Today we had a great day. I took off Grace's Logan's Bow this morning and got to see her cute cheeks again! We have to keep the nose stents in for another two months. Grace is a little rascal though and since the stich has been removed, she would consistently blow them out, which was no fun for either of is to put them back in (most parents give up on them and quit using them, but I am trying really hard to keep them in). So I taped up her nose, and it has worked much better, of course she pulled it out once with her hand, and trys to rub them out on my shoulder, but so far so good. She really is too smart for her own good. Because that was removed though, she got to take her first "big girl" bath.

Also she got to hang out with Aunt Trudy at her first basketball game where the Panthers beat the Pioneers. Go West!