March 9, 2011

Go Utes

Girls Day

My cousin, my sister and I had a super fun filled girls day. Their was some crafting, eating and exchanging of toys. My wonderful cousin gave me so many new toys for my ADD child. You know it was a good day when you can't find everyone amongst the chaos.

I love these girls!

Look at this, wonderful new toys and he wants to read his book. I'm a little proud.

Genius at Work

So I was baking squash the other night and realized I forgot to fill the pan with water. I'd just stuck it in the oven, but it turns out it heats up very quickly. I tried to fill it really quickly, which was a big mistake. I took a picture.

New Toy

I swear he likes it now.

February 23, 2011

New Hat

My awesome cousin Cortney came to visit and brought two of her three super cute kids. We had such a nice time just sitting around and talking. It's wonderful to have friends to talk to about parenting and such. The whole time we were conversing she was making a hat. Seriously, how cool is that? She made a hat for Lucas in the few hours we hung out. So then she had to get a picture of him in said hat. This turned into a new game. She would get her camera ready, put the hat on his head and he would pull it off and giggle before she could snap a picture. He truly thought this was the most fun game ever. I don't know if she ever got a picture. Then I tried to take a picture of him in the hat. Most of them looked like this.......
This is the only half decent shot I got. The only downside to this fun game is that now he refuses to wear a hat when we go outside and it's freezing. When he grows up and has lost his ears from frostbite I'm telling him to blame Cort. He won't be able to hear her apologize though, you know with the loss of ears and all.

New favorite pastime

Throwing all the burp rags in the basket all over. In fact anything that is in anything that can be totally scattered constitutes fun.

So close

He is so close, when is this kid gonna crawl?