Tuesday, December 27, 2011

bread pudding

last weekend cuti panjang..semua adik beradik turun Ipoh. mama pun sama.. wuhuuu..
but.. me and husband xtau nk bawak diorg pegi mana sbb rasanya xbyk tempat yg menarik pun kt sini...sape2 dari Ipoh sila la bg idea. terima kasih.
bosan2 buat bread pudding. nak lagi sedap makan dgn vanilla sauce.
nak resipi? google aje. hahaha. bai

Friday, December 2, 2011

1st anniv

18 Nov was our anniv.
soft choc chip cookies specially baked for him. recipe here.
he bought satay Bota (which is quite famous here) for dinner. wash the dishes together..lipat kain sama2 sambil tgk tv..
so..thats it! romantic tak? =P
tak perlu fancy2.
as long as he;s there for me.