Robert took a couple days off of work this week to sand down the frames on our windows so we can paint them after we replace all the actual windows in the next few weeks.
The big excitement today was some idiot speeding down our street, lose control of his car, and run into a tree a few houses down from us. I looked out the window to see what had happened and saw someone running down the street, so I looked to see where he was running to when the neighbor across the street ran out of her house screaming at him not to ditch. Turns out it was the driver running away.
We're looking forward to our summer plans visiting family. We have my family reunion in June, my brother's wedding in July, and Robert's sister's wedding in August, plus Robert wants to do a camping trip in September. Any tips on traveling with a two/three/four/five month old? We'll be driving ten hours in June and flying for both the weddings.
Okay, here's the pictures.