Sunday, March 31, 2013


I love 'those' moments.
Seriously--happened yesterday when the girl asked if we were up for being 'home to the Easter Bunny, even though...'.  LOL  Yes, EVEN THOUGH...we're good for the Easter Bunny!  We're a diverse group!!  That's putting it mildly......

Did we remember we'd already collected things for the Bug for the occasion?  Umm....well, not really!
So there's now TWO baskety thingies for the wee thing and grandad's now fussing about what to feed the lot of them.  Now, generally this holiday is the other mother's holiday, but since they're out of town--(apparently intended to be BACK..but changed their mind) we get the honour.  I'm good with that!  Not sure what all the fussing is about--other than indulging in a good fuss!

So--there are eggs to be hidden and baskets and STUFF to get done this morning.  Which is exactly what I'm I sit here.  ROFL  NOTnotnot!

Yeahyeah....I have a bit of time.  And she's THREE.  So hiding eggs means dropping them into an obvious place elsewise there'll be eggs in July and that won't be GOOD.
Real eggs--fake eggs.
I think we're good--'cept for the hiding bit.
But I've decided--as of this very moment--that's someone-who's-making-me-nutz's job.
Mostly cuz he won't stop fussing over dinner and the like.

*rolling eyes*
Everyone knows dinner isn't that big of a deal to the 3 year old--it's the BUNNY STUFF?!

OH!!  I have bunny ears and a fluffy tail in the decorations box!
He can wear those.......ROFL

Pretty in Pink

Daily Reminder

Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind.
  —Helen Keller

Facing conditions we would like to change, letting go of people we wish were different, takes growth, patience, tolerance. We're so easily enticed into thinking we'd be happier, "If only he'd change," or "If I had a better job," or "If the kids would settle down." Yet we carry the seed of happiness within us every moment. Learning tolerance for all conditions will nurture that seed.

Intolerance, impatience, depression, in fact, any negative attitude is habit-forming. Many of us continue to struggle with the habits we've formed. Bad habits must be replaced with new, good habits. We can develop a new behavior, one that pleases us, like smiling at every stranger in a checkout line. We can repeat it in every line. It becomes a habit and a good one.

Toleration of others opens many doors, for them and for us. It nurtures the soul, ours and theirs. It breeds happiness. We're learning about love, how to give it and how to receive it.

There are so many eyes I'll look into today that don't know love. I will give some away with unconditional tolerance. It's a gift -- to myself and others.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Something Old....

*talking to self*

Right.  If there's one thing I dislike consistently--(and I mean this, cuz I used to dislike brussel sprouts and now I don't) it's living in fear.
I do NOT like living in fear...or with fear.
So.....pffffft to that.
NOT doing it.

If things are going to go upside down, they're going to go upside down.  What's the point in wasting today in fear that they're GOING to go upside down?

So.  Definitely NOT going to do more 'internet exploring' on fractures and I'm simply going to do what's in front of me, best that I can today.
I think I pretty well decided that yesterday--somewhat out of irritation with the intern who couldn't be bothered to return a call.  k...maybe he didn't get the message, maybe something got in the way...maybe, maybe, maybe....  That doesn't mean I have to sit around and go backwards instead of forwards.  If things are going to go upsidedown--they're gonna....regardless.
Which is why I opted to keep with a busy schedule yesterday--PT (that didn't happen), work (that did!), snagged a new skirt (cuz fiberglass casts snag the by jeepers outta skirts and make them notsonice), had dinner out--and went to 'a real grocery store'.  LOL  That MIGHT be why I had no issue going to sleep last night--might be why the leg was so swollen, too.
Matters not!  Up and about and doing.  Things don't get better for me by doing nothing.  I just get crabbier and ruminate on stuff over and over and over again.

Soooooo.....things are warming up and I'm gonna find a sweatshirt and try for some patio time IF I can talk he-who-is-crabby into putting a chair out there for me to sit on.
The robins are back!!!!  :-)
Noisy things...I've missed 'em HUGELY!
And OUT is a good thing!

Fairy Dust

Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once,
 but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach.

Friday, March 29, 2013

&$!+!#&!$# 2/3's Rice Krispie

So the physical therapist won't actually DO physical therapy with me--since I now "pop" AND "snap".  The snapping showed up Wednesday when I was being introduced to some new exercises.  He looked at me, I looked at him..."what was that?".  "Heck if I know...a snap?  And no, it didn't hurt, but it DID feel weird!"  Right. Scratch THAT exercise!!!
Of course he was ringing the doc...and then he got sick. And he's still sick. Soooo....nobody felt ok having a go at me today since I'm now two thirds of a Rice Krispie (...just missing the crackle, dontchaknow!)
Good little patient that I am, I(cuz the "pop" AND "snap" are continuing to happen)  decided better to ring the doc myself....the doc's nurse wanted me to talk with his intern ..cuz it IS  Good Friday and apparently he observes the holiday.... and the doc's intern never managed to ring me back.
Greattttt.  Just greatttttt.

Oh...and let's top it off with how last night I apparently went "stupid" and did some internet searching.

I am now quite well read on "non-union femoral fractures".

Trust me when I say this is NOT a good thing.....

AND I am 2/3's of a Rice Krispie.

AND it's the weekend.

Thought for the Day

You can get your way by being a bully. But what you get that way will never fulfill the inner desires of your heart.

If you push your way through life without consideration for others, you’ll experience an empty and cold existence. That’s certainly not what you want, is it?

When you feel the urge to take advantage of others, even in a seemingly minor way, remember this. Ultimately, you will lose more than you gain.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Today's Reading

When you value what you have, you make what you have more valuable. When you care about what you’re doing, you make what you’re doing much more effective.

Give the best of yourself to the moment, and the moment becomes filled with great treasure. Be generous to others with your time and attention, and you’ll find yourself among delightful companions.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How much for a smile...

How can you NOT love a loving heart....

((((((((((( Sorrow )))))))))))

Hers.....notsomuch mine....

Things that make me happy....

....the sister getting the feeding tube removed.  WOOOOHOOO!!!!  (FINALLY!!)

....the car STARTING.

....getting IN my car and actually driving around the block all by myself!  :-)

...."I play pinochle with my dad all the time" lie number 1, 439.  LOLOL

....snugglin' with the 3 year old.

....the festive colourful lights in the bathroom (new nightlight dontchaknow!).

....the very loud birdsong of Mr. Cardinal--he knows if he sings LOUD I send he-who-has-to-fill-the-feeders out to fill his birdie tray.

.....punch balloons!  :-)  (mine's the blue one, tyvm!)

Today's Fairy Reminder

The most effective way to prevent what’s bad is to promote what’s good. The best way to influence behavior is not to control and regulate, but to inspire and motivate.

You get more for your efforts when they’re applied in a positive direction. Instead of fighting against what you dislike, work to build and support what you value and desire.

The answer to despair is not to despise it, for that only adds to it. The answer is to overwhelm it with goodness and love.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

UH huh.......

Likely story......

Yeahyeah....he's cute......

Wow am I getting really unforgiving!  LOL

Reading for The Day

You’re connected to other people, places and things in ways you don’t even realize. Everything you do has influence that goes far beyond you, and that eventually comes back to you.

You cannot successfully cheat others, because eventually with such attempts you end up cheating yourself. What you can do, though, is continually inject your own unique value and goodness into life.

When you do, it grows in ways you cannot possibly imagine. It grows, and spreads, and lifts your whole world.

With every little positive action, you can make a difference. Because whatever you do is multiplied throughout the whole of life.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Before the Snow Hit..(again)

Yep--she demanded and won.

"So how did you sleep?"

Welllllll....relatively 'okay' once the small person gave up, (not without a pout), the company of the oversized Shamu whale that she thought needed to be in bed with us.  There just wasn't room for the whale, the body pillow, the 3 year old with My Little Pony jammies.....and me with a brace covered broken leg.  She flopped around on her half of the bed and I only got a knee to the shoulder once....when she went sideways and her head flopped off the side of the mattress.  But I pulled her back on and she snuggled up to the glowing fish she stole from the bathtub and hid under her jammie top and didn't miss a beat of sleep!

"Oh.  Well........good?"

I'm betting he's glad he asked!

Daily Reminder

There’s no need to fret about what might or might not be. Simply make the commitment that whatever may come, you will do whatever is necessary to get good from it.

Always, there is much goodness in life. Better yet, there is the possibility for much, much more.

You are wonderfully able to bring that new goodness into being, no matter what. Take this day, this life, this moment, this situation, and get good from it.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Rooftop Assembly

Just reporting....

Oh look.

More snow.
Wow.....there's a surprise.  (NOT!)

Seems to be making up for the whole winter this past month and a half...yes, it's good for the farmers cuz we do need the moisture.  HOWever--we have to retrieve her royal Bug-ness.....the mom is in India on business and a sitter is needed for a few days.  Gosh--what a sacrifice!  LOL
Hopefully the snow will quit soon?

Quit soon, darnit!
(yeah, folks are saying snow til early evening, bless their little hearts....*sigh*)

Ah well.
We'll figure it out.

In the meantime--the birdies are singing AS it snows (yup--filled feeders yesterday!) and the car IS charged and now running.
And I did some 'fake walking' around the patio yesterday when it pretended to be spring in the early afternoon and hit the 40's.  AND we had sun.
Oh, but I got some weight on the leg and I didn't end up writhing in pain on the patio, screaming obscenities for the world to hear.
(yes, I did that in the parking lot when the EMT's tried to move me--and I've apologized to the officer I whapped when he thought moving me without stablizing the leg was a good they NOT get trained in first aid?  JUST because the injured person says their rearend is cold, it doesn't mean you oughta volunteer to pull them from that bitty piece of ice they're sitting on!  Sheeeeeshhhhh...)
Only, I didn't sleep worth a darn last night with all that popping going on...and that was with the brace ON cuz I've taken to wearing it at night because the popping wakes me up (a bit of pain can accompany it sometimes....*sigh*).
But I can get in the car that now runs!
And I did fake walking with weight without excrutiating pain!
AND my cool sneaks have arrived!  :-D
And the Bug is coming!

And the snow is again piling on the patio.  *sigh*

Oh, but I'm taking calcium and vitamin D.....which are HUGE things that make me inspect them closely to make sure they're not suppositories.  *ahem*  They're not.

I still check the bottle--I'm not convinced.
JUST sayin'....

Fairy Reading for Today

There are a thousand ways you can talk yourself out of taking action. Yet there is just one way to truly move forward, and that is to go ahead and take action.

It’s great to be smart, informed, and thoughtful. It’s not that great to think things through so much and to second-guess yourself so much that you never get anything done.

You can find plenty of ways to justify your procrastination. Yet even if it’s perfectly reasonable and understandable, it’s still procrastination.

The secret to moving forward is not found in some clever technique. The secret to moving forward is to get up and go, get up and do.

Saturday, March 23, 2013




It won't start cuz the battery is dead.....ohh.....BUT!!!!

I'm the excited one.
Not so much him....probably worried I'll take off for gosh who knows where...

I can get in my car.

Darn good thing it's dead.  LOL!!!

My Brain

Ah--- If I were you....

Every once in a while there's a tune that catches my attention.....
Personally, I like HIS video--but I'll snag this one for the moment.
Thinkin' it's a good one to have stuck in my brain........

You seem to find the dark when everything is bright.
You look for all that's wrong instead of all that's right.
Does it feel good to you to rain on my parade?
You never say a word unless it's to complain.
It's driving me insane...

If I were you, holding the world right in my hands,
the first thing I'd do is thank the stars for all that I have.
If I were you...

Look what surrounds you now more than you've ever dreamed.
Have you forgotten just how hard it used to be?
So what's it going to take for you to realize
it all could go away in one blink of an eye?
It happens all the time...

If I were you, holding the world right in my hands,
the first thing I'd do, is thank the stars above, tell the ones I love
that I do...

Whoa, yeah IF I WERE YOU
IF I WERE YOU, whoaaaa

So what's it going to take for you to realize
it all could go away in one blink of an eye?
It happens all the time...

If I Were You,
holding the world right in my hands,
the first thing I'd do,
is thank the stars above,
for the ones I love,
take a breath and enjoy the view,
live the life that I wanted to.
If I Were You...
If I Were You...
If I Were You


Your life matters, not only to you but to the whole world. You owe it to all of life to make your own experience the best it can be.

Your time matters. Every moment is an opportunity to add real richness and value.

Your outlook matters. By being focused on what’s positive, you make all of life more positive and fulfilling.

Your actions matter. What you do, changes things, and you have the very real ability to make the world better and better.

Your purpose matters. Do what you know is right, and right for you, not just what’s easy or convenient.

Feel your deep, powerful connection to all that is, and know in every moment how very much you truly matter. Live as though your life matters, because in every way, and on levels beyond all you can imagine, it absolutely does.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Today's Fairy Reminder

The quality of your life and the welfare of your world depend on the direction in which your awareness is focused. Make it your choice to focus on the most positive and meaningful possibilities.

What you hold in your heart has a significant influence on what you experience in your life. Open yourself to love, peace, beauty, truth and caring, and let them continually fill you.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Was I suppose to be at work
Did I get worked over by the MEAN PHYSICAL THERAPIST TODAY...yes.
Did loads of people show up at the office just the same...ohhhh yes.
Did I have a room full of people when my insurance person  rang...uh huh.

"I'm just calling to confirm that your doctor ordered a neuro exam for your head"
"Excuse doctor ordered a neuro exam for my head?!"
(insert snickering from the assembled masses)
"I wondered if there was a mistake."
"I think there's a mistake...Broken need for a neuro exam on my head for goodness sakes."
(insert the assembled masses disputing this statement and the  gal breaking out in laughter CUZ SHE HEARD 'EM!!!)
"Welllll....okay, there might be a NEED but...."

OMG......Only with a room full of people!!!!

Reflections of the year past

Things that make me happy....

....a day without snow falling.  SERIOUSLY.

....the determination of he-who-put-the-broom-in-the-Jeep to get me into work on that first day of return.  LOL  He told people 'normally she rides this'.  *rolling eyes*

....the elf ears I wore to watch "The Hobbit" at a friends house.

....NEW sneaks!  :-)  Now--if they just show up!  LOL

....the steady stream of people showing up at the office just to stick their head in and laugh at the banishing.  Pfffffttt!  LOL

....other people's photos of spring happening in their neck of the woods.

....train engineers waving as they chug by.


Message from the Reading Fairy

We can never go back again, that much is certain.
  —Daphne DuMaurier

Yesterday is gone, but its experiences will be reflected in those of today. We learned from both the good and the bad situations of yesterday. Where we travel today, likewise, will influence our direction tomorrow. We can't do over what has gone before, but we can positively incorporate all that life is offering us from this moment forth.

We are moving toward greater understanding of life's mysteries with each experience. As today unfolds, we can be moved by the adventures. What we experience is ours alone and will contribute to the unfolding of our special destiny. We move forward, only forward. The doors behind us are closed forever.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


We can clear our mind of the residue of yesterday. We can clear our mind of fears of tomorrow. We can be present, now. We can make ourselves available to this moment, this day. It is by being fully present now that we reach the fullness of tomorrow.

Have no fear, child, a voice whispers. Have no regrets. Relinquish your resentments. Let Me take your pain. All you have is the present moment. Be still. Be here Trust.

All you have is now. It is enough.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dusk on the Farm


And......we're off and running this morning.

I'm a bit surprised at how well yesterday went.  So I'm hoping for two in a row here--gonna drop into work and tie up some loose ends that didn't get tied yesterday.
Seems folks wanted to just do a lot of 'checking bases' with me yesterday--it was a constant barrage of PEOPLE in and out of the office.  Four hours is NOT a whole lotta time.

Soooo....physical therapy.....and then drop in to finish off what I MEANT to do yesterday.  LOL  I think it'll be an okay thing.....unless the boss drops me an email that says NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT.  :-/
Of course--I'll be at physical therapy and won't GET the email....


On the other hand....yes, I could be finding out just how well I'm able to deal with that 4 hour day for the next six weeks......
k.....I'll check the email BEFORE the appointment and then decide AFTER the appointment.

Isn't it amazing how I rationalize out NOT following instructions?  LOLOL

Fairy Reading

Some of us have wasted our energy by focusing anger on people who weren't really important to us. 
Do we truly want them to become so important? 
Yet, perhaps the important relationships got frozen because we weren't open and respectful with our anger. 
It isn't possible to be close to someone without being angry at times. 
We let our loved ones be part of our lives by feeling our anger when it is there and expressing it openly, directly, and respectfully to them - or by hearing them when they are angry. 
Then, with dialogue, we can let it go.

Monday, March 18, 2013

AND I got to make a snowmans!!!!

*happily singing*

I get to go to work today, do dah do dah
I get to go to work today oh do dah day....

*checking out the window*

Yup--it's snowing.  BIG fat flakes.
ONLY 1-2 just enough to make it treacherous.

"BLOODY hell" was what he-who-looked-out-the-window upon rising said.


THIS could be "fun"!!
And nope--I'm NOT CHECKING MY EMAIL......and you can't make me.


I get to go to work today, do dah do dah
I get to go to work today oh do dah day....

Fairy Reminder

We can control how we respond to other people's expectations.

During the course of any day, people may make demands on our time, talents, energy, money, and emotions. We do not have to say yes to every request. We do not have to feel guilty if we say no. And we do not have to allow the barrage of demands to control the course of our life.

We do not have to spend our life reacting to others and to the course they would prefer we took with our life.

We can set boundaries, firm limits on how far we shall go with others. We can trust and listen to ourselves. We can set goals and direction for our life. We can place value on ourselves.

We can own our power with people.

Buy some time. Think about what you want. Consider how responding to another's needs will affect the course of your life. We live or own life by not letting other people, their expectations, and their demands control the course of our life. We can let them have their demands and expectations; we can allow them to have their feelings. We can own our power to choose the path that is right for us.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

NOW we're talkin' Sensible Shoes!!!

I'm SPECial! :-/

"Ordinarily, some popping is normal.  Muscle, tendons...  But since you're a special case--......"

Now, most times I revel in being 'special'!
I have an ego the size of Texas. The word 'special' makes me sit taller and pay attention.  So much so is THAT fact that WPIML uses a 'tone' when he uses the word 'special'--the emphasis is on that first part of the word he doesn't make SPECIAL sound like a 'good thing'.  LOL  Probably cuz I've used it as a 'get out of jail free' card in my brain on numerous occasions.

I'm SPECial, dontchaknow...

Yeah, well, in this case, being 'special' isn't a GOOD thing...I don't zackly feel privileged to be called SPECIAL by the doc.
I'm a SPECIAL case!
LOL  Oh, how WPIML is gonna love THIS one!

Yes, SPECial-ness means that I don't GET to 'pop' or do sharp pain.  If that starts--then I'm to stop.

The route to strengthening is through weight and exercise says the doc (and confirmed by the gentle fella who did physical therapy).
If doing those strengthening things creates the 'pop'--zackly what AM I to do?  Shift a bit and see if that stops the 'pop' is my answer.  I'm......gonna hope that's the right one!  Well--it works for some of the exercises.  Notsomuch some of the other.
And how come it didn't 'pop' doin' those and now it's 'popping' at home when I do a couple of 'em?
And yes....swelling up like you wouldn't believe.  What's up with that?!
Oy sheeshhh...and my poor purple foot.....*sigh*
He SAID I wasn't gonna like the brace being tightened.

Ohhhhh....but I'm SPECIAL!

And I get to go back to work part time on Monday...followed by Tuesday with the Gentle Fella.

Yaknow.....I'm starting to wonder about the return to work deal.
YES--I whined about it forEVER.
And the 'terms of return' weren't 'zactly what I had in mind......seems the boss (who coulda said NO to my return--but didn't!) thinks I need to be banished to "MY KINGDOM" for 12 hours a week the first two weeks.  Uh huh....suppose to do 20 hours--he says 12.
Oh, but little does he know that "MY KINGDOM" is what WPIML calls the areas in my life that I think are explicitly MINE, MINE and NOone else's!  Those little places that I think are MINE to rule.  *ahem*  Yes....well........I think I admitted the ego isn't emaciated, by any means.

MY Kingdom--apparently far far away from the students.....and the families..... AND THE STAFF.
Like I'm gonna damage someone?!
k....thinking the concern is they'll damage ME.
Cuz I'm SPECIAL, dontchaknow....

I'm SPECial alright.

Geeze....I don't believe I'm putting this in black and white--but....


k.....I don't really MEAN that.....
NO way do I really, really, REALLY mean that...LOLOL

Fairy Dust

I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable...but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.Agatha Christie

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Off the track

Today's Thought

Looking behind I am filled with gratitude. 
Looking forward I am filled with vision. 
Looking upwards I am filled with strength. 
Looking within I discover peace.

Quero Apache Prayer

Friday, March 15, 2013

NOON today

Please join us at noon today.......
It doesn't matter where you are....what plans you've made.
Please join us.

Terri's update is here.

Thank you for your love.

Chasing the Comet

It's Friday....

*sigh*  Doctor, physical therapist....boss.

Yup--that's my people connection for the week!
And that's the extent of my adventures--and the boss was on the phone so I don't think that oughta count.

But by chance--that will be my adventure on the phone this morning.  Doctor.  Physical Therapist.  Boss.
Then......the day's FREE.

Seems he-who-does-the-cooking wants to go to a 'real grocery store'.  LOL  That'll be an hour and a half drive time (total....I'm suppose to limit time in a vehicle, dontchaknow--).  But they'll have REAL cheese, not the processed type, AND real bread....not the kind with sugar in it that comes in plastic wrappers.
SUCH a food freak!  I swear.

Oh.......toss in 'and they have gluten free products' cuz apparently that's important to me. (oh, just hand me an apple--THAT'S gluten free, too...and it doesn't cost and arm and a leg!)

Right.  FUN day!  Well, it will be cuz I'm toting the camera and I'll whine until we go to the river...or to a stretch of track to see working trains....  OR a slushy, muddy backroad!  Whoa......there's a good time in the making!  Unless we slid off the road or got stuck...
Yeah....probably not getting that one--but for SURE one of the other two IF I bring up the backroad idea!

I'm smart like that........LOLOL

Phone calls.
REAL grocery store.....
And whine.
In that order.

Daily Reading

Despair and depression may come over us suddenly, for no reason we can figure out. But if we stop and reflect, we may realize we are reacting to too much of something - too much work, too much excitement, too much fun. We may be having a letdown after holidays, after completing a project, or at the end of a school year.

When we feel a letdown coming on, we must give ourselves time. We need to take some time off and do nothing, plan nothing. Then we for help to let go of the negative feelings that come along with a letdown. We can plan a small gift for ourselves - a walk by the lake, for instance. In our excitement with a rush of events, we often forget that we, like the infants we once were, need to take a rest and reenergize.

Do I need to do something just for myself today?

Thursday, March 14, 2013


The physical therapy fella is kind.
Chatty, even.
He had a few questions....and he was a tad concerned about the popping going on....and was the doc concerned about it?
Well....not really.  Ummm...mostly cuz the last time it happened was when I shoulda been asking questions cuz the bone apparently shifted?


Yes....I'll ring the doc to ask.  Last time I just sucked it up and kept moving.  On occasion I do learn.
I'll be happy to report to the kind, gentle fella that it's perfectly natural in my case.
Leastwise, that's what I hope to report.
I wonder if the kind, gentle stuff will end for brutal, painstaking workouts....

Twice a week no less....OH joy!!

Another Cold One

Awwwwwwwwwww....... :-)

A man in Topeka , Kansas decided to write a book about churches around
the country. He started by flying to San Francisco and started working
east from there. Going to a very large church, he began taking
photographs and making notes. He spotted a golden telephone on the
vestibule wall and was intrigued with a sign, which read "Calls:
$10,000 a minute." Seeking out the pastor he asked about the phone and
the sign. The pastor answered that this golden phone is, in fact, a
direct line to heaven and if he pays the price he can talk directly to

The man thanked the pastor and continued on his way. As he continued
to visit churches in Seattle , Houston , Milwaukee , St. Louis , Chicago ,
and many cities and towns all around the United States , he found more
phones same sign, and the same answer from each pastor.

Finally, he arrived in Waterloo Iowa . Upon entering a church in the
beautiful state of Iowa behold, he saw the usual golden telephone.
But THIS time, the sign read "Calls: 35 cents".

Fascinated, he asked to talk to the pastor, "Reverend, ! I have been
in cities all across the country and in each church I have found this
golden telephone and have been told it is a direct line to Heaven and
that I could talk to GOD, but in the other churches the cost was
$10,000 a minute. Your sign reads only 35 cents a call. Why?"

The pastor, smiling broadly, replied, "Son, you're in Iowa now -
you're in God's Country. It's a local call."

American by Birth, An Iowan by the Grace of God.


It is strange how we can go to school and learn a lot of facts, but never learn much along the way about ourselves. We can take up nursing, teaching, counseling, and giving ourselves to the needs of others, while never having our own needs met.

Why does it seem as if it is easier to solve the problems of the world than to solve our own problems? We simply don't know ourselves very well. When we look into a mirror and attempt to understand ourselves, our conclusions about what we see are usually very different from what a friend sees. When we finally take the time and make ourselves a priority, we make a startling discovery.  It is then we can begin to heal, grow and learn.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Red One

Holdonaminute Mel.....

"There's more than one way to look at things".....

Yes, I know.
And no matter what moves people to chase their heart's desire--it's good.  It's the chasing that's being embraced--and truly, this is a good thing.

*sigh*  I'm doing battle with my head--there's a surprise.

People write for a be read, yes? And sometimes (hopefully) because you're purposed TO write and bring hope and warmth and joy and love to others.  A hugely awesome purpose, indeed.
And when you write and want to be read--you publish.  And when you publish--you....sell.  It costs to publish--I know this.  And no matter your heart's desire, there's still financial responsibilities that go with

I'm doing battle.  *sigh*

It's the same battle I did with Mr. Walsch who wrote about his relationship with his G-d......and charges $549 a seat for his conferences, without your personal accommodations.......and $34 for his book(s).....and then there's the TV program and website and stuff--some for free, but all connected to the others that have price tags attached to them.  Nonprofit with a staff of three it tells me.... *sigh*  Certainly it's not that spendy to stay in a hotel and get fed while you speak to audiences in the hundreds/thousands?  Zackly how many speaking engagements does it take to pay for a staff of three?

Same battle now........same internal conflict with what I believe and what I put into action.  And what I disappointedly 'see' happening ....again ....and again.  And I just don't 'get it'.  And I'm not just 'not getting it' with one--but with many......  I do not get it......

Actually, from this very limited perspective(and I know it's limited AND biased)--I'm having difficulties 'respecting' it and it just plain makes me sad.
Not somewhere I need to stay 'stuck', mind you....and I do need to broaden my perspective and lose the bias. You close doors when you start to decide 'what's genuine, what's NOT' based on your belief system that might be a bit too......altruistic?   I believe that's called prejudice--you start shooting the messenger and dismissing the message.

Yes--there's more than one way to look at things...
I'll step away from this thought process and try to seek perspective. I don't want to 'divorce' something based on a warped perception.  Do I?

I DO know-- it really makes me sad...and internally conflicted.
I do NOT like "internally conflicted"....

Fairy Reading for the Day

 Every tree and every leaf on every tree, as it rustles in the wind, expresses God in our lives. When the little bird flies overhead or when it comes to visit the feeder, we are being visited by a spirit. When the sky boils with a storm, when lightning and thunder crash, we are witness to power greater than ourselves with a history beyond the centuries. The beautiful works of art created by our fellow human travelers on this journey through life are expressions of their courage to reach out and create something. A line of music moves us and we feel the spirit.

A child makes a drawing and gives it away. A neighbor helps you start your car. You treat the clerk at the checkout counter like a real person. Whatever word we use for God, if we decide to be open and receptive, we find God in the little details of our lives. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Please....... A 'Re-Blog' from Terri at BoneSigh

Because I can....and I'd like to think you'd like to, too.

Originally, here.......
Passed on from here

And shared below:

how much of the story do i tell?
i’ve talked about it here before, and yet, it’s not my story,
so i want to be careful with it…..and yet if you’re gonna help,
like i hope you will, you need pieces of it to understand.

i met her when i was first starting out with bone sighs.
at a festival.
she was first starting out on a new journey herself.
she was a lot younger than i was, but she connected with the bone sighs
and we enjoyed each other right from the start.

it’s been over ten years now and we’ve only gotten closer.
seein’ each other here and there.
lately tho, there’s been a pretty big tug that’s been pulling us closer.

she has cancer.
pretty darn bad.
and is on her last ditch effort to beat it.

she’s in her thirties.
way too young.
and battling hard.

she just began a really rough clinical trial.
where they plan on blasting the daylights outta her,
and somehow (forgive my non-medical talk) swapping out her current
immune system, training new cells to fight the cancer, and shooting
the new adapted stuff into her, hopefully to create a whole new kinda
immune system.

it’s her last hope from the medical community,
and as you can imagine, it’s one heck of a thing to go thru.

she’s currently getting blasted with chemo.
and i think it’s about as rough as it gets.

when we were last together, she explained the procedure to me.
i immediately went to the star visual i use for myself a lot.
picturing stars inside me.

i mentioned it to her.
‘when they shoot the new stuff into you, maybe you can picture them shooting stars inside you,’ i offered.

and we started talking about the star visuals.
i immediately thought of my on-line community.

what if i asked everywhere, everyone, if they’d join her? join me?
in visualizing stars inside her?! what if we surrounded her in light and she knew it?!

it could only help.
it could only only only help.

and so…….i want to post this everywhere i can……….i want to ask anyone who feels inclined to, to go ahead and share it…….and i wanted to ask people to figure out some kinda thing that works for them where they could, on a regular basis, think of my friend, and picture her insides filling with bright beautiful stars.

i’m not sure you need to actually ‘see’ her……..but if it helps, she’s in her 30’s, shes got short blonde hair, and the most beautiful smile you ever want to eyes these days, tho they try to smile along with her mouth, are very sad. she has a wicked funny sense of humor, and is using it at every turn to get thru all that she needs to get thru.

her name is sue.

and she actually does twinkle anyway…….so visualizing stars shining in her and

out of her, isn’t that hard.

will you join me?

You can leave comments for Sue at Terri's place.

And thank you.....from my heart...

Yes--I'm ignoring you.

Oh, the potential........

TODAY I will see each disappointment in my life as a challenge to discover the negative or limited beliefs which keep me from seeing myself as a person of unlimited resources and potential.

The good news:
  • the reading book is not in the middle of the hallway...coulda been....isn't....
  • the roads were passable, albeit a bit slick in spots, for today's ortho appointment
  • the doctor looks amazingly handsome in a suit and tie--and I told him so
  • I get to start physical therapy this week
  • I get to have the physical therapy done locally, which saves me/he-who-does-it-all the two plus hours of drive time--twice a week forEVER.....LOL
  • I get to start putting weight on the left leg--some, not the full weight, but weight nonetheless
  • I get to take the stupid brace OFF when sitting and when laying down
  • I MIGHT actually get a decent night's sleep as a result of not having to sleep with a brace on!
  • I told the doc I bought sensible shoes--since I was relatively convinced that 2" (or better) heels would be disallowed--he told me the shoes I had on were PERFECT....which means I sorta have a doctor's order to buy a few more Rocket Dog tennis shoes of the funky kind.  LOL  
  • I have a 'pass' to return to work--4 hours a day....sitting only (woohooo!!), for the next six weeks
  • The nurse told me I could drive!  (we're not talking about what the neurotic one around this joint said....)
The notsogood news:
  • They readjusted the brace that I have to continue to wear--so it's very stiff/rigid when putting weight on the leg.  It's tighter than tight and it doesn't feel nice.  I have to swap comfort ...for stability.
  • The x-ray showed very little additional healing since the last visit.  The doc wants to press on anyway--it's been 13 weeks and he's hoping that the inclusion of weight and movement actually help the healing to happen, as it apparently sometimes does.  He wanted me to have the information--I appreciate the honesty.  Face it, I have a not 'tip top' body--it's been through a LOT in this lifetime.  I guess I wasn't particularly surprised at the information, given that fact....just.......dunno....
  • But I do know--Neither of the above facts lends to helping me feel secure and happy about the process I'm now entering into.  I did ask how I'm going to know if I'm just damaging what's not healing fast enough--he assures me I'll know and the x-rays will show it.
  • six WEEKS of half days working?  k.......YEAH and YIPPEE!!!!
  • I'm notsomuch thrilled at the prospect of 13 weeks being for naught.  He's not willing to talk about the what next--he's wanting to see what shows after 6 weeks of trying to coax my femur into happily healing MORE.  He and I have been on the same page as far as trying for natural healing as opposed to screws and plates and massive surgeries.  He wants to be positive--and he knows my body isn't going to warp into any state, given all that's it's already had to go through.  Bless his little heart and cool tie.
I've scheduled the physical therapy--they'll connect with the ortho doc so they know the specifics and concerns, undoubtedly they don't wanna create harm to the healing--though I do think his order is really, really specific.

I've tried to connect with the boss who had his own medical 'stuff' today.  Might not happen til tomorrow.  I've rung my first reports (the folks who've been fulfilling my duties) and let them know the good news...and the not so good news.  They were all about the good news!  We have lunch scheduled at a little diner for tomorrow--and I'll show up.
What the rest of my returning to the work place will look like, I'm unsure.  But I am clear that my employer gets to decide if they want me to return with those limitations and those facts about the situation.  They're awesome to work for, and I'll trust their decision.  I know they have to make their best decision, given the circumstances and the conditions for release to work.

Yaknow.....I sit here with fingers to keyboard and I know I sound fairly together--understanding, trusting, wanting to be hopeful....willingly honest. 
And truth is, I really am trying to look for the potential in the situation, the opportunities in the challenge.....  

Right now...... all I can fathom--is that sickening pain that comes with a leg that folds under itself from a break.  
That one's fresh in my brain, even after 13 weeks.

That BEST not be what the doc was talking about when he told me 'You'll know..and the x-rays will show it'.

I'm demanding that nifty tie as payment in kind if that's what happens.....

Today's Reading

Many of us, whether we are conscious of it or not, create much of the unhappiness we experience. Our disappointments are the result of our own negative or limited thoughts about ourselves and our world. What are some of those limiting thoughts, those subconscious beliefs, which keep us from experiencing joy and wholeness?

One of those beliefs is that we cannot be fulfilled unless we are loved and accepted by those who are the victims of our past experiences, that we are too old or too set in our ways to change. Still another false idea is, "It's a catastrophe if things don't go my way!" Then, too, there's the self-defeating attitude that to love is to lose, so "I'd better prepare for the worst to happen because it will."

Two more irrational beliefs are, "I have no control over my happiness and I want life to be easy and without hassles; therefore, I'll avoid discomfort or any new commitments."

TODAY I will see each disappointment in my life as a challenge to discover the negative or limited beliefs which keep me from seeing myself as a person of unlimited resources and potential.

Monday, March 11, 2013


LAURA'S fault!!!!

I'm gonna get my little self into the garage....get the bubbles......and make 'em swirl and dance and celebrate in the.......gray sky.


Yes, well.....*ahem*

BUBBLES!!!  :-)
Yup....need to make some!

Right.  That means stairs....and coat and pockets to carry bubbles in.
And hope the bubbles aren't frozen.

Certainly they're not frozen.......

Packet hand warmer thingy!
In case they are.


*snickering*  BUBBLES!!!!!

(k....have some inside, in my purse and in the tub--YES IN THE BATHTUB--could take those.......but gee--where's the fun in THAT?!)

Today's Fairy Thought

Be content to progress in slow steps 
until you have legs to run and wings with which to fly.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Reflection on the Close of Day

Sleeping With Bread!

Let's talk about borrowing troubles...and how I let that get in the way of what it is that I truly want. And self pity.  Let's talk that too--I seem to have an abundant supply of that when I borrow troubles. And let's talk about the skewed perception that happens when you indulge in both of the above.

*sigh*  My greatest desolation is ME.
The minute I let my magnifying mind move from what it is that I'm purposed to do--what my heart desires TO do......I borrow troubles, wrap myself in self pity--and *poof*  ME/MY/MINE shows up to whisper about what it tells me REALLY true.

Yes, I'm having one of THOSE moments.
I know they're prone to happen--and I know I can either buy into them, toss the whole works into the trash and be 'right' (or wrong, depending on how you look at it) about that jazz--or I can decide ENOUGH.

There's always that turning point, that choice, that moment for me.  There's always that wonderful gift of changing my own mind.
Pride/ego is my enemy....or Allie, it would have me believe...
CHANGE YOUR MIND?!  When you'll look stupid to the world around you?  Are you NUTZ?!  You already look stupid enough, dontchathink?
My 'committee' knows exactly where the jugular is.....*sigh*

Yes..........change my mind.

Do I wanna respond to others in loving manner?
Do I want to be perceived as a 'loving person'....(oh, there's a loaded question at this moment in time....)
Do I want to be available to others?
Do I want to appear open and willing?

I look to see what's changed, externally.
What's happened to move me from point A (opened hands and willing) point B (witchy and crabby--and intolerant.....again....).
Such JOY I've had this past week--I'm not making sense of it.
I've read the nightly inventories--looked and looked again.
I cannot make sense of it.......
But it doesn't have to make sense..and I don't have to know the 'why' of it all.  (Ah for the voices that talk louder than stupid committee in my head....thank you for that.)

I WANT it to make sense--to be able to connect the dots.  It helps me detour from the route with the potholes.
Is it required?
No.....not really......

If "X" marks the spot and you're sinking in the quicksand--it's really not the best laid plan to sink while you're trying to 'figure out how you got there'.
Not in a hurried, desperate way.
But a slow, deliberate, purposeful way.

Oh, I'm not 'so far gone' that I've resorted to spouting off and spewing hateful things that would make toes curl as they ran the opposite direction.  I've done enough growing to know THAT'S a stupid plan.
But I've gone so far as to not return a call ....or two.  I've gone so far as to toss the reading book and grumble about the darn fairies......more than once.  (okay.....NOW I can start to laugh at myself cuz I wrote about that earlier this week as a 'red flag'....LOL)  And I've gone so far as to decline invitations for a visitor (twice....) cuz I 'didn't feel like being around people'.

I've spent 13 WEEKS (also known as a quarter of a YEAR) being away from the mainstream of people....

It doesn't matter how I ended up here.
It matters that I sail my ship to the stars and not by every passing ship.

(darn that poster on the wall that's constantly reminding me WHEN I LOOK......)


Start with picking up the reading book that's in the middle of the hallway maybe.........

Dare to Have Joy:

*  getting into something besides a skirt!
*  an awesome sunrise through the fog
*  the wobbly train
*  melting snow!

Fairy Didddy for Today

Life responds not to what we wish or even to what we desire. 
Life responds to a made up mind. 
The moment that you definitely commit yourself, then the Universe moves too. 
Doors open for you that normally would have remained closed. 
A whole stream of events unfolds which leads to the desired outcome.  

Saturday, March 09, 2013



....I ....  put Levis on.
Nonono...seriously.  As in under the brace.
As in for the first time in 3 MONTHS ... I have slacks/jeans ON MY BODY.
As in.....wearing 'em.

Yeah yeah yeah...won't last cuz I don't think they're extremely comfy....cuz they ain't.  But....I got 'em on....

LOL  Shocked he-who-was-speechless. Heck.  Shocked me!'s all good.... ummm....till I haffta use a bathroom.   ROFL


Woohoo!  I have on JEANS!  Holy cow...


You cannot be too gentle, too kind. Shun even to appear harsh in your treatment of each other. Joy, radiant joy, streams from the face of one who gives and kindles joy in the heart of one who receives.
St. Seraphim of Sarov

Friday, March 08, 2013

Winters' Edge


What a lovely group of people the school The Bug goes to has!  I was very pleased.
And she's BIG compared to the other three year olds in the class.  Holy cow is she tall.
She'll have all day pre-school next year and then it'll be kindergarten.....and whoosh!...she'll be in cap and gown, picking up her diploma to become a pemologer.  (she hits grandad up for money every time she's with him--she's saving to be an animal doctor, dontchaknow.....a pemologer.  Yes, another new word alert!  LOL)

And who's here visiting you at school today?
It's your grandma, isn't it!  It's very nice she came.
(big frown on Bug's part...)  "Nono--grandma is far away.  I don't stay at her house.  I stay at Nana's house.    NANA!!"
*laughing*  Bless the teacher's heart for gracefully handling THAT bundle of happiness.

We painted and played with blocks and puzzles--and made suncathers and a pretty cross out of foam.  She sang The Lord's Prayer and fed the fish and showed off her rainbow lizard she coloured (no mention of the timeout and the rainbow barn...LOL)--she said her prayers at snack time, sat quiet for story reading time AND she built a very tall tower that fell down and made a whole lotta noise that excited the whole lot of 3 year olds! (....and one Nana...LOL)  And she ran and leaped and jumped and fell down a lot.  *laughing*  She's three, through and through.

Bit daunting, that snow packed gravel parking lot. Oh...but I made it!  The teachers were wonderful, everyone was very kind--and we had FUN!!!!!  LOTS of fun.
Ummmmm......Bit of a tug of war over the green hula-hoop--but there were two green ones and she finally let go.  LOL  Personally, she coulda took the other kiddo and won...but--sharing is good.  I encouraged the sharing, even!  (LOL  points for me!!)

Oh...and Grandad bought us ice cream afterwards!  :-)
(she had blue sprinkles on hers, of course....)

And the mom who met us to retrieve the Bug.....sent a photo minutes after she got buckled in.

Fast asleep.......clutching her little foam cross.