Merry Christmas 2010. I am pretty sure our tree was drowning in presents this year. We had grandparents here too, and they spoil everyone rotten.

Grace just wanted a kipper dog, but they are terribly hard to find, so I had to knit one for her. I think she really liked him.

She loved the wagon that her grandparents gave her.

Tori loves to sew, so she got a sewing machine this year.
Grace got a baby from Santa. She had to show everything to her sister and her papa. She was very thankful and pretty good (although we broke up the unwrapping throughout the day for her).

Tori also loves cooking so she got the Julie Childs French cookbook from the grandparents. She loves the movie Julie and Julia.

Grace and her baby. She loved it!
Although this is a horrible look on my face here, see the radio flyer box, well Art wrapped this box on my lap in that box and loaded it with tennis rackets and paper just to throw me off. It was really good. He got me a Kindle, (which by the way was totally breaking the rules and he spent too much) But I LOVE It!!!
Grace got lots of books. She got some from her sister that she loves reading!
Art just wanted Boise State stuff (especially this shirt) He looked really good in it too!
Grace just loved hanging out in her wagon with her cool new toys.
Merry Chirstmas!
Trudy and Lon came over and brought Grace a baby that she loves. She has so much fun with these two. She had Lon read her a book for a minute. They are so sweet to us and I really appreciate all that they do.
More play time with afternoon toys.
We went for a walk in the wagon. Grace just loves being pulled (and pulling it around)
Papa and Grandma Ellett came by too. They brought Grace a "Melmo". She dances and spins with it.
Big dancer in her PJ's and robe from MiMi.
Mimi also sent us this for Christmas. Isn't this so neat!!! (yes the Piano) Grace loves banging on it and I really want her to have the chance to learn if she wants to. I was elated. This piano was my Grandma Taylors, then my moms, then us Girls, and now it is in my family. I am so happy!

As you can see it was a very spoiled Christmas. Our families are just so great to us and give us way more than we need (or probably deserve). I am so greatful for my family and for the sacrifice that Jesus gave so that I can be here with my them today. Happy Holidays everyone!