Thursday, December 31, 2009
happy new year
happy new year 2010 to everyone...
have a great one!!
Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.
May this New Year bring many opportunities your way, to explore every joy of life and may your resolutions for the days ahead stay firm, turning all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into great achievements.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
what to wear...
Sunday, December 27, 2009
layan movie all day long...
movie time : sherlock holmes
today....26 Dec 2009
home alone...
then suddenly oppa called..jom kuar..yeay!!!
so kite pon pegi 1 Utama..
plan for movie..mencari tiket..sampai dpt time 9.40pm..
ade masa lagi nih..
wating list kt chilis..
sambung jalan ke sale heaven..huahuahua!!!
so nya i got 1 pair of beuatiful at my eyes and oppa of cos..
dapat la sejibik kasut utk glam kejaps..hehe..
ate @ chilis macam melantak...kenyang gilos..
pastu singgah baskin robbins sat..
then showtime...
home alone...
then suddenly oppa called..jom kuar..yeay!!!
so kite pon pegi 1 Utama..
plan for movie..mencari tiket..sampai dpt time 9.40pm..
ade masa lagi nih..
wating list kt chilis..
sambung jalan ke sale heaven..huahuahua!!!
so nya i got 1 pair of beuatiful at my eyes and oppa of cos..
dapat la sejibik kasut utk glam kejaps..hehe..
ate @ chilis macam melantak...kenyang gilos..
pastu singgah baskin robbins sat..
then showtime...
Friday, December 25, 2009
a day out wit my lovely mom...
kak long pegi london last wednesday..
sara lak tak balik from uia sbb ade exam..
maka dgn itu..
me tinggal wit my mum..(baby sit la konon)
christmas day kt rumah mcm keboringan..
so our plan to go to ikea..(main plan adalah....)
makan meatballs la ape lagi..2 plate of meatballs..chicken wing n daim cake..
kekenyangan sampai skang...hehehe..
then we go jalan2 ke mum 1 bed sheet..(sale!!oh yeay)
then cold storage..beli stuff kt rumah sikit..(rumah pon dpt pressie tau)
buy famous amos..(lame plak x makan about a year kot)
we just chill out..
dah rase mcm xde ape dah..pulang lah kami ke pangkuan jalan(home sweet home)..
agenda malam as usual..amik remote tukar2 sampai jumpe cite menariks..
tomorrow plan nk p betulkan air cond..
rosak ckit aftr accident dl kot..(panas gell)
hope xde pape..if ade pape..adei!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
wedding end of the year
banyak tol wedding..this time..
my close friend..bestest friend nye wedding..
aura nya dah lame terase..
lebih2 lagi time ke jakarta same2..
kire org belakang tabir la..tau sikit2 je psl preparation..
mane yg dpt bantu..kite bantu..:)
kot dpt tips ke kan..hihi..konon2 la kalo jadi..cewah
thursday tu cuti..17 Dec 2009..
"bangun pagi gosok gigi cuci muka"
breakfast time..melantak cekodok kejap..
then kemas2 ape yg patut...dlm kul1 gerak dr rumah..
mak suh jamah kari kepala ikan..ok la..gerak pukul almost 2pm..
nk meet up kul2.30 nih..jalan pon x bape nk tau sgt ke rumh cik pot..
then jem bol la plak road nk copek ni ha..adei!!
oleh sbb agk cam jalan ke rumah pot..sampai la jugak..
k.eja dh sampai dl..i'm the 2nd one..then menyusul zente n syud..
minum2 dl..then gerak dl ye makcik which is mak pot..
perjalanan mengambil masa 30mins ke 1 hour (sebenarnya x ingat pon x kire)
pit stop petronas RNR seremban ( tp ita confuse plak tersebut NRR)
heading to senawang..then pegi rumah yg located kt TTJ(my homie)
spatutnya sampai jer mandi + gosok baju + bersiap..
tp kan ade additional la plak..masak maggi + makan ice cream..
hehehehe...riuh kecoh rumah tu..mcm tak biase..
around 6pm we all bertolak ke destinasi Kuala pilah..Pilahdelphia..
reach baha's house @ 7pm...
majlis setart ade la mase bual..bergambar as usual..
time tu pon bola, malaysia vs vietnam...Malaysia the winner..gempaks seh..
saat dinanti telah tiba..majlis akad nikah..
debar2 nih bg kedua bakal pasangan suami isteri..
ni sekali imbas ape yg oya ingat la..
si isteri,hidayah,bergenang air mata tanpa mengalir tp merah gak la mata nya..
si suami,zamel,bile tok kadi kata puas hati dgn jwpn yg diberi terus reseptor tertepuk tangan..happy nya die..
then..hantaran menariks..fresh flowers red roses hiasan utk pihak lelaki..
white roses utk pihak perempuan..stuffs mcm kt bwh ni..
jeng jeng jeng..ade cak lem pong( tol ke ejaan tu)..
time bunyi nih..ktorg terus nk p tgk..then duk depan mcm kanank2 ribena..(selambe)
mlm tu dlm 11pm balik..sampai rumah dlm kul12 ke atas tu tido la memasing..
besoknya kene cargas ade tasks nk buat..
friday 18 Dec 2009..
sementara tunggu memasing bangun..
borak sat ngn yan depan tv..dpt la tau experience wedding die..
then mandi manda..siap..breakfast time..
makan roti canai kt TTJ atas tuh...kamsahamnida ita..*big grin*
then ke mane yek station..nilai..haha..
ita nk cari baju utk that nite cum baju dinner..then yg lain cari tudung..
sempat sopping nmpknya kite..
1st time nih menjejakkan kaki di nilai 3..
walaupon pegi nilai lebih 3 kali..
then..mara ke putrajaya...
wow!besar gell dewan ni...muatan dlm!!
take pictures sane sinun..
okies..keje yg diwarwarkan harus distart..
masukkan telor di dalam bekas..byk gell..
tp sume pon bekerja keras..efficient..bravo!!
perut pon bunyi gendang gendut gitu..
makan @ alamanda..(it's 2nd time pegi sane nih)
balik jer ade rehearsal..(x terlibat sgt pon..hehe)
cuma ade keje yg harus ditanya..
ok settle..moh ke rumah pot..bersiap time..(mcm excited jer kan sume)
gerak dlm 7 lbh cmtu..
tugas penyambut tetamu..hehe..sambut jgn x sambut..
manage la sesame kitorang..
sampaikan oya ni kenal ni kwn skolah,tu kwn keje..
ade lg 1 task adalah bagi souvenir kt perenjis..
lepas mr.&mrs. pengatin kene renjis2..
before renjis2 silat menyilat..
before silat tu bacaan doa dari che lan (sume knal die..senior)
terbalik plak aturcara nih..terkebelakang..
ok sambung pas renjis tu makan beradab..
ramai sungguh..queue up kt tmpt makanan..makan ala buffet gitu..
time beratur tu + performance from amni(suara sedap + membe kustem + baju pon lawa + mcm artis)
x bape concentrate tp dh dgr time rehearsal tu beremang seh bulu roma..haha..
time duduk nk makan stop jap tgk montaj..
amboi3 budak tuh..cute banget..
terselit gak gambar kite separa di belakang kete..haha..time g perlis..
next acara potong kek..suap2..
last but not least..pengantin ngn parents famly bagai bersalaman ngn guest yg hadir..
tp kite degil binti degul x pegi pon..ramai kan..
so tunggu ckit org..ramai punye ramai..
wait la sampai amik gambar secara pukal(beramai2)..
then balik la kite..
hidayah bahar aka baha..looks so gorgeous..beautiful of cos..
prince charming that nite zamel pon looks cool..happy of cos..
happy for both of u..Mr & Mrs.zamel..
Monday, December 21, 2009
tensioonnnn nih...
aku sgt la mengantuk..
ape cara nk buat bile mengantuk di opis..
a. hantuk kepala smpi bunyi berdegang..
b. gosok2 mata smpi rupe mcm nangis..
c. chatting smpi mabuk smpi xtau ape ntah pape..
d. minum air bergelen smpi shishi dlm suar..
e. pegi masuk toilet basuh muka smpi basah 1 badan..
f. makan x henti2 smpi 1 ofis buat jamuan..
g. buat keje bermati-matian smpi screen pc jd gelap..
h. buat blog sesuka hati smpi idea porak peranda..
konon nk sampai terhenti di h..haishhh!!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
saving my energy...
saving my energy at home...hehe..
tomorrow kene start keje balik..
malasnya la kan..
dh ler cuti khamis trip yg penuh smpi ke mlm..
pastu friday pon full..kt putrajaya..
then sabtu n ahad rest..
btw,gamba khamis n jumaat wedding Mrs.Zamel..tunggu diupload..:)
2 days rest kt rumah..buat ape yg patut..
nnt dh nk masuk sem no more rest hari sabtu..haih!!
ni pon belum register lagi..
aftr register nk pay fee lagi..
kene minta cuti lg nih..
adei byk tol nk settlekan hal nih..
besok keje..kemalasan melanda jiwa raga..parah siut!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
salam maal hijrah
to all Muslims Salam Maal Hijrah..
lagu tema..from school i've learn this song..
until now I can sing very well..
mesti semua pon hapal kan..
Satu Muharram Detik Permulaan
Perkiraan Tahun Islam Hijrah
Perpindahan Nabi dan Umat Islam
Dari Kota Makkah ke Kota Madinah
Atas Keyakinan dan Iman Yang Teguh
Kaum Muhajirin dan Ansar Bersatu
Rela Berkorban Harta dan Nyawa
Demi Menegakkan Islam Tercinta
Hijrah Itu Pengorbanan
Hijrah Itu Perjuangan
Hijrah Itu Persaudaraan
Hijrah Membentuk Perpaduan
Oleh Itu Mari Semua
Kita Sambut Maal Hijrah
Tingkatkan Semangat Tegakkan Syiar Islam
Untuk Sepanjang Zaman
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
lazy moment..what to do..
lazy moment..what to do..
doing this writing blog..
almost settle my work for taiwan and australia but stuck at China..
penin deh..
feels sick plak..ngn poning pale den ni ha..sakit perut..angin dlm bdn..
ckp psl angin ni..
kite kan ade supernatural..power of absorb angin org lain..
especially time mengurut..dgn pantas segeranya angin absorb dlm bdn kite ni..
pastu "urk ark urk ark ler..alala bunyi
kalo angin tersekat dlm bdn ni ha..x tahan deh..
then normal spt biase..hehe...
tomorrow is my last day working for this week..haha..
apply cuti khamis da..instead ada hal mlm tu insya-allah..
saje da mau kecutian sebentar..
nnt sem baru dh nk start..
cuti sekolah pon nk dkt abis..
wedding marathon already success for this year..
nxt year la plak..tnggl lg 1-2 finish for this year end..
keramaian yg teramat sgt org kawen ni...
ko bile lak??(itu la soklan wajib)
jwpn standard..kalau ada jodoh kawen la..
last sunday pegi wedding..
kebetulan yg pegi mmg yg nk dkt kawen la..
ke pegi sbb dh nk kawen..hehe..
x kisah la janji pegi kan memeriahkan majlis..
so ni la months fevrite yg choose by them (yg bold tu)
bulan 1
bulan 2
bulan 3
bulan 4
bulan 5
bulan 6
bulan 7
bulan 8
bulan 9
bulan 10
bulan 11
bulan 12
doing this writing blog..
almost settle my work for taiwan and australia but stuck at China..
penin deh..
feels sick plak..ngn poning pale den ni ha..sakit perut..angin dlm bdn..
ckp psl angin ni..
kite kan ade supernatural..power of absorb angin org lain..
especially time mengurut..dgn pantas segeranya angin absorb dlm bdn kite ni..
pastu "urk ark urk ark ler..alala bunyi
kalo angin tersekat dlm bdn ni ha..x tahan deh..
then normal spt biase..hehe...
tomorrow is my last day working for this week..haha..
apply cuti khamis da..instead ada hal mlm tu insya-allah..
saje da mau kecutian sebentar..
nnt sem baru dh nk start..
cuti sekolah pon nk dkt abis..
wedding marathon already success for this year..
nxt year la plak..tnggl lg 1-2 finish for this year end..
keramaian yg teramat sgt org kawen ni...
ko bile lak??(itu la soklan wajib)
jwpn standard..kalau ada jodoh kawen la..
last sunday pegi wedding..
kebetulan yg pegi mmg yg nk dkt kawen la..
ke pegi sbb dh nk kawen..hehe..
x kisah la janji pegi kan memeriahkan majlis..
so ni la months fevrite yg choose by them (yg bold tu)
bulan 1
bulan 2
bulan 3
bulan 4
bulan 5
bulan 6
bulan 7
bulan 8
bulan 9
bulan 10
bulan 11
bulan 12 – as Easy as 1, 2, 3
Malaysia boleh..MAS boleh..
MAS recently launched
a mobile site where you can book flights
and check all necessary details from mobile phone!
Now Malaysians can book flights with MAS anywhere
they want from their phones!
kelarz gitu...bangga kejap..I'm glad that flights booking has come this far..
boleh la booking flight hujung jari jer dan di mana-mana sahaja anda berada..
kenapa la kan asyik ckp as easy as 1,2,3
This to create an offering based on
1-one web application
2-one link
3-one click with no download required
kan mudah sahaja tu..
do not have to wait your time..
However you have to use mobile phones that support this application.
All major operating systems and manufacturers are supported including
Blackberry (RIM), iPhone, Android Google phone, Symbian (Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson)
and Windows Mobile (HTC, LG, Samsung, Sony Ericsson),
and any screen above 128 pixels is supported.
Jelas kan...
Then, now kita tengok ape yg menariks...
- Check-in for your flight
- Board the plane with a 2D boarding pass sent to your phone
- Check flight fares, book and pay (or hold!)
- Plan spontaneous trips with friends or family during chit chat session
even in urgent cases.(direct check flight schedule and booking)
best kan??
then low fares tu siapa cepat dia dapat..
phone kan sentiasa bersama kita..terus booking..'s key features include:
• Easy booking: Purchase or hold tickets
• Check-in flight
• Flight Status: Check if your flight is departing on time or has been retimed
• Deals and Offers: Tells you the hottest deals, which you can then book on the spot!
• Delayed bag can check because link with SITA’s WorldTracer,fully-automated system
for tracing lost and mishandled passenger baggage
bagi yang nak tau lebih lanjut about the features sila layari ini features
For who interested of this service..
Try it yourself!
Just access
and you’ll be able to navigate your way through it easily
as the site is built for mobile access!
Good news....
For all friends and bloggers..nuffnang buat contest lg..
hoorayyy!!!i know u guys memang suka contest2 ni kan..
so jom la join bersama..kalo menang tu bawa kite bole ke..hehe..
just tulih kt blog anda pasal service..
share la kan how easy it is to book your flights with MAS..
topic tu mesti same ngn saya tulih tu..‘ – as Easy as 1, 2, 3’
email jer kt
jgn luper letak fullname & permalink of your blog post..nnt xtau name susah plak..
Prizes nye sgt la gempak ok..
like me kaki travel..haruslah suka kan..
Free flights from MAS to various destinations..
cepat2...hurry hurry..grab this opportunity just like me..
nak menang!!!!!!hihi..
MAS recently launched
a mobile site where you can book flights
and check all necessary details from mobile phone!
Now Malaysians can book flights with MAS anywhere
they want from their phones!
kelarz gitu...bangga kejap..I'm glad that flights booking has come this far..
boleh la booking flight hujung jari jer dan di mana-mana sahaja anda berada..
kenapa la kan asyik ckp as easy as 1,2,3
This to create an offering based on
1-one web application
2-one link
3-one click with no download required
kan mudah sahaja tu..
do not have to wait your time..
However you have to use mobile phones that support this application.
All major operating systems and manufacturers are supported including
Blackberry (RIM), iPhone, Android Google phone, Symbian (Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson)
and Windows Mobile (HTC, LG, Samsung, Sony Ericsson),
and any screen above 128 pixels is supported.
Jelas kan...
Then, now kita tengok ape yg menariks...
- Check-in for your flight
- Board the plane with a 2D boarding pass sent to your phone
- Check flight fares, book and pay (or hold!)
- Plan spontaneous trips with friends or family during chit chat session
even in urgent cases.(direct check flight schedule and booking)
best kan??
then low fares tu siapa cepat dia dapat..
phone kan sentiasa bersama kita..terus booking..'s key features include:
• Easy booking: Purchase or hold tickets
• Check-in flight
• Flight Status: Check if your flight is departing on time or has been retimed
• Deals and Offers: Tells you the hottest deals, which you can then book on the spot!
• Delayed bag can check because link with SITA’s WorldTracer,fully-automated system
for tracing lost and mishandled passenger baggage
bagi yang nak tau lebih lanjut about the features sila layari ini features
For who interested of this service..
Try it yourself!
Just access
and you’ll be able to navigate your way through it easily
as the site is built for mobile access!
Good news....
For all friends and bloggers..nuffnang buat contest lg..
hoorayyy!!!i know u guys memang suka contest2 ni kan..
so jom la join bersama..kalo menang tu bawa kite bole ke..hehe..
just tulih kt blog anda pasal service..
share la kan how easy it is to book your flights with MAS..
topic tu mesti same ngn saya tulih tu..‘ – as Easy as 1, 2, 3’
email jer kt
jgn luper letak fullname & permalink of your blog post..nnt xtau name susah plak..
Prizes nye sgt la gempak ok..
like me kaki travel..haruslah suka kan..
Free flights from MAS to various destinations..
cepat2...hurry hurry..grab this opportunity just like me..
nak menang!!!!!!hihi..
Monday, December 14, 2009
unexpected matter
Saturday, December 12, 2009
suddenly.kebosanan melanda..
konon konon nih tgh diet la kan..
nak kurus ala2 super model..hahaha
x dapek do..cuba jaya jer..
semangat kuat kental ok la..
but me..tak sgt la..hahaha..
oya-shi aja ja fighting..
tibe2 hari ni rase bosan gell..
tp busy gak la membe2 call tnya planning bsok..
gelak sakan of cos..ade jer lawak terselit di sebalik bual bicara..
mcm show la plak..
tonite malam berdansa..rutin rumah ni wajib tgk..
adik plak pen'dating'an..siap pakai kete oya-shi lg..
so oya-shi pon suh die anta barang vantage kt kak nita..akhirnya..
sampai gak di tangan akak..sorry la kelambatan..
nampak sgt la bosan xde nk cite gak..ape kes..nayo jer..
dlm kepala hotak ni tgh pikir..ape yg telah membe ckp tu..
psl freelance job tuh..interesting gaks..
dpt la duit banje lebih ckit..
if join the team..ado la dpt cecah 5-7k sorang..nangis!!!huhu..
berbaloi2 kah?mampu kah?
the important thing is COMMITMENT..
my mum said that also..
ye la kan..kite nih sambung master gak nih..
die kate projek kecik jer..
1 month commitment..erm..hmmm...think think think oya..
oppa kata go ahead..
mak kata ok la tuh..
nevertheless,need to discuss wit my frenz dl..
nk cari pojek lame balik..mane oya-shi letak nih..
Friday, December 11, 2009
syukur sangat
segalanya sudah terlerai..
today morning,my heart so debor-debor..
4 a.m think so..I wake up then I can't sleep..
susahnya mata oya-shi nk tutup nih..
dah tu..mcm2 yg dipikirkan...termasuklah result dh kuar nih..
ape yg oya-shi dpt ek..takut bangat..
when comes to exam result..jantung agk degup kencang..
finally, this mornin I decide to check my results..
tat tada!!!(sound effect konon nih)
syukur was unexpected but i'm glad to get that..
thanks madam..and friends..
semoga oya-shi mengharungi master dgn sempurna..amin..
segalanya sudah terlerai..
today morning,my heart so debor-debor..
4 a.m think so..I wake up then I can't sleep..
susahnya mata oya-shi nk tutup nih..
dah tu..mcm2 yg dipikirkan...termasuklah result dh kuar nih..
ape yg oya-shi dpt ek..takut bangat..
when comes to exam result..jantung agk degup kencang..
finally, this mornin I decide to check my results..
tat tada!!!(sound effect konon nih)
syukur was unexpected but i'm glad to get that..
thanks madam..and friends..
semoga oya-shi mengharungi master dgn sempurna..amin..
Thursday, December 10, 2009
designer handbag from Europe's time to survey handbags..
so many handbags search around my mind..which one to choose..the bestest one..haha..
wanna purse also..
simple nice one..
still search around the
hope get one or two or three soon..but choose first..
kefeningan..please made up my mind..ayoyoy...
so many handbags search around my mind..which one to choose..the bestest one..haha..
wanna purse also..
simple nice one..
still search around the
hope get one or two or three soon..but choose first..
kefeningan..please made up my mind..ayoyoy...
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