Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Celebrating Sterling

Sterling turned 3 this year! Keeping up with this gentle mischievous giant of ours is an adventure in and of itself. This post is filled with some of my favorite pictures of Sterling from this past year and things about him that he loves and that we love.

Sterling is thoughtful, he often makes Scott's bed for him and shares with his brothers and us daily. He loves to play with tools, trucks, dress up, ALL things Paw Patrol, Scott, mountains, the Jeep, hiking, food, and snuggling.

Always wants to hold James'
Loves doing his hair "cazy"
loves hats

Bumped his eye and gave himself a shiner at the beginning of the year
Sterling LOVES to read, and he especially loves when people read to him. He loves that one on one attention.
He loves to run as fast as he can. He will often show off to me his fast skills.
Loves sleeping in the tent
This picture shows so many things he loves. He loves camping, sticks, fire, dirt, food(notice the dirty face), and Marshall
Such a silly kid, he makes me smile every day
Sterling loves his cousins.

He loves to put things in his backpack and he had a time during the last year that you would barely see him without a beanie on.
He started doing this scrunch smile and I love it...but I miss his sweet one.
Sterling loves the story of the 3 little pigs. Sometimes we would tell about the 3 little boys. On our trip to Grand Gulch in May, he helped me tell it:

Being a ham and making his brother, James, laugh
At the ward May the 4th party. We didn't monitor how many cupcakes and cookies he had and it might have been a LOT
Sterling LOVES meat and "bones" We had him take off his white Sunday shirt to not get sauce on it for this picture.
Sterling is creative. He likes to build things and this is one of his "pewer" creations (gun)
4th of July celebrating
"Look Mom! Don't I look nice like you?"
Enjoying a good s'more
Family Night at Chick-Fil-A in Mesa.
Sterling LOVES the cow at Chick-Fil-A. He wanted to go ask the cow to go play with him in the play place. He bravely went up to the cow by himself, but had to settle for just a picture because the cow isn't allowed in there.
When Dad and Scott went backpacking, we went to Chick-Fil-A again. He was so sad when the cow wasn't there. He considers him his friend. But he had a good time and loved the sauce...mustache as proof
Enjoying a swim in a neighbors pool
Sterling loves babies. He loves to hold them, talk to them, and make them smile
Photo cred: Scott
Scott and Sterling are best friends
Sterling loves his Grandpa Ray
At Kevin's graduation in August, Sterling clapped the. whole. time. He loved it!

He loves to pretend. I love it when he takes pictures for us.
Sterling joined me for my exercises one day.

He wanted a little pre-dinner snack.
He sat here looking at Stan's jeep and tools for at least five minutes.
ARRR is what he is saying and why his face looks like that
"Sterling smile with your eyes open!"...
"Helping" James go down the slide by pushing him
Sterling loved the horse! He loves animals. When he rode this, he was so sad to get off and gave the horse a kiss before we left.

Grandma "Ancy" was giving him a push. He loves going to her house.
Craft time at Grandma Julie's, showing off his finished product
Playing a little dress up at Grandma Julie's
So excited about riding in the Jeep for the first time on an adventure! And we found snow!
Sterling LOVES music, and dancing. He has started to dance with his eyes closed.


For Christmas this past year, Sterling loved to make lists. He came and brought this drawing to me and said it was his Christmas list, I asked what was on it, this was his response.
He said this was his "thanksgiving list"
This was a post nap picture with his beanie.
He was SO excited to meet his cousin Lucy.

Best buds

Then he made lists of all the things he got for Christmas
Sterling loved pirates this year and he would often pretend to be one. We think he is one cute pirate!

He thinks of the funniest ways to think about things.

On his actual birthday, we started off with the traditional German pancakes and presents.

The boys watched some Paw Patrol videos Sterling got for a present:

The boys pretended they went backpacking
We went and had pizza at Costco with Dad for lunch

And we had yummy cake and ice cream

We love our Sterling boy and celebrating him. He is so fun! I can't wait to see him keep growing up!