Wednesday, September 26, 2012

That one time Stan asked me to marry him, as told by me

Stan and I had been talking about getting married for maybe about a couple months. I think his impending departure to New Mexico made it have to come up, which is probably a blessing. A week or so before he left at the beginning of August, we went and looked at rings. It was so weird to be there and it felt surreal. 

The next three weeks were good but talking on the phone just does not do justice when in comparison to being with someone you love. I'm grateful for technology in letting us being able to hear each others' voices, but someone really needs to work on that whole instantaneous travel business that Harry Potter and his friends can do. Labor Day couldn't come fast enough. Stan flew in on Friday night and we drove to Idaho to spend a wonderful weekend with his family. That weekend went by too quickly and no ring appeared, though there were subtle hints everywhere that it was in the works. 

The original plan was for me to go down to Albuquerque three weeks after Stan had come to visit. But right before our trip Labor Day weekend, we had decided to each drive to Mesa to see my family that next weekend. Fate was against us and Stan got super sick and was unable to come. I ended up going down anyway and it was good to see the family. I was beyond super sad that I wasn't able to see Stan that weekend but he kept encouraging me, saying it was just less than two weeks before I would be in Albuquerque. Little did I guess what he had in mind...

I had suspicions that the weekend of September 14-16 could be a very special weekend, but Stan had been throwing "static" in the system for so many months by this time that I had given up on guessing. During Labor Day weekend, Stan made me calendar in a phone date with him for all night Friday the 14th, and most of the day Saturday. We decided that we would do the some of our favorite things, just in our respective locations. We decided sushi on Friday night along with a movie. Saturday we would go for a drive and do a few other things. We were just going to be on the phone or texting for it all. It sounded fun, but, like I said, I had my suspicions about it...

Thursday night came and we were having our usual phone call. It was wonderful, as always, to hear his voice and visit. At about 9:50, our phone call got dropped. It happens, but we were unable to reconnect for about a half hour. He texted and said he felt like going for a drive, was in the mountains, and reception was spotty.  Went for a drive at almost 10pm in the mountains? Albuquerque? Suspicious? Very. But we had ourselves a nice visit and I went to bed. 

Friday day came and went and I excitedly got ready for the date. At 7pm, Stan called to "pick me up" as we had planned. I asked what sushi restaurant he was going to and he replied, "Oh I don't know. There are a lot of sushi restaurants in Albuquerque." I thought, "He's totally here!" We hung up so we could both drive and he told me to start texting him when I got to the Happy Sumo. I asked for my table, no one would be joining me, and patiently waited until they were ready to seat me. Every man that walked past, I hoped it was him. I hoped in vain. Stan and I started texting and he gave me the name of a sushi restaurant. My hopes sank. Maybe he really was in Albuquerque. They finally sat me, I ordered my food, still no Stan. I started to feel really sorry for myself, my boyfriend was so far away, here I was sitting by myself looking awesome, completely all by myself. Just as I was in the midst of my pity party, this super handsome young man walked right past my table, I could hardly believe my eyes. There was a curtain slightly covering where I was sitting and he totally missed me. :) I was too astonished to do much, so I just watched him walk through the rest of the restaurant before he turned around and saw me sitting there. 

Being with him at dinner and the rest of the night was so wonderful. He kept wanting me to guess where he was driving to the night before. Come to find out, Stan had driven to Mesa, six hours, the night before, had breakfast with my dad early Friday morning, then drove ten hours to Provo just in time to join me for our date. I love him. What a wonderful man. We went to JCW's after dinner for ice cream, that was our first date :) 

Saturday morning, Stan ran some "errands". He told me he was looking at guns on sale...typical Stan answer. He picked me up about noon with some beautiful flowers(I think these were part of the "guns"):

and we drove to the destination of our second date. It had happened on the 29th of September last year when the trees in the canyon had been absolutely brilliant. We had watched the sunset from on top of a beautiful peak that overlooked the valley. While the colors weren't quite as brilliant, and the sun was high in the sky and no where near setting, it was even more "magical" than it had been a year earlier. 

We had ourselves some Argentine sandwiches, part of the night he first held my hand last fall, and enjoyed the beauty of our view. The peak is somewhat of a popular spot so we had lots of random people throughout the hours we sat up there. During a quiet moment when no one else was there with us, Stan pulled out a poem he had written years ago but had never shared with anyone. He dedicated it to me and read it. He then pulled out the ring box, had me stand, and got down on his knee in front of me. Really everything from there on is kind of a blur. He asked if I would marry him, I said yes, and then about three minutes later we had some guys on 4-wheelers show up. I doubt they knew they were ruining our moment :) but we just had them take a picture and then took off. 

We decided to not call anyone until we had finished our drive on the back roads, one of our favorite past times. We drove from Hobble Creek Canyon to Provo Canyon and then started to call family. :) Oh happy day! We're engaged!! Weird....Here are some fun pictures:

This was moments after it happened. 

Stopped in front of some pretty trees for this one :) Yep, I love this handsome man.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Once upon a time...(be prepared for picture overload)

there was this awesome man that I met and we ended up spending a lot of time together. Which meant I spent less time doing things, like, oh you know, updating my blog. Then, for some reason, he thought it was a good idea to graduate and leave Provo. So we spent a summer cramming incredible, wonderful experiences into just a couple months. Here are the picture proofs that this has been a crazy fun summer...well the last month and a half of it anyway:
At the very beginning of the July, my family came up for a couple days! We just hung out, enjoyed 4th of July festivities, and ate, and hung out some more. One night we went to Aspen Grove to check out Ben's turf for the summer since he has worked up there for the past four months. It was so fun to have them here. I wish I had a picture of the whole fam, I missed that though. Janae and Nate came along too...Nate's cheesy smile kills me.

Love these two
And this one
and these two too

Stan and I had to do what we do best...roam the mountains. His car was putting up a valiant fight and willingly went where Stan drove it. 
The first of these drives, there were these cattle, and one little calf got right in front of us on the road and would not go away. Stan was so frustrated because he didn't want to chase the calf too far from the rest of them, but it wouldn't stop running down the road. He finally got it to go a little up, he got out of the car and chased it. If you look close in the second picture, you can see Stan on the right chasing the calf off the road. It was probably funnier than it sounds...

One of these drives was absolutely nutso! It was like driving in a river bed for five hours. We were expecting a couple hour drive. That turned into a sixer. Yikes. Even though the car broke down, we lived and made it home in one piece. When the road was way crazy, it was super funny to watch Stan. He would stick out his tongue in a fixed determination to master the road. He did a mighty fine job.

We went on an awesome trip to Idaho and spent a couple days with Stan's family doing fun things like canoeing down the Snake river, biking in Sun Valley (from Hailey to Ketchum), shooting off fireworks, and just having a good time together. It was such a wonderfully fun time! The Moore's are sure wonderful.

A view from the front porch in Filer, Idaho. I don't think I've experienced a bad sunset there. I love the farm :) 

A little trip over Galena Summit to Redfish lake :) 

There's many a strange thing you can see in Ketchum,'s just one: bikers...I don't know why we didn't find bikes like this for our ride.

We went on a trip to the pine forests of Arizona for my family reunion. Ultimate fail at taking pictures...but here is one from our ride back of the awesome sunset and silver lining! I love roadtripping it with my brothers and Stan :)

We went to the Payson Salmon Supper and had the most delicious salmon dinner ever created! (sad story is that I ended up have it come back up and I don't know when I will be able to eat it again...hopefully soon!)

One last drive up and over the Nebo Loop on Stan's last Saturday here.

On Stan's last Sunday we had one last Life episode with some of most awesome friends. This was a fun Sunday evening tradition learning about the incredibleness of the creations around us. 

On Stan's last week, with great concern for his ability to actually make it to New Mexico in this trusty ol' car, we spent our last Monday night looking at cars. The salesman was kinda funny in that no matter how many times we told him we wanted to look at Ford's, he tried to interest us in anything but. Stan persevered though and has an even trustier new romper to explore in!

And then...

On Stan's last morning, we went for a walk down the Provo River Trail like we were apt to do. I decided to bring a little snacky-snack for breakfast and grabbed some juice, bagels, and cream cheese from the store. Well, we we sat down to eat our breakfast, I pulled the deliciousness out of the bag only to find one slight oversight in my cream cheese selection...

Salmon flavored cream cheese and blueberry bagels are not a desirable combination for breakfast...nor ever I would submit. It was only even more funny because of my salmon mishap just the week prior! Bleh, gross!! 

The whole family on Friday morning graduation stuff

And then, he left :( So I've been trying to stay mighty busy, at which I have been quite successful. From family, to work, to church I have stayed quite busy. Here are a couple of pictures from these adventures:

A few of us cousins went up to visit our cousin Neil and Megan and family in Bountiful one Sunday night. It was absolutely beautiful and this cute girl and I played princesses. We even danced do our own music at the ball! 

Ben had a birthday so we had to go out and celebrate!

I bought new had been a long time :) I love them.

Ben and I went on a little exploratory hike so that I could be ready for the week long camping trip that I had the last week in August. It was fun to just hang out with Ben and to explore the beautiful mountains! 

I got to go see a dear friend/old roommate of mine, Minta. It was so good to reconnect with her. What blessings I have in my life with the people that I have known over the years!!!!

So as always, my life is still sweet as ever :) I'm excited for even more adventures!