So my birthday the other day was great, really great. It really was. And what made it so great are the wonderful friends and family that I have and love. I don't know what I would do without them...
Birthdays are a funny concept because...well as I often say to people, it is not technically the day of your birth. So I don't know why we call them birthdays. We should call them anniversaries, just like people say "happy anniversary" instead of "happy wedding day" to celebrate year marks of wedding dates. Just sayin'....
The excitement of my birthday began when I arrived home from work and found:
This last picture is of me and my stuffed hippo, Huckleberry. I was so thoroughly surprised to find this when I came home. Work had been kind of junky that day, so it was beyond nice to come home and see that someone in my life cared. Actually though, family and friends had been texting/calling throughout the day too and reminding me that way. ANYWAY, oh my dear friends (Amy, Carie, and Sharla) that decorated my a week later I'm still finding little confetti things in new places. Quite exciting. AND they were so kind to wrap some of my things for me to my scriptures, my duct tape, my hymn book, Huck, some bubbles I have in my room...not very often do people get to open regifted items from their very own shelves... :) It was funny, and they really did have other things to give me like my favorite kinds of candy and my favorite pens. AND my favorite drink in the fridge which I didn't even find until the next day... :) Amy made a beyond delicious dinner, then we went to the BYU baseball game. It was a perfect evening, I couldn't have asked for better. I'm so glad I got to talk to my family that day. So the anniversary of my birth day was a wonderful day. And I feel so grateful to be surrounded by those who love and care about me :) Couldn't ask for better.