“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

march birthdays are as follows:
cameron, happy 9th birthday buddy
jared happy 29th. almost there little brother
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i realized i missed some birthdays last month so here goes and bare with me:

happy 10th birthday to my christopher

happy 31st birthday to my bro justin. thanks for being a friend
to my love. happy 36th!!

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so its been a year as of february 24, and i just want to take a moment to reflect on the love and respect i have for this man. he was a great dad and grandpa, and respected by all who knew him. we love you dad and miss you everyday
one thing for sure is that he loved all his boys and they loved him. he always said "i love my boys"
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

so this is a moms proud day. austin received the priesthood and mom cried. almost everyone was there!!! he even shed some tears. it was so great. he quoted the 13th article of faith when he was sustained in sacrement meeting. so proud of him.

afterward we had the fam over for the yearly superbowl gathering and birthday celebrations for austin, christopher and my cute little 1 year old nephew cohen. he was loving the cake as you can tell and christened my kitchen floor to prove it.

they are getting so big and i am getting sooo old. my boys arent babies anymore..tear...

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Friday, January 23, 2009

bloggety blog...i dont really have any new pictures to share but all is well. justin is still working like crazy trying to finish with the new company takeover but found out that it will be well worth it when they told him they were going to completely remodel his store. yeh!!!! the boys are doing great. austin just finished with midterms and the other 3 boys are getting ready for track break soon. oh by the way...justin and i celebrated our 13th anniversary tuesday. can you believe it?? i cant and austin will turn 12 on tuesday. wow. am i really that old. he is so excited to have the priesthood and be in ym's. he will be ordained super bowl sunday, which means dad cant ditch church although we are still having the old page annual super bowl party. go arizona!!! anyway hope all is well

Monday, January 12, 2009

and again and again and again......

ok so my kids have a new found love and its the skate park. such a fun place for boys. jumping, leaping, riding, skating and even falling
getting bumps and bruises is a plus for boys. "this is the cool move i was doing when i got this!" awesome...lets do it again...

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my bright star

austin had he first orchestra performance and mom was so proud. he is doing so well. they were actually supposed to perform the day it snowed so bad but of course due to the weather it was posponed.
isnt he so cute...he looks like a pro
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