Sunday, May 29, 2011

All good things must come to an end...

the good thing that has come to an end for me is the Young Women's program. It's been just shy of three years I've had the privilege of serving as the YW's president. But today I was released. I knew it would come to and end. I found out this morning and am excited for the girls to have new blood and enjoy changes that will come with a new presidency.

I can honestly say I never wanted to be president. It's been a good ride and I have gotten to know some really amazing girls who are faced with more challenges at their tender age than I ever faced, but I am happy to pass the title on to someone else.

I learned a lot being in this calling. I learned that if I expected the girls to listen to wholesome music and watch wholesome movies I must do the same. I learned a lot about modesty. If I expect them to dress modestly I must do the same. I learned that being modest just doesn't mean wearing clothes that cover the body properly but it means wearing clothes that aren't too tight or too revealing in other ways. I learned that if I taught them about preparing now for an eternal marriage and live up to the covenants they make I must do the same...always be preparing to be a better wife, better mother and always keep the covenants that I have made previously.
I hope I will remember to be a supportive parent when my sons are in YM's and help him to respect and admire his leaders.

I can't say enough good about my counselors. I had two sets since I served in the previous ward also before it was split. My presidency was awesome. Supportive, kind and and generous. Those ladies were the brains behind the operation. I will be forever grateful for their service they rendered over the past few years.

I think my boys will miss having the youth come over to our house every Wednesday night. Is it bad to say I won't miss making sure the house is picked up and ready for the young women to come invade it? :) I'm sure my family will start enjoying dinner on Wednesday nights again...we seemed to have tacos or pancakes on Wednesday night since I needed something that was quick and easy clean up. I am thankful for the opportunity my boys had to witness the youth and the way the youth programs in the church worked. I know they are excited to start YM's one day.

I'm excited for a new calling and a new place to serve. I hope that someway, somehow I made a difference in each of their lives. Most importantly I hope they will never forgot that they are daughters of their Heavenly Father who loves them. I can't wait to hear were each of their lives will take them. Their potential is greater than they can comprehend. They are choice daughters and are divine spirits.

My family was blessed in ways I didn't even realize over the past three years. I know I was blessed to receive strength when I had nothing left to give. I know inspiration came at times when I least expected it. It was a humbling experience and I'm grateful I had the opportunity to serve.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Temple Marriage

I'm sitting here preparing the lesson for YW's tomorrow. The title is "Temple Marriage" and the objective of the lesson states:

Each young woman will understand that her decision to marry in the temple has eternal consequences.

At first I was thrown off by the word "consequences" at the end of the objective. However after studying the lesson I have been reminded how our eternal happiness depends on the choices we make ever day. It's so much more than just a marriage or a wedding day. I want to share some quotes from this lesson:

“Life is eternal. Death does not terminate the existence of man. He lives on and on. … The greatest joys of true married life can be continued. The most beautiful relationships of parents and children can be made permanent. The holy association of families can be never-ending if husband and wife have been sealed in the holy bonds of eternal matrimony. Their joys and progress will never end” (Spencer W. Kimball, in Conference Report, Oct. 1964, p. 25; or Improvement Era, Dec. 1964, p. 1055).

"...This continuing family unit is one of the greatest blessings God can give to his children."

The lesson also states:
"Emphasize that marrying in the temple is not a guarantee of eternal families and exaltation. Each young woman must strive to keep the Lord’s commandments and all the covenants made in the temple throughout her life." I think it's important for the girls to understand that a Temple marriage does not equal an easy marriage. Each marriage and individual will still be tested and tried. A Temple marriage provides the knowledge that God stands at the front of the marriage and with his help the couple can overcome the trials that are sent their way as long as both are willing to work at it and keep their sacred covenants.

This week while on my morning walk I was listening to the April 2011 General Conference talks. Just yesterday I heard Elder Scott's talk, (go here to view it). I found it so sweet and tender and just a good reminder of what a marriage can be here on earth and in heaven.

This lesson is so, so good. I hope to convey it's importance to the Young Women. Their lives can be forever blessed if they will choose the path now and in the future that will keep them true to their sacred covenants.

It's not easy but with our eye focused on the eternal nature of the plan it brings so much true happiness. Happiness that can't be explained or found any place else. I feel like I can honestly attest to the blessings and greater understanding that a Temple marriage can provide.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


It's been a full week since Buster was last at school. It's been a busy week also.
Crate had swim lessons with his cousin and by the end of the two week lesson he now jumps off the diving board...not willingly but at least he can be thrown off and swim to the side on his own. He may or may not scream during the process but bottom line is he knows his way to the side and now when we're by a pool I don't have to keep my eye on him anymore. (That was a joke in case you're wondering.)

Since school as been out I've realized the 4pm -6pm hours of the day are still "interesting" (AKA~horrible) I thought it was something that would end when school ended. Apparently I was wrong.

My window's desperately need to be cleaned. I have committed not to clean them until summer is over because when the kids are outside the hose always seems to come on and somehow it magically gets pointed at the windows. Thus I have come to the conclusion that cleaning them would be a total waste of time this summer.

Putting makeup on in the summer is almost pointless also. Especially if I'm not leaving the house or not going anywhere in within a 5 mile radius. Who am I kidding...summer or not if I'm not leaving the house the make up doesn't go on...

My belly is getting bigger and bigger. It dawned on me today that I am now in my third and final trimester. Holy cow time flies.

We have our first tomato starting to grow. For two people who have tan thumbs...not green ones this is a pretty big deal. I could eat a tomato every day. I can't wait to see what they taste like. We also have green beans growing in the garden and bell peppers. I hope they can survive the heat.

The boys think that since it's summer they don't have a set bedtime. I'm teaching them otherwise.

My cell phone is officially gone. Lost. Some where between Chuck E Cheese and my van it mysteriously disappeared. It really bites too because texting is the best way to stay in contact with the young women. What makes it even worse is the fact that I'm up for a big discount or possibly free phone in August. I think I might go cell-phone-less until then.

Crate says a new word every day. So far this week the boys have taught him to say pee, poo, and dumb. Lovely, isn't it?

I'm too tired to proof read...I hope the mistakes are minimal.

Monday, May 23, 2011

My goal today was to get the entire house cleaned with the help of the boys. I had to remind myself to be thankful for a home this size. It's good for our family, we have room to grow and it suits us well. I did think however that owning a smaller home would mean much less to clean and much less space for clutter to collect. I'm grateful my home isn't any bigger and I honestly hope to never have a bigger home unless I can afford to have someone come in and clean it on a regular basis.

My goal pretty much got accomplished. Just a few loads of laundry left and my bathroom is not cleaned. Other than that the boys room is clean and vacuumed, playroom is cleaned and vacuumed, kitchen is cleaned, bathrooms are cleaned, garbage is taken out, Crates room cleaned and vacuumed also and 85% of the laundry is washed, dried, folded and put away. Boss was a much bigger help than Buster today...not the usual but I really appreciated his efforts in wanting to help his mother and not complain about it. I'm not sure what the deal was with Buster, I guess it was one of those days for him.

Next on the list is the yard. Again...I couldn't imagine a bigger yard. We have a hard enough time keeping up with our postage stamp we call a back yard. One day I would love a plot of land, and a landscaper that comes along with it. :)

It was a busy week this past week. Swim lessons, cousins, no school the last few days. I have enjoyed only having one one-year-old during the day and so has my back. I'm hoping this summer doesn't pass to quickly. I like being a mother all day every day to my three boys. I really don't like sending them off to a teacher. However it is amazing how much they can learn in one day. I've already lost track of the date, That means summer is here.

So much lies ahead of us. I'm excited to start some new journey's this summer. I hope my family is excited also and I hope one of those summer journey's is organizing several drawers in the kitchen and possibly cleaning out the garage...that would be a major journey for us to embark on.

I have to say one more thing. Having the spirit with you makes all the difference. It's like being able to be happy and hopeful all the time. I am trying hard to always have the spirit abide in our home. It's been a tender few days and for that I am humble and grateful.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Today I braved another zoo trip...this time with only three children...two one year olds and a five year old. It actually went well, Crate had a little meltdown after being put back in the stroller but other than that things were descent. It worked out good because Crate's screams and squeals sound just like some of the birds that live at the zoo. Some of the screams went unnoticed by the passer-by's. My sister went along with her two kids so the company was great and the weather was totally bearable,
included was a nice breeze which helped us to stay there for three hours. Not a bad Monday. And did I mention how great this Monday is? It's the LAST Monday of the school year! Hooray!

Now I need to's not quite 5pm yet! I'm on a role!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Giving Up.

I've decided I am giving up on my floors. I will keep them crumb free but when it comes to mopping, well...I just can't do it. My back can't take it and it's so time consuming and only looks nice for about 20 minutes. Maybe three hours if I'm really lucky. I wonder if I only had tile in the kitchen if I would be on top of it more but considering each time I mop it's the entire house minus the bedrooms, it's just A LOT of work. Pops doesn't have a problem doing it, it's finding the time to do it that makes it hard. I've seriously contemplated hiring on of the YW to come mop my floor each week. The thought is VERY tempting.

I've decided I won't be bothered by the spots on the floor and as long as I don't hear "crunch, crunch" every time I walk, I'll be happy. The floor will get mopped eventually but will no longer be a priority.

Ahhh, I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. And if you come to my home...don't judge. Like I said I'll keep it crumb free, just not spot free.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers Day was yesterday. It was a good day. I'll admit, since I have little kids I've never expected much...I am not Pops' mother so I don't expect much from him. I always think Mothers day will be more about me when my boys are older and understand the purpose of the day.

Well...I guess my kids are older now. And Pops did really well helping them make the day special. I received breakfast in bed, I slept in til 7:30am...which for me is really late. The boys were very obedient when getting ready for church. Pops had no meetings so he was home all morning and helped out big time. We actually drove to church together and sat together the whole time. When we got home Crate fell asleep so Pops laid him down and I mentioned to the boys I was going to lay down for a few minutes. Pops laid down with me and next thing I knew three hours had gone by! I was shocked. The older boys never came in once to ask for anything and Crate slept the entire time also. The boys were very kind to entertain themselves and get food themselves in that three hour block, not to mention no messes were left for me to clean up. I felt like a new woman when I woke up. I think Pops enjoyed this Mothers day just as much as I did considering the amount of sleep he received also.

By the time we woke up it was dinner and everyone was on their own. I was thankful for leftovers which made cooking and cleaning easy...Pops made some cookies for his home teaching families and of course made a few extra for us. We finished the night off just hanging out together. It was a pleasant day I wouldn't mind repeating it anytime in the near future.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Almost six months

As I was showering today...before 3pm I might add (Not too much before this time but whose counting)it dawned on me that I'm almost six months pregnant. That's half a year! My body is defiantly changing and the little boy is a mover. I feel completely grateful for that. It gives me a sense of peace that he's growing healthy and strong. I noticed for the first time last night that I'm really starting to swell by the end of the day. I was a little irritated at first. Swelling hurts. It's unattractive and plain old not fun. Then I got more irritated at myself for being irritated. I reminded myself that this is all temporary and will go away. This is most likely the last time my body will swell because of a new life forming inside of me. I reminded myself to be grateful to be swelling for this reason. Other than swelling this pregnancy has been great. I'm thankful to still be able to devote 90-120 minutes six days a week to exercising, something I have asked the Lord to let me continue until the angle makes his debut. I sleep through the night, never waking for bathroom breaks. I have energy during the day to complete the tasks that are necessary, the list could go on and on.

It's true. The more I focus on the good aspects of life the more willing and able I am to handle the trials/learning experiences that pop up along the way.

Silly Boss...

For the second time this week Boss asked for an iphone for his birthday. I find this funny because I wasn't even sure he knew what an iphone was so when I asked him what a iphone is his response was, "it's like your itouch but it has a camera and can call people." I then said; "well Mom and Pops don't even have iphones." To which he responded "you can borrow mine if you need to make a call." I hope he forgets about his request before his next birthday rolls around...and to think he's only 5!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Before I forget...

I have to write these things down. Good memories and stories are the best in the later years.

Crate started nursery. I'm thankful for that, the YW are thankful for that and I'm sure the women in Relief Society who would take him for me are thankful for that too. I'll admit sometimes Sunday's were a little harry with YW's stuff, three boys-one not in nursery and no husband to help with child number three during YW time. Thank goodness for the kind ladies who found him so cute and would take him for me that last dreaded hour of church. We made it to the 18 month mark!! Hallelujah!

As of today Pops and the two older boys have felt their little brother kicking inside of me. I started feeling him flutter around the last 8 weeks but it's finally strong enough that you can feel him from the outside.

Oh, and Crate loves nursery...I forgot to mention that. No problem being in there for the two hours. Makes life great!

Two weeks of school left. I can't wait...which means I have two weeks of babysitting left before summer break! I think we're all ready for some lazy summer days.

Boss' math skills are beyond amazing, especially considering he has yet to step into a school class room. I'll be interested to see if he enjoys math as he gets older. He's got basic adding and subtracting down and now knows a large chunk of his times tables. I have Buster's homework to thank for that. Boss likes hanging out with Buster during homework time.

Last Saturday Pops was gone for about 12 hours so I decided it would be a perfect day to fly kites with the boys. I learned a valuable lesson. Dollar store kites are crap and not even worth the dollar spent. I envisioned a wonderful afternoon at the park with the boys flying kites...well when the kites broke on the first flight the afternoon turned out to be "not so wonderful."

Crate has discovered his love for bubbles. Dollar store bubbles are well worth it for an 18 month old.

OB says he's 150% confident it's a boy. No questions asked. I like that level of confidence, it makes planning easier.

I've had a tough time coming up with dinner ideas lately. Tonight dinner was a salad. Needless to say I had four unhappy males around here, I think one even said "where's the rest of dinner?" My reply was "this is it, be grateful." I can either blame it on pregnancy or spring fever. Maybe a combo of the two. Not good.

Did I mention before I LOVE summer?

This house needs to be brightened up...maybe some new pillows on the couch or something. Actually, I think I say that every spring.

I have lots of idea's floating around in my head of things I would like to do to the house. Ultimately, more than anything at this point of my life I'm more than thankful to have a roof over my head and if the inside is not changed for 10 years so be it. It's not the end of the world.

I braved the zoo with four kids and no spouse last week and amazingly it all went well. We're all alive.

Just found this cute site if you're interested...

I think if it were up to me I'd take a month long family vacation in the summer. How fun would that be!

Our chairs continue to remain on top of the kitchen table, thanks to Crate. I'm confident one day they'll come down and no one will be climbing on them risking a broken arm. For now it always looks like I'm in the middle of cleaning my floors. I guarantee that does not happen nearly as often as it should. "Crunch, Crunch" is a normal sound around here when walking on the kitchen floors. I can't tell you the last time I walked in the kitchen barefoot. No joke, I always have something on to protect my feet from the crumbs.

OK, enough said. Time for bed.