We went to Boise for a quick trip. We went swimming at the club there. Grace loved it!

They have a great splash area.

She even jumped off of the diving board (four times-she really liked it)

Yes she is that kid (not afraid of the water, will jump in-scary) and goes under without crying.

Getting ready to jump again.


Jackson was there too.

And Artie.

Grace loved swimming with Papa and jumped to him too.

We came home and did fireworks. Art hates the idea of "pioneer day" so we just did fireworks for the sake of it

Grace thought it was sooo fun!

Even the little ones we did in the road she enjoyed.

But she wouldn't cooperate or a picture with her mom. She closed her eyes on all of them.

Lilly Cat came too. Dad and Pie had to have a serious conversation about pulling the cats tail.

Overall it was a great weekend and a lot of fun.