Time is flying. This one is getting so big and independent. And a bit of a challenge too. This is what happens when we go outside and I say "Grace don't get all wet, it's been raining". She jumps right into the water puddle in the sandbox. Her excuse, "Papa Dark would be so proud." Yes, my dad the master or kids jumping in puddles.
We most likely sold our house. This is picture of repaired shingles. Yes-I did that. The inspector requested it, and then came back to check. He was so impressed by "the guy that did it". It made me laugh. Everything is complete for the sale, and we close on the 29th. It has been crazy trying to pack and find a place to live. Grace is finally coming around. She really didn't want to leave our house (and neither did I, but I do want a new neighborhood). but now she wasn't a "pink" room. So that is the seller right now.

We have looked at a couple of temporary places to live. We went to a townhome in Midway. The previous renters had left a bit of a mess. They left a lot of stuff behind, including this horse, so when we went to walk, the owners gave it to our kids. Too cool! We still aren't sure where we will be, but it may be in that town home, or at a condo in Park City. It just depends on if we find a house to buy. We have some good prospects in Heber City we are excited about.
Walker is growing so fast. He still doesn't roll, but if put on his belly he will get on his knees. Not up on his hands, but his little butt sticks up in the air. He smiles and laughs all the time.
This superstar makes me laugh every day. She is convinced that in this outfit, nobody will know who she is. She is currently calling herself "Basella" but can never remember it, so she asks me 20 times a day what her name is. She was so excited about it, she had to call both my sisters. When waiting to tell them, she would say all excited "She doesn't know I'm Basella". She is also really into watching Barbie movies right now so we get to see them over and over again.
We did smores on the patio the other night. It was Walker's first time.
Grace grabbed the stick, poked on her marshmallow, and with one in her mouth took charge and put it right into the fire. What a silly gal!
She loves spending time with her Daddy and when he is home, she always right in his space.
While packing the other day, I pulled out my violin. She wanted to play it. Like mother like daughter. Maybe lessons some day. It made me happy!
Kaelin (her past Nanny) Came and took her to a movie the other day. Grace had the very best time.
Someone at the mall that has a little crush on Kaelin gave this to Grace. It is now their "best friends" necklace for her and Kaelin. Grace loves it!
We did some finger painting.
And playing with friends!
And some Doll time!
A little sleepover. I took this because I was feeling so very blessed. They truly are amazing.

Grace showing me her Awesome jumping skills-like peter rabbit!
Playing a little Mario. Grace actually improved pretty quick. I was proud of her!
We have had some pretty nice weather so we went to the Park.
And I captured a picture of my sunshines, before we took another drive to Heber to look at houses. They are sure getting sick of it, but have been such troopers this month.
My sisters came up to grab something yesterday so we met them for Lunch.
The kiddos pretending to go on an adventure.
What a crazy month it has been. Time is flying. My kids are growing up way too fast, but I am so loving every minute I get to be with them.