December 22, 2013

Omaha cont.

Friday morning the cousins met up to play some more.  We went to the movies later that morning.  The big boys went to Thor 2 and us gals took all the troops to Frozen.  Fun times.

Frank and Sophia continued their love affair.
Poor Jill was sick all Thursday night missed out on the show.  Aaron got sick on Friday night.  It was no fun for anyone.  Good thing the bugs didn't last long.
Risk battle #2
Hot tub time machine at the hotel.  Cute cousins.
Pool time!

Grandma & Grandpa stopped by for a visit on Saturday morning to watch all the pool fun.
The boys loved the snow & ice at the fountains in front of Cabelas.

Thanksgiving in OMAHA

The Maddox family gathered in Omaha for Thanksgiving this year.  It was FAB.
Wednesday evening we had races outside in the cold.  The race was set to the tune, Run Run Rudolf and they did laps in the front yard.  It was a perfect way to expel child energy.  The kids loved it!  They waved to Grandma on the porch during each lap.  Good times.
 Let the games begin...
 If it wasn't time to play games, it was time to read some books!
 Uncle Kevin is a favorite among all cousins.  He's so fun.
 Wrestle-fest 2014 took place downstairs in the play pit.  Looks like Josh lost this battle with the girls.  
Rainbow Loom was popular with everyone.  The cousins enjoyed making creations together.  
Thursday day while waiting for the bird to cook, we all sat around and had some good laughs.  Here we are discussing the Bros' look-alikes.  Hilariously fun.
 Marshawn Lynch aka Marc
 50 Cent aka Chris
 Ruby got some good loves on Grandpa.  And Little Miss Brooklyn was master chef in the kitchen with Grandma.

 Two beauties.
 The kids LOVED Grandma's turkeys.  She worked hard on them and they turned out great!

 My two favorite goofballs.  I love them so.
 This is the traditional Dad photo op.  Sleeping on the couch.  Some things never change.
 Little Sophia found the bear rocking chair to be perfect for her needs.
Turkey time!  Happy Thanksgiving!
The boys played football outside with uncles.  That was fun.
 Battle RISK.  Game 1.
 Even Rob got in on it via face time.  Hilarious!

 The girls asked for another round of races after dinner.  So off we went.  This time they were more serious and we did some warm ups and stretches.  I love how in the photo below Brooklyn is giving it her all!
 Aaron and Natalie were neck in neck.  

 Little Sophia and Cora made up their own race and was about as cute as can be.

 Brooklyn decided to make a competition for favorite pie.  Everyone voted and the chocolate cream pie won.  Followed by the lemon meringue I believe.  Way to go Mom & Jill, all were delicious!
 Ruby got all worn out.  Poor kid, not sure how that was comfortable?!
 Talent show.  Sophia stole the spotlight with her antics.
Brooklyn had beautiful artwork to show off.
The boys planked for everyone.
 Natalie did some fancy tricks.
Scott caught a quick nap.
 I love my people!

Kevin is thankful for rolls!
Frank made a new bestie, Sophia was all over him.  It was adorable.  I told him that girls look great on him.