Thursday, September 15, 2011

We've had such a FUN summer. . . .

Eating donuts for breakfast!

Taking bubble baths!


Sleeping in tents!

Sleeping in late!

Trying new foods!

Learning to sit!



Playing games (also in a tent)!


Playing with Grampa!

Climbing trees!


Riding bikes! This is Jake's own invention for a brake :)

Taking baths without bubbles!

Weathering Hurricane Irene!

Practicing letters and numbers!

Shopping with mom and Aunt Marianne!

I love you Romney and Jacob!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

6 Months Ago Today. . .

I miss her.

My best friend.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Domestical. . .

Mom gave me a sewing machine for Christmas, and I have been putting it to good use. You could even say I'm becoming domestic! Over Christmas break we went and picked out fabric for my first quilt. Here it is pieced together. . .

then quilted. . .

Ta-da! It is finished. By the way, animal prints are so IN!

Here is quilt #2!

Hopefully it will look like this when I'm finished!


Monday, August 31, 2009

Hood To Coast

I know, I know. 2 posts in the same month! You were not expecting it!

Last weekend I flew to Portland, Oregon with some friends to run another relay race. This one is called Hood to Coast. We started here, at Mount Hood. . . and finished on the beach in Seaside, Oregon. Hood to Coast was only 197 miles . . . This race has been going for over 30 years, and Ragnar (the company who does Wasatch Back) got their idea from this race. Ragnar now owns about 11 races all over the country. Because of elevation, it was easier to breathe at Hood to Coast and the temperatures were a little more mild, otherwise, I think I like the Wasatch Back better.

Mt. Hood. . .

My first leg was at 7:00 pm, and as you can see it's still light outside. Don't worry, after 6:00 you have to wear a reflective vest and headlamp. I practically got yelled at when I asked if that was really necessary. I guess they'd been asked that at least once before!

Phew! 1/4 of the way done. . .

Starting to look and feel the effects of no sleep and sweat dried on at least twice by this point :)

We made it! Our team finished in 24:38:22. We came in 94th out of 1004 teams! Not too shabby to make the top 10%! I can take no credit, we had really fast guys.

Walking down to the water after we finished. It was a little overcast this day, but it was beautiful to be at the beach!

Team (Back left): Josh ?, Chris Gritton, Curtis Robertson, Sam Picklesimer, Porter ?, Craig Romrell, Frank Kellywood, Mike Burquist, Jared Bracken, Collette Calderwood, me, Sarah Jackson.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Little Getaway

Most of you probably know I got a new job at Primary Children's Hospital, working in their outpatient diabetes clinic. It is my dream job!! Since I was switching jobs, I tried to take a little time off to go visit Jennie, Cory, and Jake in New Jersey. All I could squeeze out of the transfer was 2 days. So, I took my first ever red eye and got to Philly at 9:30 a.m. last Thursday morning. Funny thing was, by noon, I had to ask Jennie if SHE needed to go home and take a nap! I actually got some good sleep on the airplane, even though I was sitting in row B. I have a major talent for sleep!

So, here are some pics of my trip and family! Really, I know that Jake is NOT my son, even though it may seem like it because he is in the majority of pictures on my blog! But he is adorable, so what can I say? He is in the majority of pictures that I take!

Independence Hall. . .

Liberty Bell. . .

This is the room where the Declaration of Independence AND the Constitution were signed. . . very cool!

Original Philly Cheese Steak. . . so yummy!

Everytime I see Jake, I give him a present. Jennie sometimes gets mad, but I have some serious competition to be the favorite Aunt. So, this time I gave him Mack--from Cars. Of course, he loved it!

Jennie and Cory are remodeling their house, so we finished painting the kitchen one morning. It was fun to just chat and be together! I'm not the best painter, but I think there weren't too many mistakes, as long as Cory's not looking too closely!

One afternoon we went to a farm that was nearby. It was such a beautiful place with lots of animals and cool barns.

Jake is not afraid of animals at all. He almost got pecked. . .

and licked.

Cool red barn. . .

Jake had just eaten a cupcake. . . we didn't even get a taste of it!

And of course, he stepped in every mud puddle there was. . .

Thanks Jennie and Cory and Jake for the fun weekend!