We ventured to Wayne for the weekend so the boys could have a day out. They went Ice Fishing, bowling, and played basketball and tennis. During that time. Grace loved on baby Leah (yes she still loves a little fiercly. She tried to pick her up once (obviously we were all right there) but I came to the conclusion that Grace either thinks her babies are real, or that all babies are dolls. Not sure. But she really loves them (her doll sat next to her in a chair at lunch today-so there you go!)
We had some breakfast at the Sunglow.
And just spent some really fun Girl Time!
Grace and Miles ran around the tennis courts while the boys played and then played outside on Miles' swing set.
This little man makes me laugh!
And her too. Little slide lady!

We went to the "coutique" there in Lyman and found some squeeky shoes and this little dress that Grace just loves and didn't want to take off. So girlie!
Not sure what she is doing here, but it probably was after her falling down and now she is just being dramatic.
These two are so close. I just love that they have so much fun together. Miles hates when we leave and "take his gracie away from him" He always insists that we "bring her back". While crying and tearing my heart into little pieces. you know....Love you Miles!
Grace fell too. She and Miles were jumping on the bed and she fell into the wall. See Miles is showing where her owie is.
She is super tough though and left the bandaid on all night (notice that she also stuck a bandaid still in the wrapper on the other cheek) Silly Pie!