Monday, August 20, 2007

Em, this one's for you!

Emily was offended that I didn't list her as one of the reasons we are excited to go to Boise, which was so silly of me, because OF COURSE, we are excited to see her and Tate! It will be nice to actually have real friends in the town we live in. Em is currently a teacher up in Boise, and so she will be my go-to for advice about teaching. Hopefully, we will also force our husbands to be friends too, although I'm not sure about that, because Tate seems a bit more die-hard about sports. However, Todd does love March Madness, so maybe we can get him to make some time to actually watch it this spring! Anyway, this picture is of course from Em's wedding, they are both so cute, and the "old marrieds" out of the rest of us, they've been married (2...3 years?? I can't remember...longer than me!) We are excited to see you!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

don't be anonymous!

I left Todd's camera cord at work, so no cool pictures of us in a limo quite yet. I wanted to let those of you who do read this that I customized the blog so that you can leave anonymous comments...kind of! This means that those of you who want to comment, and don't have a google account (like my mom and mother-in-law) can leave comments anyway. So comment away, just say hi, anything, but make sure you let me know who you are!


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Things We Are Looking Forward To!

Being as it is the end of the summer, Todd and I have a few things we are looking forward to. The first is of course, having a life. During the summer, we have basically been eating, sleeping, and breathing pest control, and as a result, we have gotten numerous colds, no sleep, and have been forcing ourselves to eat at 10:30 pm, by which time neither of us are really hungry. We have dreams about pest control (yes, even me, I had a dream Dad bought pest control and I was trying to figure out how Todd could make money off of it), we talk about pest control when we come home, and the first phone call in the morning usually wakes us up, and yes, it is always about pest control. So, we are sick of pest control and ready for these things to happen:

1. Our first fun thing after moving into our apartment will be to meet up with my fun parents in Rexburg. We are way excited to see them and have another mini reunion, and show them a place that has become one of my "homes." We are counting on Mom to come up with the plan, and it will be fun to hang out!

2. If you grew up in Delmar, DE, you grew up loving football. Add to that a Steelers-loving Grandma, and getting to be a student at not one, but two NCAA Division I schools, and it just gets better. I am so excited to see the Broncos play on the blue turf (and will be sure to keep track of the Cougars too!)

3. We are looking forward to being in Boise! We are excited about the prospect of living in a new place, discovering new things we love, being close to a park, going back to school, actually buying real furniture (that's more me than Todd), and having a new little apartment to call home.

4. Yes, of course, we are excited to live 15 minutes from a Cheesecake Factory. Expect us to have gained weight when we see you next!

5. Usually it's late October or November when I start thinking about Christmas songs, but I was singing Christmas songs YESTERDAY!! What is wrong with me?? So yes, I suppose I am already excited for Christmas.

6. Todd and I are taking a trip to Vegas in October or November, and we're pretty excited. We don't have any way fun plans, and we've both been there, but never together. I love the Bellagio water show, so I'm glad I get to see it again. It'll be nice to take a breather from classes and enjoy our free dinner at Planet Hollywood :)
So yea, instead of dwelling on this summer, we are definitely looking forward to getting out and having a life again!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Cutie pie

It would be an understatement to say that this has been a hard summer for Todd. He would never say it, but it's been mildly crappy, yet still mildly good. Work life, ick, home life, great (except that when you have a crazy employee, work tends to come home). So, in honor of my husband, I would like him to know that SOMEONE appreciates him. Here is a list of some of the things he does that I'm really grateful for:

1. He does the dishes. I hate the dishes, and he'll do them even after a long day at work. Now THAT is love!

2. Every morning before I would go to school and work, he would go outside in 0 degree weather and turn on my car so that it was warm by the time I got in. He usually did this around 6:45 or 7 am, even though he didn't have to get up that early.

3. He lets me borrow his car on days when I run errands, so that I don't have to die sweating in my broken A/C car.

4. The boy knows how to stay out of debt. Which is good because I'm really good at being in debt.

5. We're moving to Boise just so I can finish getting my teacher's certificate. He is putting off potentially good job offers in other areas so I can follow President Hinckley's counsel to get all of the education I can.

6. He is a much better communicator than I am. I have a lot to learn from him.

7. He doesn't give me grief when I come home with another pair of shoes, or a new shirt (which is more often than he would like). Sometimes he'll say, "Don't you already have one of those?" (which I, of course, don't), but he'll tell me it's cute and go on.

8. He still opens doors for me, and that is EVERY door, except doors where it would be tricky. I order first, I do everything first. What a gentleman!

9. He is still nice to me, even when I get mad. I'm not nice to people when they're mad at does he do that?

10-14. He is honest and thoughtful. He is a better listener than I am. He reads a lot, learns a lot, knows a lot. I guess those are all different things, but kind of related, right? He has opinions, and concrete, thought-provoking reasons and information for why he has those opinions.He is one of those people I can go to if I need an answer, and he most likely knows it. He isn't pretentious about all of this knowledge he has, he is still very humble and kind to people, and will never rub their mistakes in their faces. But most of you already know that if you know Todd.

15. We don't argue. Well, I argue. But he never argues back. Mostly because he is better at not saying things he doesn't mean, and he doesn't believe in arguing about petty things (as a female, it's in my genetic makeup or SOMETHING!)

Alright, I'm sure most of you have tuned out by now, so I apologize if this got too cheesy. But I really do have an AWESOME husband. I love you Todd!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Slow week...

To prove that we really aren't doing that much this summer except working (especially Todd), here is a picture of Todd playing with a straw. Sorry for the quality of the pictures, they're from my camera phone, and about as good as it gets for now.

Meanwhile, babysitting for some families in the ward has kept me busy. This is M, who is 1 1/2 years old and very, very good! She was fascinated by the red phone.

The two boys, B and MH, who are 3 and 6, not so curious about the red phone. They were, however, fascinated with DuckTales. I hadn't seen DuckTales in about a thousand years and so it was fun to see it and slowly remember Mr. Launchpad and the grandma duck (I already forgot her name). Moreover, I really enjoyed dancing with M and B, and singing, "DuckTales! Woo-ooo!" every time a new episode started. Yeah, I think they liked my singing and dancing!

M and I. She was starting to figure out I was taking pictures of her. Then, she decided she liked the sound the phone made when it flipped shut, so I would open it for her, and then she would shut it, and giggle. Rinse, repeat, a few more times. I decided it probably wasn't good for my phone (even though it was kind of my idea in the first place) to be opening and shutting all the time, so the red phone went to bed.

Anyway, that's our update. That, and I bought my books yesterday. Single, double, triple YUCK. Hopefully, these books will be useful for a career, and I won't mind actually having them taking up space in my house. One of my classes is teaching math to elementary school kids, probably the subject that will be my least favorite (how do you describe prime numbers to 3rd graders? I tried it once, they were like, what do you use THOSE for? I wasn't really sure, to be honest!)

Hope this post finds you all well. Sounds like the Ross'/McCabe are living it up in summer, maybe, next summer!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Since I know...

...that she's at least ONE person who reads my blog, I wanted to say hi to Sandra from Todd and I! We love you and Nicholas, and we can now appreciate the 20 degree weather, even if we don't exactly want to go back to it!