Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Jonana and her Teachers Gifts!

I put these little guys inside the apple shaped card :)

My little Nana wanted to make something for her teachers. So, I made these flowers and the apple cards to go with them. THey came out sooooooooo cute! I think they liked them or at least I hope they did! They are really easy to do and with so many color choices!!! I love using bright happy paper so you can see that in my cards :) I just want the world to be bright and happy! So, if you are not bright and happy stay off my planet LOL! Ok lack of sleep is making me silly! So here is my entrance for the challange at .


This was a fun challange because I used my gypsy for most of this card. I found the little duck and welded him together :) That was so much fun :) Then I used some bling, pop dots and stickles to jazz it up. The inside paper which I should have taken a picture of is the same paper I used for the bow on the little duck.

We have two new babies in our family this year, both little girls this challange is one challange where the card I make can actually go to someone.. hehe.. Since I usually make them and hate to give them away! Im such a dork!

Ok so the challange was something for baby at Fantabulous Cricut!

I hope you guys like my little ducky! :) Its my first time using the gypsy to weld two shapes together for a card! WOOHOOO! I learned so much from the Gypsy A-Z video!!!

Bless This Nest

Ok so I worked on something to enter using the Bless This Nest cut from the Sweetheart cartridge :) I decided to use a different font on my card that I welded from the gypsy font. I also changed up and added some stickles on some of my work. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it.

This is the blog bitten by the bug 2 that is hosting this wonderful challange :) Thank you ladies very much!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Cricut Gypsy A-Z video!

Tonight I am up late because I ordered the Cricut A-Z guide for both the cricut and gypsy! What can I say OH MAN!! I learned so much! I cant wait to try out all the new things I learned. I only watched the gypsy video tonight but tomorrow I plan on watching the cricut video. The video's are so worth the money! I say to anyone that does not have them to get them ASAP! So many ideas and so much stuff to learn!! Ok now to off to bed for me I just needed to get this in writing!

Monday, May 31, 2010

My Pink Stamper Father's Day Challange..

Ok so today I worked on this card and FINALLY had the chance to use the Stamps from Pink Stamper. I LOVE how they fit with the cards :) I had this fun sparkle paper I decided to use as sand and this wavy paper that looked like water! I made a sandcastle and this little crab from create a critter cartridge. I also used the clouds from the same cartridge. I still have to say this is my favorite cartridge to date. I am however, going to get the Cindy Loo cartridge as soon as I can. It looks like it has so many adorable cuts.

Thank you all for looking!
This is the link to the pink stamper challenge if anyone wants to participate!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Operation Write Home

Hi everyone! I wanted to participate in the OWH blog hop but my daughter is here for a visit! I am writing this quick note so I can also post my card! This card is made for my brother. He is now in Afghanastan and I miss him very much. He has an 8 year old daughter that just lights up my life. I know its hard on the both of them when daddy is deployed. My son is also in the army and is back from his first tour in Iraq. He will be deployed again by the end of the year.

I never thought much about Memorial day until my son joined the army and I joined the proud band of Military Moms and dads. When I knew my baby was in harms way I just was so terrified and proud at the same time. I knew what he was doing and what it was for. I have never been so proud in my life. Then my brother followed in line and joined and now I am just so proud of them both. No words will ever be able to tell them how much I appreciate everything they do. Now when I see a soldier out someplace I try to make a point to walk up to him or her and tell them Thank you for all they do!

So with that said and before I start crying here is my card and a picture of my son! Enjoy!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Charisma Cardz :)

This is a card I did for a friend that I worked with. Its simple but I think it looks great :) hehe... My daughter helped me with this one and this is what we came up with it. I loved the idea of doing something with circles!! What a fun idea! This is