By "by popular demand" I mean that Amy said that she hates it when friends say they have gotten a blog and don't post anything on it after the first one or two. I decided, after feeling great amounts of guilt, that today I would at least move to the second post. Now that I think about it, maybe I could post two things today, just to get me to the next stage of postness. I don't think I will though.
I'm not quite sure how it has gotten to be this time of year, the end of November and all. Seems pretty incredible how quickly time goes.
I've been feeling really grateful for the lack of coldness that has been felt this fall. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the colors change and how beautiful that whole process is. I especially was glad to be able to watch it without freezing in the act of doing so. There was one very cold, wet morning though that I was returning home at nine o'clock after my eight o'clock class and had quite an interesting experience I guess would be of worth to relate that others may ponder the same thing I did. I was walking in front of the Thai Ruby place and there were a bunch of cute little birds that were huddling under a car trying to find a dry spot that they might stay warm in. I felt a little sad for them that they would have to go and under a car to find such a refuge, and was glad that I was headed to my apartment. I recalled though learning about how birds fly south for the winter to stay warm in elementary school. But growing up in Arizona, we had birds all winter long, I guess I just figured that we were "south for the winter". Seeing those birds under the car, I realized that surely they had to be very very cold, how come they didn't do what all birds should know how to do and go to Arizona. I thought about asking them, and thinking back now, maybe I should have, but I didn't. I wonder how come their moms forgot to teach them to fly south. So that's one thought.
This semester has been pretty crazy. I feel like I am just still learning how to not be a missionary anymore. I actually feel more on top of school and what is going on than I ever have in my entire life. Maybe it's because I actually spend all of my time reading the books like I never have before. What a novel idea!
I'm going to a see an counselor tomorrow about maybe doing grad school in psychology...who knows what I'm doing with my life...
Work has turned out to be way different than I would have ever thought, and maybe wished. Maybe I'll go into more detail about that another day and what work entails. I can't cover all possible topics in one post or else I won't have anything left to write about. haha, yeah right, I always have something to fact today I was talking to Bro. Rawley and he asked me if I had anything to say about a certain topic, I said "of course I do, I always have something to say" and he smiled and said "I know." Oh dear.
Well I think that's about it for now, surely I will add more later this week and be better about this blog thing so that everyone that reads this...which isn't really anyone, will know what is going on in my life and my brain.