November 25, 2007


It's been a GREAT week and it's been nice to take some time to ponder on the blessings we enjoy as a family. Thanksgiving day was fun. In the morning we went and watched Frank play some football with friends from school and friends from church. He thought it was silly we wanted to come with him and said there wouldn't be anyone else there to watch. I didn't believe him--how could I?!? I'm thinking to myself, why would wives not want to watch their sweeties play ball? As we pulled up to the school I heard Frank say loud and clear, "oh, I"m so embarrassed!" My little heart sank a bit, and I kindly reminded him that he need not be embarrassed me or his boys. We were the only cheerleaders on the sidelines, but we were glad to have been there to cheer him on. He played QB and did well.

We enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with our good friend Jenni. Dinner was wonderful and we enjoyed her company. I am thankful for my sweet little family, and all the rest of our family. I am grateful for my parents who are so wonderful and who have taught me well. I am grateful for the blessings that come into my life when I do what I know is right. I am thankful for the beautiful fall weather we've been enjoying. The trees, all the's wonderful! I am thankful for GOOD friends who love me and are fine examples to me. I am thankful for many simple things: books to read to my boys, food to fill our tummies, my morning run with my boys, my best friend Franklin. Right now, there is lots of joy that fills my heart as we approach this season of Christmas. Oh how I love Christmastime! The lights, the music, the decorations, the Spirit. How thankful I am for my Savior.

November 12, 2007

Read anything good lately?

So I just have to post this picture, because Sam is a little man. He's so dang funny and this picture just makes me laugh. He loves to read and we find him reading books in every room of the house---even while he's taking care of business. I walked in on him in the bathroom today and he told me to "get out Mom. I'm reading."

I did it!

I'm always satisfied when I set a goal and accomplish it. I'm happy to say that happened this weekend with my first race. Richmond has an annual SunTrust Marathon, and along with it an NTelos 8k. I'm not a marathon runner..and pretty sure I won't ever be after the stunt I pulled on Saturday. My experience was bitter-sweet. I hit my goal time and ran the 4.96 miles in 40:28 (HOORAY!). But, I don't recall the joy of crossing the finish line. Yep. I passed out, and it was pretty disappointing upon coming out of my delirium. I have learned my lesson for next time though: being sick+taking meds+running nearly 5 miles=not a great idea. After puking a few times, two bags of IV fluid and some rest, I was able to leave the first aid tent with my dandy medal. Josh wore it all day. He was so proud of me. He even brought it to show and tell today at school. Frank wasn't able to get a photo of me crossing the finish line, but he was able to shoot one of me in the first aid tent. Geez, lucky me?!

I'll definitely do another run, perhaps in the spring, and will make sure I'm smarter about the way I approach things. Considering it was my first go--finishing 30th out of 428 women in my age category isn't too shabby. My boys took care of me the rest of the day because I was a complete disaster, and Frank even surprised me with a lovely bouquet of roses. That's my sweetie--he's the BEST!

November 7, 2007

under the weather

The sick season is upon us already. And it's absolutely NO fun! Josh and Sam have had a yucky cough/cold and we've been trying to lay low this past week. Frank and I both feel it may be our turn next, but I am praying that I don't get it too bad because I have a race this Saturday (8k) that I'm running in with my girlfriend Drea. We hope to finish it in 40 minutes, that is our goal. Tonight I went to a "Tastefully Simple" party, and it was pretty cool. I'd never been to one before, and it had some yummy products. Since we've been hanging out around the house, I've been able to do some reading lately by a Christian author, Max Lucado. Very thought provoking and I've enjoyed them very much. One is called The Christmas Candle, the other is A Heart Like Jesus.

November 1, 2007


Josh got to start the day off with a Halloween party at his preschool. He was the Ninja Turtle, Carter was a Cowboy, Makayley was a witch (along with her Mom & younger sister). They missed having Victoria there and hopes she feels better soon! The day was full of fun treats. Sambo finally agreed to his monkey suit after realizing he was missing out on candy--and being banished to the car with me. He was so cute once he got rid of all his angst. We walked around the neighborhood with our amigos Amy, Derek & little Kurtis. Happy Halloween! Oh, and I just had to post this last pic of my Momma, the witch. She won the costume contest at her work. Yeah Mom!