Thursday, June 26, 2008

Do you know this guy?

Gun ruling today: "a landmark victory for Second Amendment freedom." - McCain
I'm not a huge McCain fan but I do believe today's ruling in D.C. was a significant win. I appreciate Mr. Becks views on this topic and so many others that are discussed daily. After listening to him several times now I think I have a new best friend. Am I getting older or what? Scary. May the Second Amendment always stay enforced and may the American public be wise and take precautions if choosing to have guns in the home. You go Glenn!

Why can't everyday be like today?

The day started off by sleeping in until 6:30am. Got two loads of laundry done. Showered by 8am, fun yoga session at 9am then off to the spa for three different treatments. Husband gave me a gift certificate for my birthday last July, yes July of '07 and I never used it until today. It was expiring in the next few days so I got on the ball made an appointment and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon by having a wonderful massage, spa pedicure and spa manicure. Oh they joy. I even choose to dive in to the wonderful world of Hollywood and caught up on the stars latest and greatest moments by reading the piles of trash talk and gossip that filled the corners of the very much "worldly" salon in downtown Tempe. Oh, how I realized myself, a twenty something -stay at home mother - is so out of touch with "normal life." The topics buzzing around the modern salon mentioned nothing of diapers, poop, kindergarten, home decor, wards, service or anything of the like. There was talk of men, women, drinking, sex, mention of "feel good stuff" -whatever that means and how kids always get in the way of life. I realized I love massages and some day will have them done on a weekly basis and I'm thankful to come back home to my "reality", I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thank you Brandon for the gift...I promise to use the '08 present in '08.

P.S. Thanks mother for watching the boys so I could get this done!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Brotherly love

Last night the boys and I were at a meeting for a new school and Brandon had left after we did for a church meeting. When the boys and I got home we realized some things weren't right before we even got in the house. To make a long story short, I wouldn't let the boys go in the house and Carson was listening to a conversation I was having with Brandon and the word "police" kept being said. After I hung up my cell phone and as were in the waiting outside our house Carson starts crying and says "I don't want to die." (I learned a good lesson here...when I'm panicked, don't let the kids know because with Carson A type personality he becomes every freaked out very easily) Anyhow I calmed him down and let me know everything is going to be alright. By this time we're headed to a neighbors house...for one purpose only, I know he has a gun...thanks goodness for the right to bear arms, may this amendment never be altered...back on track...I look in the rear view mirror and Carson is stretching his hand out to Bostons and as they are holding hands Carson says to him "Buddy, I'll protect you. I won't let you die. I'll die so you can live. Don't worry buddy I promise I'll protect you." These two boys have a relationship like no other I've seen. I really know that these feelings Carson had for Boston during this time were true. He loves his brother more than life itself. I know they were close brothers long before they ever came to earth.

I had to write this down so that when they are 15 and 13 and at each others throats I can read this to them and help them remember how they once felt about each other. :)

Thank you to our neighbor (you know who you are) for being a great neighbor and if any one's one died last night, all is well.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

What can one week bring...

Releasing from current callings for my husband and I, two new callings, one for each of us, a 31st birthday to the man of the house a 5th birthday for the first born, three morning runs while it's 95 degrees outside, a determination to start a garden, record payment at the gas pump, not more than 5.5 hours of sleep per night, a yoga session with my husband that was more than hilarious, and four extra pounds.

Now to expound (if you don't like details stop here)

After 2.5 year Brandon said goodbye as the 1st counselor in the Bishopric, there are somethings I believe he'll miss, more things he won't miss but most of all he got a small snip it of what a Bishop deals with and said he never would wish that responsibility on anyone. He will miss working closely with the Bishop and has found that he was called by God and respects the mantle that is carried by him. He's excited to be a dry, oh I mean high counselor.

After 2.5 years of enjoying many of your little darlings I am sad to say goodbye to the children in primary. I will especially miss their excitement to learn new songs (or lack of excitement if you're an 11 year old boy) their encouragement ("Sis Meryhew, My mom sings better than you but keep trying) and their honesty ("do you have a baby in your tummy?" as to which I replied "No" "oh, your belly's just big?"). Don't fret parents, don't be embarrassed for me. Cause it may have been your child that prayed for you during opening exercises to "Not watch so much TV" or "to not spank me everyday" or "cook something we'll want to eat" or "stick to her diet". Now it's on to compassionate service, I guess the Lord figured it's never to late to teach me to have compassion.

Brandon celebrated number 31. He kicked off his big day with a 9am Real Estate course...exciting... then worked until dinner time. He was served with chicken and steak kabobs (yummy...yes, grilled by yours truly) mashed potatoes with country gravy, spinach salad, garlic cheese bread and a homemade Oreo ice cream cake to wash it down. Then off to the new church to help move in and closed out the night with a good game of church ball...his favorite.

Carson celebrate number 5. Where does the time go? I think after five years his 9.1 pound body has finally recovered from coming out an area that felt like it was 2 inches wide. His mother has yet to recover. He celebrated with a BOYS only star wars party. I still feel like I need to send out apologies to those friends and family members of his that are girls. If your child is female and has what you thought was a good "friendship" with my son, please don't take it personally your child was not invited. No female was, not even his own mother. I was not allowed to participate in the festivities only provide them. He did say "this was the best party ever" so I guess that was worth all the potentially ruined female relationships we might have to mend over the next couple of months.

95 degrees at 5:13am...time to move the morning runs back an hour to 4:13am. I'm afraid I'll pass out from heat exhaust and be eaten by the stray pit bull I've see the last three mornings roaming my running trail.

Yes, I will have a garden ready for fall. Pretty exciting...please let me know if you have tips as my green thumb fell off while killing my first plant nine years ago.

$72 for gas and I have a mini van, supposedly cheaper than an SUV? Ouch.

Two birthdays, 75 hours of work, a messy house, when is there time to sleep?

Ok, so Brandon said "Yoga's not a real workout" I told him to put his money where is mouth is. Monday morning was his first session, now he can't pay up his owed money because he is so sore from my Sargent-like training he can barely get out of bed and make any money. Two things he learned 1. He is NOT flexible. 2. The meaning of vinyasa.

Two birthday's with junk food + no sleep + 2 can's of Dr. Pepper (I usually drink about 6 a year) + stress ='s 4 gained Lb's. Diet starts Monday!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I realized I didn't journal about our 9th anniversary outing. Thanks to Heidi for watching the boys. We went to Claim Jumper (mainly for the desert) and I ate way to much, nothing new there. Then we went to a movie called "Emma Smith, My Story" it was only playing at one theater in the entire valley but totally worth the drive. It was such a great movie and depicted the life of Emma Smith very well. After learning more of her struggles, trials and heartache I feel like I have nothing to complain about and I walked out of the movie wanting to be a better person. We realized we need to go on dates more often...once every six months doesn't cut it. We really enjoyed spending time together.

My mom came and stayed Thursday night and Friday with the kids. That was really nice. I was able to go to a school meeting and enrichment for the first time in a very long time and I didn't have to pay a babysitter! Then on Friday she watched Boston while I taught yoga and then took both boys out for a few hours while I stayed home and worked. I always forget how much computer work I can get done when I have no interruptions. That was a really nice treat and I got caught up once again on some of the business books. Of course Carson came back with new stuff my mom had gotten him for his upcoming birthday. I know he had a great time. Then she also watched them while I headed off to a baby shower and stayed with them until Brandon came home from our stake Temple session. Thank you mother for spending time with the boys they really enjoyed it and had tons of fun.

Then today we went to the Bingham's to celebrate 4 family birthdays in June and Father's day for all the brother-in-law's and my dad. That was a fun time. Again, Carson came home with way too much birthday stuff...time to clean out the playroom and dispose of the unused treasures in there...only problem is I have to do it when a certain child is sleeping or there are way to many tears. See, I've learned something over the years...never put toys in the "give away" bag when your children are looking.

I've got to get to bed because I was up WAY to late at the baby shower...sorry again Stacy for staying around so was really nice just hanging out.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Knight and Shining man to the rescue...and it's not my husband!

So I don't have any real good poop stories regarding my know the ones where the kids smears poop all over the wall, or the kid has a mouth full of poop from a leaking diaper...those types of stores. I didn't have a good one until today. It's after dinner I am cleaning up and realize Boston is really quite, too quite. I call for him and out he comes from our guest room saying "mama, mama." I come around the corner to find a big chuck of something on his foot. Lo and behold it was poop. A big nasty chuck of green grossness. This is where I begin to panic...not the carpet, please not the carpet...I walk into the guest room to find, yes you guessed nasty grossness on the carpet. You see our home is 75% tile...easy to clean up but did he poop on the tile? NO, he chose the blessed carpet. After I swallowed the vomit that had come up (I know, gross but true) I quickly let out a panic scream then gathered my senses and grabbed the precious child by one arm and one ankle and ran him into the bathroom where I proceeded to hold back the vomit as I wiped his cute little tan rear, legs, back, arms, neck, knees, ankles and feet then quickly threw him in the bath. That was the easy part, now what do I do with the carpet? You see, any easy fix would be to call my sweet husband and say "honey, I need your help" I proceed to do this he's letting me know his appointment is waiting at the door and he's "outta here." I don't even know if he realized what had just happened. This is where my knight-in-shining armor comes in. Remember the "clean freak" brother in law? Well guess who happened to be at our house just at the right guessed it, the clean freak. And to my amazement that poop was cleaned up even before I was finished bathing Boston. This man was heaven sent. He scrubbed those carpets better than they've ever been. I now have a guest room with beautiful cream colored carpet once again (minus the previous stains that have been there for day the carpets will be professionally cleaned). Dustin, you're amazing. My life has been forever changed by your kind deed. To you I am in a debt of gratitude. Not only did you save my carpet you also saved my toilet from needing a cleaning because there defiantly would have been puke in it if I was the one cleaning it up.

The good Lord knows me well, he knows what I can and cannot handle and that is why he blessed me by having my brother-in-laws Dustin there at the precise moment. I am truly a blessed woman. Jeaniece, do you realize the gem of a man you married? You're one lucky duck!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

9 Years!

Today we celebrate nine years of blissful marriage. I thought I would list nine reasons why I love it goes and in no particular order...

1. He is respectful and patient
2. He has desire to support our family
3. His mild manner temperament
4. His love for our children
5. His talent at the piano
6. His love for the gospel
7. His sense of humor (most people don't know this side of him but he's pretty funny)
8. His desire to serve (his family and the Lord)
9. His love for me

I'm reading this book called No One Can Take Your Place by Sheri Dew. In a chapter she writes that on President and Sister Hinckley's 59th anniversary Sis Hinckley said "It has been fifty-nine years of heaven on earth." I echo those same words. It has been nine years of heaven on earth. I am thankful we got married young enough that I feel like in many ways we've matured and grown up together. I have found peace and joy in marriage and I know Heavenly Father has blessed me in this aspect of my life. I always say "he may not be a perfect person, but he is a perfect match for me."

Happy Anniversary Brandon, I Love you more than words can express!