We started the day, little beauty, with bright eyes (and a runny nose, because she is teething, poor little lady!) I don't know why it keeps turning the picture but she is still cute.

And although her card didn't get picked to be read. They did sing Happy Birthday to Grace on the morning Sprout Show. (see her name on the bottom)

I gave her one of my dolls from when I was little, with clothes she can change when she gets a little older.

She loved her.

It made me very happy.

Then keeping with the my stuff thing, I had her try on my old outfit that I wore when I was one. She looks so cute in it. (you can see down the side it says one)

Showing me that she is one.

And crawling all over (little mischievous thing!)

Then we went to McDonalds for Breakfast. Grace had never been inside, (and minus the taste of chicken nuggets the other day, had never tried the food) She thought it was so much fun.

She really liked the dinosaurs on the wall, she was saying ooh and ahh.

And pointing at them.

Then we went to the zoo. She loves animals so much, I thought she would enjoy it. She really did. We took the train ride.

Riding in the caboose

She would wave to and talk to all of the animals. I wish I would have recorded it. She was so cute!

She loved the monkeys the most because they moved a lot and came up to the glass.

The big gorilla (see her waving)

She is infant size I would say...

She really liked Zuri the elephant too. Zuri was very cute and would roll around in the mud.

We went on the carosel (see in the mirror) It is a little hard to get a picture of her that close)

She called this one Lilly (Maybe she thinks all kitty's are lilly-too cute)

Checking out the people and the giraffs

Us by the Giraffe (obviously we couldn't get the head in there)

Drinking our monkey juice (followed by loosing 30 dollars out of my pocket-won't let it ruin my day though-ugh) The zoo was so much fun. I really wanted her to see a real Bear because she loves them, but that part of the zoo was closed to construction. Maybe another zoo sometime (or this one another time) Love you Grace-thanks for letting me spend the day with you! (and for being such a good girl after having your shots-I know bad mom-and while getting teeth)

I showed Grace one time how to feed her baby and now she does it on her own. I could hear her "sucking" all the way home.

Grace got to try Chocolate for the first time today. She really liked it! She is her Daddy's girl that way.

She really liked it and gave Daddy a hug as thanks

Then Daddy took Grace on a bike ride. She loves going (well this time not so much, but usually she does)

The helmet doesn't quite fit right.

Daddy pulling silly faces and Grace laughing

We are both just so blessed to have her in our life. It has been the most amazing year! Love you Grace!!