As busy as I have been I have gotten really behind on blogging, but we have been doing some very fun stuff! Grace in the cool chair at the library
Grace and her daddy made some cool snow forts. It has gone from snow to sunny and now back to snow.
Walker will keep his head up forever if it means watching T.V. (true Boxall)
Grace making one of her pizzas from her fundraiser for dance class.

Grace likes taking pictures of all of us, so we do it quite often.
Guess who this is...... (Plankton from Spongebob-pretty good I say)
Enjoying the awesome weather in between the snow!
She is learning to pump herself. She is pretty proud.
Grace also went with me to take my keys back to work. She was so excited that it meant I get to stay home. She thought the key was really important to me so she informed me "Daddy can get you another key mom so you can be here...Daddy fixes everything!"
A little chocolate from Sue she ate on the way home. What a mess!
She picked up this sign in our yard and said "I'm Lonni and I guard the kids as they cross the street" She is too funny!
Yep I caught this picture of Art putting Grace to bed. Yes he is in her toddler bed. It was a snug fit but such a cool moment! Art really is amazing!
Silly little man. Makes me laugh. He is laughing and talking and making the coolest noises now! I can't believe he is already four months old. Time is going way too quickly!
Going for a ride with silly glasses on. She said she is Mr. Bubbles from Lilo and Stitch and here to take Lilo away-she says the funniest things and remember everything!
Two silly kids. They make me so happy and make every day a joy! He is just thrilled by her-all the time!
On the tramp for the first time.
Art brought home some honey that his coworker made. Grace loved it and ate it by the spoonful.
We rode with Daddy to work one night when he had to do some late night light calculations. Grace thought it was fun.
Daddy and Pie also did some Olympics of the high jump downstairs. Grace thought it was awesome.
Then of course she waned Walker to play too. Don't mind my scary face, but he thought it was fun too.

I just love our family!