Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I know it has been almost a year since my last post,
I really want to win these cupcakes!!
Go to
and see how you can possibly win them too!
I really want them though, so you don't have to
enter!! LOL

Saturday, September 12, 2009

March 2009

Will I ever be caught up? It is Sept. and I still haven't done the month of March!! Here it goes...

March 2009

Big month for us!! Our little guy turned ONE!! Time flies by!! Before we get to the big event here is what else happened!!

March 6 Melodie had Activity Days...can't remember what we did...oh wait...we modge podged journals
March 10 Abi had a field trip to the fire station with Miss Bonnie's Preschool
March 10-March 13 Abi was invited to be a part of the Hunter High Drill Team Dance workshop. She had practice every night, and then had a performance Friday night. She was worn out from dance after all of this. She did a great job considering there were TONS of people there to watch all the kids. Not sure if I will do that to her again!! It was a great experience though.
March 11 My mom's birthday...and we received news that my sister had her 3rd baby today also. He gets to share his birthday with grandma. Welcome little (well, he was big...9 lb. 5 oz) Avery Scott Reay.
March 14 My Mom and Aunt Cathy had a Birthday Party for my Grandma Noyes 80th Birthday. It was fun. I can't believe she is that old. Her actual birthday is the 16th.
March 17 Melodie had Enrichment. We did the Relief Society Birthday Party...since it was St. Patrick's Day...we did a St. Patrick's theme. It was fun. I love my calling!!
March 19 Jaxon's 1st Birthday. We celebrated by going to Thanksgiving Point Farm Country. Every year Kenny and I take Abi to the Zoo for her birthday, so we decided we needed to do something for Jaxon. We didn't know what to do, so that is where we ended up.

Jaxon when he was born

March 20 We went and got Jaxon's One Year Old Pictures done. Good times...We also got Brother/Sister pictures done also. Oh, I have such cute kids!!
March 21 The big Birthday Bash...We celebrated Jaxon's Birthday with all the family. We had his party at Kenny's Parents house to accommodate everyone. We had pizza, salad, drinks, and of course cake and ice cream. We did a Madagascar theme since Jax was into and still is the "Move It, Move It" song. He got a lot of great presents!!
March 26 Abi had her first Dentist apt. She did AWESOME!! We went to Granger Medical Pediatric Dentist. Very Good Dentists there, also very cute Jungle Theme!!! All her teeth look great...October will be her next check up and cleaning!!

March 27 Jax had his one year dr. appt. Can't remember all the details...he was 0% in his weight, and 2% in his heighth. The doctor is not worried...I have small kids...he says "Look at the Parents, there not very big either." Nothing to worry about!!

That is all for the month of March!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Congrats to Kenny!!
Kenny is now finished with his Bachelor's Degree!!!
I just wanted to share the exciting news!
He has been SO busy with work and school.
We look forward to having him home a little more!!
Congrats Kenny...I love you so much!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Febuary wasn't as full as January, but here it is...
Melodie was busy with hair appointment's.
Kenny was busy with school and work like always.
Abi and Jax were just themselves, and cute as always.
Feb. 5 Melodie had an MRI done. Long story...annoying story.
Feb. 6 Melodie had Activity Days
Feb. 7 We went to the Draper Temple Open House. Abi loved it. She is very excited about the Temple, and always talks about going to the Temple.
Feb. 12 Abi invited some friends over for a Valentine's Party. They played games, and decorated cookies. It was fun times for Abi.
Feb. 13 Kenny and I went out during the day for Valentine's Day. It was nice to have a date with Kenny. We went to a surprise B-Day party for one of our friends Christian Egan. Kenny called in sick, so it was nice to have a night out with Kenny and friends. Thanks Katie for the invite.
Feb. 14 Happy Valentine's Day. We didn't do much since yesterday we celebrated Valentine's Day. We spent the day with our kids. It was fun.
Feb. 19 Today we celebrated Abi's half birthday at her Preschool. I had to go and talk about Abi for a few minutes. I talked about how Abi was born early, and took a few things that Abi likes. Some of those things were a BYU Football...because she loves BYU, Her Baby Ella, fruit snacks, notebook and pen...she loves to draw, and I can't really remember what else, but it was fun to talk about Abi and the things she loves.
Feb. 20 Activity Days
Feb. 21 Stake Woman's Conference. Carol Makita came and was the main speaker. It was very good. Then we had a little lunch, and then split up to go to different classes. I am so glad that I took the time to go. It was very good for me to go to, and learn new things.
Feb. 28 Went to Kellie's house for a BBQ for Alex's B-Day. It was fun to get together with my family, and glad that Kellie moved back up here from St. George.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


For Mother's Day my actual gift was...


I do need to apologize to Kenny. The whole time he was working on booking a trip to Hawaii. It had nothing to do with the BYU tickets. Man, he is very good. He had me thinking. I have a great husband. He has proven to me that he doesn't think about sports all the time!! Hawaii here we come!!! I just wanted to let you know Kenny isn't so bad after all!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mother's Day

I guessed my gift...I wasn't too happy about it. Am I rude? Well, maybe I I really want the gift for Mother's is a total guy gift. Let me back track...Kenny has been telling me for about a week or two that he knows what he is getting me for Mother's Day. I was kind of excited...Kenny always waits until the last minute. So...he keeps saying..."Well, I hope you will like it". Then he tells me that he will benefit from it. Well, what could it be. I haven't been to nosy about it. He just keeps bring it up. Well, the other day we were at his parents house, and he was on the computer...he yelled at me for even trying to see what he was doing. I didn't know he was looking at my gift or researching it. Oh, the other clue is that I won't be able to see it on our account. Well, yesterday was the day I found out. We were talking about it...I told him there was this book for Mother's that I wanted. He told me too bad. He already knows what he is getting me. A light bulb went off in my head...Are you Ready...drum roll please...BYU Football Season Tickets. Yes, that is what he was going to get me. Let me back up again...We were already planning on getting these tickets...we have been getting them the past few years. His dad buys them, and then we pay him back. That way we can all have seats together. That is why I wouldn't be able to see it on our account, that is why he would benefit from the gift. Well, I told him I don't want that. I am rude, I know, but it is MOTHER'S DAY...not Father's Day. I told him why don't we count the tickets as his Birthday and Father's day gift. It is more for him anyways. Yes, I do like to go to the games, but come on. Okay, now that I have made my husband look bad...he really isn't... sometimes he is like any other husband...they just don't get it. Anyways, I guessed my gift...let's see what he will do now...probably nothing since I made him feel bad. Again...I know I am rude!! GO COUGARS!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

January 2009

This is how our year started...

Jan. 1
Took Christmas Decorations down...the house looks bare...need more stuff to decorate the day!!

Jan. 6
Kenny I celebrated our 5 year anniversary...I always wanted to celebrate it in Hawaii...that didn't happen...instead I asked Kelsey Nixon from The Next Food Network Star...I have the hook ups...thank you Katie and Christian for sharing her...anyway she came and helped me...well I stood around...prepare a dinner...this was all a surprise to Kenny. He fell in love with Kelsey while we watched the show. He had always wanted to meet her when he found out that she married Christian's brother. Anyway, she made an amazing was Salmon, pita bread with Pesto, roasted asparagus, and an apple betty. VERY VERY GOOD!! Then after we ate we went and saw Seven Pounds. Thank you to both parents for watching the kids!!
Start of our week long deserved VACATION!! We drove to St. George late Friday night and stayed with my brother Sean and his wife.
Jan. 10
Got up and met my grandparents and Sean and his wife, and my brother-in-law Alex for breakfast at Village Inn. It was nice to see my family that lives in St. George. After breakfast we drove to Las Vegas and had lunch with Kenny's sister Tara. After a visit we headed out on our destination...Gilbert, AZ...we went there to visit our old neighbors...The Carnavales. It was the LONGEST DRIVE. Abi and Jax ...well, Abi was driving me NUTS!!! We borrowed a portable DVD player, but that did not keep her entertained...LONG DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!! We finally made it to Gilbert about 8:00 this night. We visited...set up our room for the week and crashed for the night.
Jan. 11
Got up and went to church with the Carnavales.
I can't remember what else we did, probably just relaxed.
Jan. 12
We attempted to go to this place called Schnepf Farms when we pulled up it seemed this going to be any good? We then found out that they are closed on Mondays...bummer...will come back. We then drove across the street to this place called Queens Creek Olive Mill. That was more fun then I thought it would be. We went on a little tour of the building and grounds, and got to taste test different olive oils, spreads, and breads. This is a must stop if you are in the area. I learned so much about olive oil it was very interesting, and I just kept thinking how Kelsey would love this place. Kelsey was on my mind since she was just at my house earlier in the week!! We went back to the Carnavales and waited for Emerson to get home. We ate really good food all week thanks to Jennae...we saved a lot of money by not eating out, and by staying at their house. THANK YOU Jennae and Emerson.
Jan. 13
Not that great of a day...I found this place that looked like it might be fun on the Internet. It is called Park of The Canals/Botanical Gardens. VERY DUMB. Well, we did get to see different plants and cactus that grow in Arizona, and we did take a walk on a very dry desert trail...waste of time...wouldn't recommend it as a tourist attraction. I can't remember, but we might have taken a walk to the park by the Carnavales house...we did that several times...when exactly I don't remember. They live in a nice neighborhood with stores near by, and Emerson kept trying to convince my that he had a Realator waiting to meet Kenny and I to show us some houses. Jennae and Emerson...I do love having you as neighbors, but Arizona...not my cup of tea weather for the summer :)
Jan. 14 After being bummed from the day before we decided take a drive to a place called Tortilla Flats. This was very fun, very small town if you want to call it that. It is a ghost town, and the pop. is 6. Yes, the people who own the town are the only ones that live there. Very fun, they even get mail delivery there. Check out their will make you want to visit. A lot of history packed in this little town.

Jan 15
Well we went back to Schnepf Farms hoping they would be open this time...we really wanted to take the kids here. Nope...they would be opened tomorrow...we were going home tomorrow. Kenny talked to one of the owners and he said that we could just go in and let the kids play and look around. This place is would be really fun to go to if it was open. Tons of fun stuff to do. None of the animal were out, but we got to play in there playground area, and go check the place out. They even have amusement rides. We will come back when we make another trip. Next time though we will make sure they are open. Later that night we went to dinner at Organ Stop Pizza. That was fun we ate pizza while this lady played the organ. It was very fun and different. The last stop of our Arizona trip with the Carnavales was the Mesa Temple. Abi was so excited to go. She thought that she was going to get married and get garments. It blew me away when she told me she wanted to get garments. We were talking about going to the Temple earlier in the day, and she tried to pull my shirt down and tell me she wanted to get garments at the Temple. Funny thing is I have never sat down and talked to her about garments. I hope that she will always have the desire to go to the Temple...I hope I can teach her well enough. Anyways, Abi loved the Temple, and it was nice to take her there.

Jan. 16 Well it is time to leave Arizona...we had so much fun with the Carnavales. Emerson had to work every day, but Jennae was able to join us in all the fun we had. Hopefully next time Emerson can get time off work, so he can not be stuck working while we are out having fun. On the way home from Arizona we stopped at the place called Out Of Africa
This place was AWESOME. THIS IS A MUST SEE. We got to feed a giraffe and a camel. We also saw a ton of animals up close...I mean right out of the bus window close. It was so neat. After that stop we drove back to Las Vegas to stay the night with Tara. We went to dinner with Tara and Raleigh, and then Raleigh drove us down the strip. Thank you Raleigh and Tara!!

Jan. 17
We got up and drove to St. George. Our plans were to just have lunch with my sister Kellie and her family, and then go home. Well, time got later and later, and we decided to stay the night at her house. We didn't come home like we had planned. If I would have known we were going to stay I would have stayed in Vegas longer, and maybe done a little shopping!! Thanks Kellie and family, we had fun staying with you.
Jan. 18
We drove back home. It's nice to be home, but I hate being back to reality. Back to life. It was such a nice vacation. I did not enjoy the long drive though. Maybe next time we can fly...probably not...too expensive...especially because Kenny doesn't want to pay for Abi to fly.
Jan. 19
Jax got his first haircut...his first haircut on his 10 month b-day. What great timing!! He did okay for a minute...then he hated it!! Oh, my little guy is so handsome. I can't believe how much hair I cut off. Thank you Aunt Holly for taking the pictures of your handsome little nephew!!

Jan. 20
Had Enrichment tonight. We did a Banana Split Relay. We didn't let anyone know that we were going to do service by cleaning the church. It was fun, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Thanks Balmoral Ward Sisters. You are great!!
Jan. 21
Went to a burial service for my sister Stephanie's little girl. Such a tiny little casket. Such a sad story. Steph I hope things get better for you. You are in our prayers all the time. Especially because that is the only thing Abi wants to pray for.

The rest of January
Stayed busy with hair appt., Kenny worked and went to school, Abi went to school and dance, and Jax just growing up!! Getting into things, and learning new things!!
What a fun filled January...great way to start the year off!!