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Showing posts with label Gold Ruby Light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gold Ruby Light. Show all posts

February 27, 2017

Test Results :: Gold Ruby Light

This is Reichenbach Gold Ruby Light (RL2013), a light to medium transparent pink.

For me, this colour ended up anywhere from completely colourless to a pretty, deep medium pink colour. It's a striking colour, and I had some trouble getting decent colour out of it in my smaller beads, which is my problem and probably not an issue with the glass.

I found this colour very difficult to strike in the small spacers that I made, but it struck a bit more easily for me in my larger test beads.  I found this colour a little bit scummy, and it's also quite stiff. Reducing does not seem to alter its colour or surface finish.

On top of Gold Ruby Light, silver develops a crusty appearance.

I had bad luck encasing a solid mass of this colour - you can see here in the middle bead that one side of the bead just sort of fell off.  It didn't crack in the middle on the mandrel line, so it was definitely a compatibility crack. Like some of the other pinks, I guess this one isn't very encaseable -- maybe due to a viscosity clash with runnier glass. I made another bead with only a thin layer of Gold Ruby Light in it, and kept an eye on it for a few months, and it didn't crack.

In the rightmost bead, you can see that encasing silver foil with Gold Ruby Light turns the silver a golden colour.

I don't have much to say about these beads.  Gold Ruby Light isn't very reactive for a pink and didn't astonish me with it's interaction with silver glass.

The only real reactions that I see in these beads are some separation in the Copper Green and Peace on top of Gold Ruby Light.

Something that I appreciate about Reichenbach Gold Ruby Light is that it doesn't turn Ivory black the way other pinks can, although the pink colour of it is so gentle that it doesn't really show very well on top of it. Reichenbach Gold Violet didn't do it either.  I wonder if Pink Lady does?  I guess I'll find out sometime after I've used up all of my Gold Ruby Light, which is going to take a while since I'm not that into it :)