
Funny way of sleeping

So after I put Bella to bed she cried for a while and then finally gave in. Just before me and Aaron go to bed we always check on her to see if she needs her blankets back on etc... To our surprise this is how we found Bella sound asleep! We laughed so hard.
I guess she was just too tired to get all the way into her bed!! At least her head was comfy on her pillow


Halloween Fun

We had a few days of Halloween Fun! I really enjoy this Holiday and I try to make it fun for Bella even though she doesn't really understand it all! One of the first things we did was go to a Halloween party at Bellas favorite cousins Mayce and Riley's house they had lots of fun playing and painting pumpkins! Bella loves Pumpkins she called it momma pumpkin i thought it was cute! I made some yummy Halloween fingers! And Bella looked just too cute in her Halloween outfit

On Thursday I finally went and bought a pumpkin and there was hardly any left so we just got one and Bella didn't like touching the insides very much but she did enjoy eating it which was very odd to me and she just loved the seeds! We bought a cute little kit that had like light brights and it made it easier for Bella to have a part in it!

Then on friday we went to help out at my nephews party and they had a little haunted house and we dressed up and tried to scare all the kiddies!! For Halloween we went trick or treating in old town poky to all the little shops and that was fun and then we went to the churck to trunk or treat and Bella got tonz and tonz of candy and we also came home with a new kitten!! For those who don't know we got a kitten a few weeks ago and then it went missing and Bella was so sad and so this kid was giving it away and it was too cute to say no to! But all in all we had a great time and I hope Bella enjoyed it as much as me!


A day at the Zoo

So after a day at Lagoon we decided to go to hogle zoo the next day! we had a lot of fun and I was so excited that my dad was able to go with us and enjoy his grand baby!

Aaron, Bella and Papa!

Bella loved the monkeys i think cuz we always call her a monkey girl!

I thought it was cute that with this huge tiger Bella just thought it was a nice little meow meow

It was a great day and i was glad to spend it with those that are dear to my heart!


trip to lagoon

Okay so I am a little behind... We went to lagoon with Aarons family and my mom in August and had a blast!! Bella didn't show a ton of excitement in her little face but she didn't cry either and she just kept going on the rides and loved it. Her favorite one was the little gas cars she took her driving very serious! (hopefully she still does when she is a teenager!) She rode the rides with her cousin Weston who is a month older..She calls him wessy it was so cute he was a little scared and would cry and Little Bella was such a good little mommy and just held his hand on the ride to make him feel better! Every time she heard music she had to dance her little heart out! people were watching her more than the performers. Me and my mom enjoyed our favorite ride the tilt a whirl oh how I heart it!! we went on it so much i was so dizzy but loved every minute of spinning and laughing (more like chuckling!!) Also Bella's daddy won her an Abby Caddabby doll she was one happy girl.. and I almost forgot I was talked into going on the wicked and i have never been so scared in my life the whole park im sure heard me and my not so good words!


Is it yogurt or Lotion?

Well again I thought I would give Bella a snack this time yogurt! But I think she just thought it was pretty purple lotion because she just kept rubbing it in her hands!! And with her jam sandwich she just licked the jam off and left the bread!!She had to have a bath after this snack!!

4 years!

So Aaron and I just recently celebrated our 4th anniversary! We were married in the Idaho Falls Temple on July 29th 2005! I can't believe its been four years already how time flies! We have had some bumpy roads and some smooth roads thru the years but Im glad we work on things every day so that we can be together for many more to come! I am very grateful for my wonderful husband!


Snack pack pudding!!

Well the title says it all!! The other day I thought oh Bella would probably like a snack and I thought since she does pretty good with her spoon that a snack pack pudding would be great! well I turned my head for like two seconds and she was covered in it! I really don't think much if any got in her mouth. Needless to say I will be helping her with the next snack pack!