Grace painted this picture of Daddy, Mommy and Pie. Daddy is the big swoop on the left. Mommy is the little swoop on the right bottom, and pie is the green swipe on the top right. It is so cute we framed it and it is in our hall.

Grace loves for me to sing at night, but sometimes I get tired. Singing CD's don't work. It has to be mommy. Not that I am a huge fan of my voice, but Pie really really loves it, so I found this teddy bear that you can plug shuffle into. I recorded some Lullabye's for her and play them at night. She loves the bear-and it works.

See the love!! It makes me happy to see her enjoy it. She says it is her Mommy bear.

One of the songs is a little fairtale song I wrote for her, that she loves to very much. I had created a video that she really loves to watch (over and over again). She calls it the princess pie video.
The song words are:
A princess with her golden hair
Lives in a tower way up in the air
Waiting for her world to change
Instead she goes out and a life she gains
A red hooded girl who has no fear
ventures to her grandma dear
Learning lessons along the way
Family first and live every day
Fairy Tale Dreams sang just for you
If you believe they can come true
These fairy tale dreams-for you!
A Beautiful girl with dark black hair
Lives with the dwarfs in the woods somewhere
She doesn't look like everyone else
She's beautiful and she is herself
A blond headed girl who had to find
That stealing food was not very kind
Instead she changed and helped instead
And a happy life with bears she led
Fairy Tale Dreams sang just for you
If you believe they can come true
Theses Fairy Tale dreams-for you!
A beautiful girl with Auburn Hair
Ventures out to a castle somewhere
a beast she meets who is not the same
but she doesn't judge and she learns his name
The childhood maid who lived to clean
Worked really hard and was not mean
Found her way to the royal ball
And because of this she surpassed them all
Fairy Tale Dreams sang just for you
If you believe they can come true
These Fairy Tale Dreams-for you!
A princess hidden deep inside
Under her mattress a pea did hide
She worked and found her inner heart
Then happily played her royal part
The swimming girl under the sea
A human being desired to be
She gave up some and gained it all
She worked really hard and did not fall
Fairy Tale Dreams sand just for you
If you believe they can come true
These Fairy Tale Dreams-Of You!