Our Sun Valley Vacation was nearly ruined and it definately was difficult and hard for me-mixed in with all of the good times. Grace fell our first night there. She was sitting on a trike when her cousin Art rode by. She fell toward him off of the trike and hit her nose on the back of it. I was panicked when it turned a little blue. I took her to the doctor and they said it could be broken, but to wait, and it would probably bleed if it was truly broken.

So later that night when we were at the nice dinner. Grace fell face first in the bathroom onto the hard floor. She just tripped (which she does about every 15 seconds) and landed on her nose. It was the final straw. We ended up in the ER again. Yep-broken. I have since been trying so hard to keep her calm and from falling down which is so hard with a toddler. My heart is broken for her and I just keep crying every time I think of her telling me that her nose hurts.

The next day-it is still very swollen and more black and blue.

One more day.
I am still just so sad about this and I can't believe she has to go through this. We go to her surgeon tomorrow to see what we need to be doing. She is such good spirits for what has happened you wouldn't know by her actions that she is even hurt. She is such a tough lady!