Last night we went to a benefit dinner for CCA (Children's Craniofacial Association). It was a lot of fun. Grace got to meet new friends (Lilly on the left is who the benefit dinner was named for, Hope in the middle, we also met Haley that is Grace's age).

All of the little ladies got special recognition at the dinner. It is really hard because we almost felt a little guilty and we did feel very lucky that Grace only has the small complications that she has. It makes us feel very blessed. A lot of people even at this dinner couldn't quite figure out why Grace was being recognized. We had a wonderful and masterful surgeon as well. (Who invited us to the benefit and we got to see-Thanks Dr. Morales)

There was a silent auction and Grace wanted this bear so bad, so we bid on it and won. I guess Lilly had picked out the colors which makes it very cool. Grace just loves it!

We also bid on and won this print, which we love (it may be a gift because we know people who may love it more-can't decide-it even says Grace Company on it) It comse with quite a tale, as we were leaving with it some lady came up to tell us she had actually won it (which she didn't) So Art told her what we had bid, she had bid less so she accused us of going up after the voting to change our number and cheating-some people are you kidding me, this is a benefit dinner-they made more money out of us-quite funny though. She was mad. We still had a great night for a great cause.