Ever since I was still young I really loved to eat fish. Now is the time for me to share my favorite domestic seafood recipe. I like all different kinds of fish recipes but I love the sweet and sour Salmon the most. This is how I cook my very simple Salmon recipe. My ingredients: 2-3 Salmon fillets,
1 Red bell pepper
1 Green bell pepper
1 small onion
1 medium size carrots
1 small size of ginger
1 tsp. of garlic
1/2 cup pineapple chunks or tidbits
1Tbsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp Vinegar
3 Tbsp soy sauce
2 heaping tsp of cornstarch(dissolved in 2-3 Tbsp of water)
Preparation: Rinse the fish and let it dry, cut into halves or depending on your desired size, prepare the wok or frying pan and let it heat before adding the vegetable oil. After heating the pan pour the vegetable oil and let it heat for 2 minutes then fry the fish until it turns brownish. After frying set aside the fried fish and start making the sauce in another wok. To make the sauce you need 6 Tbsp ketchup, 2 Tbsp. fish sauce, 3 Tbsp. soy sauce, 1+1/2 cups water, 1 Tbsp. rice vinegar, 2-3 Tbsp. brown sugar (adjust according to taste). Cover the pan and wait 3-5 minutes before adding all the ingredients. This is how I cook my sweet and sour salmon if you have suggestions and comment feel free to message me anytime. One of these days this simple dish of mine will be a great contender for Cook off. I'm very excited for this event and the positiveness of domestic seafood sustainability.
I'm so glad being part of PPP, now it's time for me to say thank you PPP for the approval of all my post. Hope to have more Opportunity from PPP, it seems that lately I haven't gotten any Opportunity I have no idea why I can't get an Opp. Anyways Have a good night everyone!
I was browsing yahoo news and came up with this article a woman that gives birth to her 18th child. Oh wow this is amazing! this article caught my attention and I decided to post it here in my blog in case you haven't read this one yet. More story here
The only thing that I'm not really so sure to do yet is parallel parking. Hubby decided to teach me how to do the parallel parking, oh my it's kinda hard but finally I figured it out. I get frustrated earlier because at first I can't get it right a way I'm afraid that I'm gonna hit the cone that hubby put in front and the trash can at the back to represent as other cars. It's been 8 months since I got my learner's permit so now the next step is to get my driver's license. Here in our state you need to wait 6 months after you got your learner's permit before you can actually get the driver's license. Maybe one of these days we will visit DMV for road test. Hopefully I pass in one shot.:)
Have you ever try riding in a sugar cane truck?Oh I missed those days when I was still in the Philippines. This Truck was owned by my parents they have it since they started planting a sugar cane. So much fun to ride on this truck especially if it is loaded with sugar cane and you are on top of it. Sometimes it's too dangerous especially if the truck is on the hill but if my father is the driver I felt safe and comfortable. Hmm, hopefully to ride again on this truck when we get home to PI.
I was touched with this video, It's really amazing! more story here The Lion
Got this tag from Jam. Thank you Jam!
Rule: Copy the entire list and add your name at the bottom. And tag at least 5 friends. (But you can tag as many as you like). Note: Please link the blog where you posted the tag.
We appreciate you linking all your blogs but make sure you post the tag in the blogs too.
Mommy Talks Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps All Kinds of Me Stuff The Salad Caper Winding Creek Circle Anorexic Queen Apple of Yan Ple YanPle Howell and Abie My Planet PurpleWomenXplore Princess Bela My Happy Place I am Dzoi Cliktrik Life’s Simple PleasuresCoffee Table Conversations 100% Kelly My Colorful World Ramdom Thoughts My Joys Sassy Finds Celebrating Life Life is Peachy Belly, Baby and Beyond {BloggerHappy} {BerryScrappy} Me and Mine Creative in Me For the LOVE of Food Little Peanut Pea in a Pod Journey in Life Thoughts & Beyond Tere’s World Food Trips in Davao City Davao Food Trip Blessings in Life Race Corner A Beautiful Life Chronicles Ethyl Alcohol Moments of My Life Janeth Vicy's life Journey Survivor Mom Mother cares Life: Thoughts & Inspirations sweetpinay
You guys love to sleep?oh well for me no doubt I do love to sleep especially if it's my day off and nothing to do. Do you guys experienced while watching television and suddenly get sleepy? for me I experienced it a lot every time I watched television I noticed that I easily get sleepy, I think it has something to do with my eyes it easily got tired and it will lead me being sleepy. It's alright though because I love to sleep. Hmmm it's almost midnight and time to sleep already. Have a good one my friend and see you around.:)
Coconut is one of the product in our farm. Oh my I really missed fresh coconut juice and it's fruit. Too bad that coconut will just grow in a tropical places like Philippines. For one year and 4 months being here in the US I haven't try any coconut juice it's hard to find. But that's alright will be going home soon for sure I can eat this stuff and make some coconut salad too. Oh my can't wait to do this.:)
SWEETPINAY again at Dashing smiles thank you guys for your support. I really appreciate it! good night!
These pictures were taken today during the bed race that Allison Ramsey Architects joined. Hubby is one of the pushers of the bed, they made it to the end in 48 seconds. They won 3rd place for the speed and first place for the best design. They really deserved the award for best design because of the house model that they made at the office. The house model was awesome!
I was tagged by JAM and Marl . Thanks Sis for this nice tag.
Here’s the rules:
A. List these rules on your blog.
B. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
C. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
You’ll have to read on for my 7 facts and see who I tagged.
1. I'm Friendly
2. I sleep a lot if I have no work.
3. I Love to travel.
4. I love to play volleyball
5. I work hard
6. I wear glasses even if it's annoying to me.
7. I love my hubby and my family.
When I was still in the Philippines I used to ride in a jeepney. After arriving here in the US I did not notice any public transportation, I think there are some but it's not common compared back home in the Philippines. Oh well it's a lot different here in the US if you don't have your own car you can't do anything. I was just so happy that my work place is so close to my hubby's office and that he will just drop me off and picked me up when I'm done working. I'm not really excited either to have my own car especially now a days that the cost of gas is getting too high. Too bad that public transportation is not common here in our place where we live.
Have you ever tried Paintballing? I haven't tried myself but I find it to be a very interesting sport. One of these days I wanna try it, good thing that there is BT Paintball store. Now I have an idea what gear I need to use if I want to go paintballing. Ultimate Paintball store offer all the gear that we need like, Paintball guns, Paintball masks, Paintball hoppers, Paintball barrels, Air system, Harnesses, Tactical vest, Paintball sights, Paintball tubes, Casual apparel and many more. Visit BT Paintball and find amazing deals and huge selections of all the gears that u want. This is really fun and I can't wait to try paintballing. For sure this is more fun together with my friends that really wanted to try paintballing also. Ultimate Paintball offers the best prices with free shipping.
Pizza is one of my favorite food here in the US. Oh my I'm craving right now :) By the way friends thank you so much for the vote I really do appreciate it. I'm so tired today and I bet our pharmacist too, one of our pharm.tech call this morning that she is sick and can't come to work. Oh my gosh just me and the pharmacist the whole day and it's Monday expect to be busy. Good thing that our customer are so understanding. Please do vote some more if you have time. Thank you! have a good night everyone!
Are you planning on renovating your window and your sidings? home windows installation will help you out with replacing your old siding and windows to new ones. Everyone of us wants that our window will be look nice and it's presentable since it is always seen by the people outside. So if you think that your window and siding are getting old, then hurry and check home windows installation for a replacement.
It's not really a long day at work today but I really feel tired. I wanted to take a nap but maybe not because I might woke up in the middle of the night and later on I can't go back to sleep anymore. Oh boy tomorrow will be a long day I need to wake up around six am because I need to work earlier than usual because our Pharmacy Tech. is on vacation. Hopefully not too busy tomorrow at work. have a great Sunday everyone!
Thank you to Carlota "Dashing Smile" for choosing my blog. Friends I just want to ask a little favor from you all to vote for me here Sweetpinay. I will really appreciate your vote. Voting will end on July 19. The voting will be at Carlota's blog where she had a poll that you can easily vote. Thank you so much in advance.
Every year they have a water festival here in our place. Hubby told me last night that we will gonna watch this year because his officemates are participating the raft race. We woke up earlier today and head down to the water front where the raft race is held, Alison Ramsey Architects won in the first round but too bad in the next round they did not make it. But that was fun though we enjoyed it. water festival will end next weekend and by Friday I'll watch the bed race were hubby will participate, I bet this will be fun also.
Thank you Pinaysmile for this Tag
A tag for aLL Filipinos The 2008 Miss Universe comes to Vietnam for a night of stars and glamour in search of the most beautiful woman in the world! The winner for Best National Costume will be decided by online votes. So now, the main objective of this tag is to increase awareness for all Filipinos regarding the online voting. Let's VOTE for our very unique Philippine National Costume worn by our representative, Jennifer Barrientos.
General Instructions:
1. Go to THIS LINK!
2. In the Menu Bar just above the thumbnail pictures of the delegates, click ASIA/AUSTRALIA.
3. Look for the Philippines' Costume (like the picture above & it's actually in the page 2).
4. Click its thumbnail.
5. After clicking, a preview will then appear on the right side of the page. Click "SELECT THIS DELEGATE" located just below that preview.
6. The bad things is, we are to choose 3 delegates! So be sure NOT to vote for those countries that will surely be a strong competitor for the AWARD! :)
7. After choosing the Philippines and the "other" two countries, click on "SUBMIT VOTE" located just below the thumbnail pictures.
8. Follow the SIMPLE instructions after that!
9. You're done! Go Philippines!
- As much as possible, TAG all your FILIPINO friends.- Copy this post from ***start here*** until ***end here***.
- Also invite your foreigner friends to vote for our national costume! LOL.
- Add your blog link below as a proof that you are one of the TEAM PHILIPPINES!
The Team Philippines
Miss Universe 2008
1. Marky-Tiklaton
2. BeautifuL soul
3. A Mother of yesterday, today & tomorrow
4. Simple Life, Simply Me
5. A Mother's Simple Thoughts
***end here***
Now, I wanted to share this tag to all in my blogroll list. Please grab it guys. Thank u!
Looking for a good deal on prescription glasses? visit ZenniOptical.com, they have huge selection of stylish frames for as low as $8. You can find different kind of lens too like single vision, sunsensor lens, tinted sunglasses lens, bifocal lens and progressive lens. Why wait? go a head now and get one of your new glasses. They was featured Zenni on Fox
I was browsing my pictures and I saw this halo-halo picture. Oh my! I really missed this food especially now that it's summer. I thought of making my own but mostly I don't have the ingredients especially the mango,jack fruit and all the ingredients that need in the halo-halo. How I wish it's October already can't wait to go back home. Wooo hoo!eat you soon halo-halo.
I'm wearing glasses for almost eight months now. Lately I was complaining about my glasses because the frame hurt my ears. Good to know that there is zennioptical.com that offer variety of style that we can choose. The very good news is that I can get it for as low as $8. Visit zennioptical.com for more selections of style and lens. Now I have a better idea where to get my new pair of glasses.
It's been a while since I cooked lumpia because I run out of the wrapper. Thank you again to our new Filipino store that they have lumpia wrapper available. Maybe tomorrow or the the next day I'll cook some lumpia again, I'll just make sure that I do have all the vegetables that I need. This is one of the Filipino food that hubby love.
Getting bored with your old glasses? now is the right time to switch to a new beautiful prescription glasses from zennioptical.com, the good news is you can get it in a low cost because they manufactured there own frames and sell it directly to the customer without any middleman. isn't it a good deal? why wait to have a new glasses then? it's very convenient to purchase because you can do it online.
Have you ever tried riding in the sea-doo? Mom and Dad have a sea-doo and I got a chance to ride on it. This picture was taken in Michigan last year before our church wedding. I just remember how I feel the first time on the sea-doo. Oh!boy I'm scared especially if hubby have the control on it,he is so fast and I feel scared because I don't know how to swim.:)but that was fun though. How I wish were just close to them so that I can ride sea-doo again especially that it's summer.
This is something that woman can look forward to. I never heard before and I personally didn't know that woman's own menstrual blood can have a huge impact in woman's health. We all know that every woman has her own lifestyle. Where most of the women are engaged in different kind of activities everyday. sometimes we woman just don't know what kind of diseases we will encounter in the near future. Could you imagine that woman's own menstrual blood can be possibly life-saving? thank you to this on going research. C'elle has a very convenient method of collecting and preserving stem cells. Woman can use this with privacy. Life threatening diseases are very scary especially if one of your family have it. Good thing to know that researchers have gone this far in creating a possible life saving kit. Thanks to the revolutionary research and technology of C'elle where have a potential cellular therapies may be used in the future. There are some woman that actually tried on this and you can check it in Celle Client Testimonial. This is a very good way of preventing life threatening diseases if the promised is fulfilled.
Press Release:
Taking Control: Future Therapies for a Host of Serious Diseases May Be Found in Women's Menstrual Blood
July 07, 2008: 01:28 PM EST
OLDSMAR, Fla., July 7 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- With today’s hectic lifestyle, where most women are juggling careers, family, relationships, and a host of activities, the idea of possibly facing a serious illness in the future is not something that readily comes to mind -- especially when a woman is in the prime of her life. But what most women don’t know, is that the key to treating a number of possibly life-threatening diseases that she, a parent, a sibling or even her children may face in later years, such as osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, may be found within her own body -- in vital stem cells, which can now be harvested from her own menstrual blood.
Now, thanks to the revolutionary research and technology of C’elle, a service dedicated to providing women with a safe and easy method of collecting and preserving stem cells found in her menstrual fluid each month, even the busiest woman can take control of her future, right in the privacy of her own home. With C’elle’s non-invasive collection process, menstrual cells are processed and cryo-preserved (stored at a very low temperature) for potential cellular therapies that may be used in the future. These self-renewing cells one day may even be used for sports medicine or cosmeceutical treatments, such as anti-aging therapies.
"C’elle enables and empowers a woman to take control of her future health, and possibly of those genetically closest to her, in a fast, painless and stress free way," said Michelle Kay, Marketing and Sales Manager for C’elle. "We live in exciting times, as science and technology are discovering how extremely valuable menstrual blood stem cells really are, and the enormous treatment potential they represent for future therapies. C’elle’s ongoing research is supporting these promising findings."
For more information about C’elle, please call 1-877-892-3553 or visit www.celle.com.
It's good to be home after a long day at work. Last Thursday we went back again to the Filipino store and bought some stuff. I saw "ampalaya" bitter gourd laying down in the box. I ask the owner about the price and it's reasonable so I did grab just couple. Oh well this is one of my favorite food back home,I cooked it with egg on it,hubby tried it a little bit. He said it's definitely bitter but it's bearable . I know he is not used to this kind of vegetable but he tried it. Hopefully before going to bed I can catch an Opp in my PPP,I almost got it earlier but it was too fast and I lost it. grrrr!
Have you ever try to visit a dairy farm? these pictures were taken in one of the dairy farm of Andrews University where my husband studied. This is so cool I got a chance to touch the baby cafe. Awesome! my first time to do that and their tongue feels like sand. That was fun and I did enjoyed the whole time that we were at the dairy farm.
Thank you so much to Marl for this award.
Have a good day everyone!
Guys Watch out with your YM account you might be talking to somebody that is not actually the owner of the account. Yesterday one of my friend in friendster posted in the bulletin board that her YM was hacked. We just recently exchange YM account and yesterday I sent her a message right away in Friendster telling her that I received A YM message from her around 6 in the morning. And she replied that it was not her who sent me a message. Somebody was using her YM account and asking for prepaid cards and money. what a scam! good thing I was not able to reply her in YM because the message was sent to my SMS. My Cellphone was in my purse the whole night and was not able to check it right away. Once your YM is hacked the scammer can go over in your account and change your password and everything. Then she will go over with all of your friends list asking for money and cards. The scammer will send you a link and begging you to open it then once you will enter your information you will be surprised because you can no longer open your account and your hacked already. So guys beware of this big time scam. Never ever give any personal information if your not so sure who are you talking to. Scamming is so rampant out there let's just be very careful.
I'm sharing with you guys some of the Picture that I took during the fireworks display.This is the best shot that I took. That was really fun,we head down to the beach where the fireworks will be.Two sets of fireworks display one in the other side of the beach and the other one were we are so close. Whole bunch of people was there, we stand in the sand bar and while heading back home it was high tide and we need to cross the water part,Oh my!hubby wanted to carry me..hehe, but I just choose to take off my socks and shoes. And that was pretty much it. My pants was wet heading to the car. Over all hubby and I enjoyed the fireworks.
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- SweetPinay
- Filipino blood with Pure heart,Simple,Friendly and loving:)I'm happily married to my most wonderful husband in the world,I'm so blessed to have him in my life no words can express how much I love and care for him.Your the best baby ko:)
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