We went to Arizona to visit Tori. Grace was so excited she could hardly stand it. It was so fun to see where she lives.
We did quite a bit of swimming because it was so warm.
Grace loved seeing Papa and Grandma.
There was a play area by the pool too. Which grace loved. She enjoyed pretending to be a monkey.
We got to see Tori's school. It was very cool!
We went to the mall to walk around too.
It was so fun to see Tori and Grace misses her so much. We definitely have to go back again and can't wait to see when she comes up!
Grace's Birthday is fast approaching so I had to get her sprout card sent in. This year it says: "Hip Hip Hooray, Grace is two today""You're growing up it's plain to see. Happy Birthday Pie, love Dad and Mommy!" I sure hope her card gets read on TV-either way, the thought is there. We love you Pie!
Today was Grace's first day of daycare. She actually was excited to go and play with her friends. She even took a nap with everyone. She is growing up too fast and it makes me sad. At least I can go and visit her anytime I want and I know she likes her teacher Ms. Charissa.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
We went to the Wayne County Fair over the weekend. We didn't want to go backwards on the potty training so on the ride down we had a potty ready when needed. Grace did so good going pee on the side of the road!
She had a lot of fun playing with the kitten.She participated in the small fry rodeo.Where the kids did stick horse races.Some "mutton busting" (which Grace and Miles loved and wanted to do again and again)
Ky helped her ride.
Chased chickens and pigs.
DDid lots of dancing.Smiled with their moms
Kolt rode a steer for the first time. He stayed on longer than anyone. I was so proud!We went camping at fish lake (Grace kills me with her hair) we had so much fun!
Then we went into town for the parade and my moms booth.
My dad's float he made won first place. And then Grace rode in the Maria's Grill float. Pie fell asleep behind the booth. We cut cake for Miles' birthday.
Miah performed with the cheerleaders.We hung out at Pete's house and had a lot of fun, laughing, hugging, dancing.. What a great weekend with family!!!
We have had a lot of fun at home lately. Love Grace's hair here-she cracks me up!
Mimi and Pete came up to help me out for a couple of days. Mimi played go fish with the kids.
And Grace loved on the baby for a while!
Miles Pee'd off of the porch so Grace thought she needed to try. Someday we will have the "he's a boy and you are a girl talk" but not yet.They played outside a lot.I laughed until I cried when Grace wanted to get out of the trampoline with Miles so she asked him to help her. Instead of giving her a hand he tried to carry her-at which time they both fell over. Miles gets up and says "she's heavy" (I just watched it and though-I wonder how this will work-being that they are only a pound a part) Too cute!! I love how close they are!