Monday, May 15, 2017

Camping in the Jemez

We decided to have a fun little camping trip just us up to the Jemez at a spot we have been a couple other times. The boys and I picked Stan up from work and headed out about three. It was a beautiful evening when we got there and we set up camp right before dinner.

I got a new sleeping bag for my birthday and Scott REALLY wanted a sleeping bag for this camping trip. He was worried about not having one so we borrowed one from a family in the ward. He chose to use their Little Mermaid one and couldn't wait to try it out. I made him wait until after dinner and then he just laid in there for at least a half hour.
Which kid is this??
It's Sterling! He is growing up so much and looks like Scott with Scott's clothes on :)
Stan went on a walk and left a little family band radio for Scott to talk with him on. Scott LOVED it.
Showing off the radio and a smile...still in the sleeping bag
We took Twizzlers on our camp out and Sterling loved them. I found this one in the tent and he had a funny way to nibble it.
Never seen someone eat it in half this way.
The boys and I went to find Stan.
He loves the radios as much as Scott and Stan do.
The boys by the fire
Sterling was so mesmerized by the fire. He would hold his hand up to feel the warmth.
Scott also loved the fire and looked so grown up in his beanie sitting by the fire.

Despite the a small crying fit in the middle of the night by Sterling, we slept really well...minus the fact that our air mattress decided to quit on us in the middle of the night! We'll get the hang of this sleeping while camping thing soon...

Saturday morning, Scott wanted Stan to take him on a walk so bad, so Stan sweetly obliged.
Here are a few sights they saw:

Stan went up this little rock mound and Scott waited for him on this log. Such a cute kid.
Sterling climbed up into the chair to just chill.
These two boys played and played all morning. Sterling stumbled lots still learning to walk really steady but he is keeping up with Scott pretty well.
We got all packed up and ready to roll.

Scott just before we climbed in to head out.
We went for a little drive before heading home. Such a beautiful forest we have here in New Mexico! We had a great time :)

Radio Test and a BBQ

A long time ago, last summer, we tried to do a radio test with NVIS (Near vertical incidence skywave, or NVIS, is a skywave radio-wave propagation path that provides usable signals in the range between groundwave and conventional skywave distances—usually 30–400 miles Thank you Wikipedia...) by Stan going on the other side of the Sandia mountains and setting up an antenna and us talking on the radio. It didn't work then, which was sad. Stan has started to pick up on radio projects again so the first Saturday in May we tried again, with success!! Sterling and I headed out to meet Scott and Stan after our radio chat. They had hamburgers all ready to eat when we got there and we had a beautiful picnic on the beautiful day!

Sterling ate more than Scott by chowing down on his half of the hamburger!
Stan said Scott was a fun, cute helper with setting up his radio and antenna.
Sterling seemed to enjoy all of lunch and the oreo cookie for dessert as evidenced by his face.
Talking on the radio after lunch.
On Saturday morning, a friend had posted that she was getting rid of a handful of things in her garage including an old Mickey Mouse mitt and ball. I picked them up for Scott and he loves them.
Headed on a little walk
These two are fun pals. Scott tried to hold Sterling's hand but he wouldn't have it.

They played on this log for a good 5-10 minutes. Scott is such a good big brother helping Sterling out.

The weather was perfect and we love our little spot behind the mountains. And yay for successful radio tests!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Around Albuquerque April 2017

Another month come and gone with fun little moments spread throughout.

Scott got really into his toast and jam one morning at breakfast. He thought it was pretty funny and asked us to take a picture when we showed him his nose in the mirror.
The first weekend of April brings my favorite weekend of General Conference. With conference comes our yummy tradition of homemade Kneader's French Toast:

I took the above picture and Scott wanted me to take a picture of him
And to take a picture of Sterling
Sunday morning, just before it started, I looked in to see both of the boys very attentive to music and the spoken word. I love these boys of mine and I love seeing them grow, do things together, and especially like gospel things together.
Just a little dinosaur mauling by a large tiger. Wish I had caught a video with his sound effects too.
Stan is so good with the boys and they love being with them
Here is an evening viewing of either Tale Spin or Duck Tales.
Scott loves watching a show with Stan in the evenings and Sterling has come to love it too. Sterling especially loves the music and I just love watching him dance:

Scott's favorite thing to do in the morning when we have cereal.
I love this boy!
I don't know what it is about my boys and why they think the phrase "Excuse you" is funny, but they do:

And here is Scott at about 10 months laughing at the same thing:

Pardon my singing, Sterling had been clapping to this song all the way home and the minute I pulled in and could record, he stopped. He does do it for a few at the end so feel free to skip to there :)

And we found out we are going to have another cute boy! Can't wait to meet him!!

Sterling LOVES climbing on Scott's bed, and he is pretty cute
I caught this picture one minute too late. Sterling has started to just lay on his stomach when he is looking at something.
Just a little cottage cheese in the hair.
We ordered a Magnolia tree and we can't wait for it to grow into a beautiful tall tree! It has taken root nicely and has pretty leaves coming in now. Here was the night of the plant.
We got our garden in!
Scott built this "castle" and put this stick in as a flag. The stick is about two feet tall and he was frustrated it wouldn't stay standing on it's on. Such a cute fun imagination this one!
Another laying on his stomach one
I decided Beauty and the Beast copied how the Beast looked eating soup by what a one year old looks like eating Cream of Wheat.
And this is how to maul a quesadilla

Scott was sleeping extra long one afternoon and I told Sterling to go wake him up. I heard giggling from Sterling and walked in to find Sterling crawling all over him. Scott is a patient boy :)