The Thomasons Love You!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
...aaaand I'm back!
I'll start off first with pictures off Todd and I after we ran our 5k. Honestly, we look pretty good! Just imagine me running off and leaving Todd to take down the tripod because right after we snapped the picture I had to take off (and so began the nightmare 24 hour bug). I'm hoping the next 5K I run won't be prior to the stomach flu (and maybe my time will be faster!)
This weekend we had to fight to get there, but we had a date in Kansas City. We had tickets to the World War I Museum, and in order to make sure we had a full stomach before we went, we stopped at Oklahoma Joe's. We had an hour long wait, but it was worth it! I could eat there every day!
After OK Joe's, we headed off to the museum. We really enjoyed it and learned a lot about the world climate during that time. The museum is really well done, and has a lot of great videos and exhibits.
After the museum, we headed over to Cheesecake Factory for some delicious pasta and of course, cheesecake! I was a little annoyed with all of the Art Fair traffic, but Todd is a much more patient driver than I, and we ended up finding a great spot and had only a 15-minute wait! All in all, it was a really great and relaxing day!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Do you ever...
Look at your schedule and get irritated?
This is what I'm experiencing:
*I spend all week jumping through hoops at my job to get the work done when I wish I could just teach and grade papers and GO HOME! Now, my district feels it is necessary to schedule MORE after school meetings and put me on MORE committees. Um, hello? Do you WANT us all to be burnout by October? We're following improvement plans, followed by implementation of team and individual goals in addition to more district training, and I mean, can you let me enjoy my job for TWO seconds before I have to be worried about the next check on someone else's to do list?
*We buy food at the farmer's market only for it to go bad because I get to eat dinner with Todd once or twice per week. His schedule is so full and our schedules do not put us home at the same very often before 10 pm most of the week. I hate it.
*I look forward to the weekends only to have the stomach flu hit me. This is the 2nd time I've been sick in the 5 weeks of school. CMON!!!! Can I get a break please?
I apologize for the rant. My weekend was suddenly sucked away and I sure am FEELING IT! I'm trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel, which involve lots more sleep, less work, and more of my husband!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Conversation with a student yesterday during reading group after we had discussed the prefixes for a WEEK last week.
Me: So, who remembers what the prefix un- means?
Student: "UNDO!"
M: No, what is the meaning? the definition of un-?
S: UN!!
M: No, that's the prefix, whats the meaning?
M: No, that's a word that has the prefix un-...but that's a good word that uses un!
And then I gave up and gave him the answer.
And yet, I think that slooooowwwwwwly, they are getting it!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Happy Wednesday!
Today I had a student (my problem child, so it was no surprise) scribble a death threat aimed at me on his desk.
Happy Wednesday!
(and Thursday will be better since he is now suspended!)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
No Pictures
I know posts without pictures are boring, but too many can be overkill too, right?
Anyway, we are alive over here. Todd started school and has been REALLY busy. I can't believe how much he accomplishes every day. He'll go from 7 am-10 pm with only breaks for lunch some days. If I do that I'm grumpy, but he always comes home nice :) I love him!
School is settling down. I had several weeks of freaking out. I have a few toughies and one in particular really threw me for a loop and made me feel like I was going to go crazy or quit or both! I still have a tougher crowd than last year, but we are adjusting to each other. I think we will be okay! I had to sit back and keep reminding myself they are still young (2nd graders!) and that I couldn't push them too hard to be 3rd graders before they are ready. I'm learning to savor the good moments of the day and let the yucky parts float away. And I'm doing a LOT of praying! I know it's helping!
I am getting excited for fall in Kansas. I LOVE fall here. The trees turn and the weather cools. I am looking forward to the decorating and the smell of leaves and the Halloween fun! Fall is my favorite season! I'm hoping that it will be cool enough to go bike riding and play tennis....we are almost there!
Anyway, that's the update for now. The Thomasons are happy!
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