weggepinkt (pic 2)
- de Bandnight van Sam bij Het Koelhuis; trots op mijn oudste en wat blijft het toch een mooi ingericht, stoer en basic pand (pic 1)
- veel en lang lopen met de hond, soms met mijn nieuwe Buddhify-app maar ook veel gezellig kletsend met wie me zo lief is (pic 3)
- een lang weekend; waren alle weekenden maar 3 dagen lang :)
- een fijne, bijzondere ontmoeting bij Brood van Joop (such a lovely place) in gesprek over mijn loopbaan, met als cadeautje het spontaan meekrijgen van de MiLK Decoration door de eigenaresse: THNX; en
- mijn aanmelding vandaag voor de opleiding interieurstyling.
Voelt stevig en fijn #fromwhereIstand!

Thinking about where I stand and where I want to go following my dreams. 
And thinking about enjoying a very lovely week in which I was so proud at Floor as a football champion, Sam playing at the bandnight, enjoying 3 days off instead of a regular week-end, exploring my own career and deciding to start an interior stylist course. Feeling happy about where I stand!

zondag 3 mei 2015

blessings on a rainy day

After some sunny days, luckily even on Kingsday last monday when the kids were selling toys on the thrift market, it started raining cats and dogs when we were on our way to visit the Honigcomplex in Nijmegen this afternoon. It was nevertheless nice to wander around at this industrial complex, visiting skatepark Waalhalla, drinking Blommers coffee at First things first, admiring the building and art at Galerie Bart and finding Wally :)

Just love former industrial surroundings with new creative initiatives. 
Such a nice new place-to-be!

zondag 7 september 2014

counting my blessings on sunday

A lovely week in which:
* the kids went to school again; spending our holiday together was lovely and passed too fast, also enjoying our holiday so much because of letting go the routine of daily life and spending time together;
* last friday the car and tent trailer were brought back home safely, after our car broke down very shortly after we left our campingsite, including the inspiring interior magazines IDEAT, MILK decoration and AVIVRE and the XXL shopper I bought;
* we enjoyed a BBQ with the kids on the indian summer evening this saturday; and
* I bought this RAAF cushion #inlove :)

maandag 25 augustus 2014

holiday colors

Enjoying our holiday in the south of France. Counting our blessings while time flies. Enjoying the blue see, the blue sky and spending quality time together.
Feeling blue time passes so fast.

woensdag 25 juni 2014

long time no see | pinspiration

golden star garland: storybookhearts
balloons: Studio DIY
yellow dress: Boden

It has almost been two month since I have posted my last blogpost. I didn't have any intention to have a blogbreak, but it just happened. No special reason or perhaps because we decided to sell our house and I spent a lot of time cleaning and getting rid of things we didn't use for years. Visiting the thrift shop to deliver stuff instead of buying things. Besides my job and running the family :))
Still some painting on my to-do list, but after that we are ready. Not just for selling the house, but also for a new future step ahead which feels so lovely!

Apparently I just needed some time off, but I have missed blogging. Starting today with some happy, sunny pictures I shared on Pinterest. Expressing my mood, feelings and the lots of blessings I count.

dinsdag 22 april 2014

just enjoying life

Looking back on such a nice Easter weekend with my love: having dinner at Het Koelhuis on friday evening, visiting and falling in love with Delft, enjoying sun and laziness at Whoosah Scheveningen, lunch at Dudok The Haque, Easter breakfast at Kek Delft, having a drink outside at the Molenpad, Prinsengracht Amsterdam after visiting Pinned Up by Marcel Wanders at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam (more about that later in a new post :)). 
Realizing I didn't take as much pictures as I intended to, because I just wanted to enjoy and capture the moments together. 
Feeling so blessed! Hoping you have had a nice Easter weekend too!

zondag 16 februari 2014

M is for ... - blessings

M is for Museum and for Marco or actually for celebrating Marco's b-day visiting the Rijksmuseum on this saturday. Lovely to end a nice week this way and start the holiday with the kids.
Love the Rijksmuseum, such a great building exposing wonderful art, like the 'Nachtwacht' by Rembrandt (the kids favorite :)) but also more modern art like the Rietveld chair in white. Not being able to see the whole art collection yesterday, so considering to buy a museum card to visit it again and again, and also visiting the Marcel Wanders exhibition Pinned Up at the Stedelijk Museum soon :)
Ending our trip to Amsterdam having diner at Magnetico, the former Praq-restaurant in a red fleapit at Zeeburgereiland. Such a relaxed place to have dinner with kids.
Feeling blessed!

Follow the weekly count your blessings posts of all participants mentioned on Anki's blog Zilverblauw.

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